Saturday, February 10, 2024

Oid difficulty

I have a Government signaller implanted. The Electrical Lighting resembles in part Sci-Fi Apocalypse reference that came together without my knowledge. Space 1999 matter of balance 2:04 - 2:09 & the Alien IBM Laptop Screen.

Further to the recent Belgium Mushroom Cloud images attacks on the Roof have poured Water over Electrical Wiring. There is cooperation between DWP keeping me short of repair money & Night break-in organised at CID, meaning an authority over both. The fizzing Electrics make a joke of a Gov. timing Signal.

Matter of balance Quote: "The Whole Planet's just disappeared Right from under us" Clock 46:30

Apocalypse warning ignored 

The Roof cut indicating a Belgian Mushroom Cloud is still not repaired because of staunch idiocy. Money is taken to forbid a Private Pension amounting to anything, without due care. ICBM are expected in UK Skies One Week after. No right to live upon the Earth.

Blame Game

Oids & Human Hemisphere hope to disperse, the Bodysnatched Host is traditionally Eye Pierced through the Brain blame dying with them. Outnumbering prevents their responsibility.