The Archangel Michael

Tuesday, February 13, 2024

Belgium Bomb

 An Alien Control Panel connected to the Self Destruct Panel by likenesses here has an Image of the Roof UK Gov. were warned not to cut.

Idiot CID removed replacement Plastic from the Store & the Cabinet refused to stop ripping off my income for critical repairs, having failed to prevent. Suspected Avianoid domination. Clock 57:54

Avian: control operator is Biblical Peter, various constituent Oids. World leading Paranormal Photography is ignored: Roof Cut, Materials removed from Shops, Finance targeted through the DWP, constant break in with Punching & Slashing. Police & Home Office directly responsible.


Avianoid & Humanoid knowing times & locations believe they can reduce competition for authority & finance.

Monday, February 12, 2024

Patriarch kirill

The Patriarch is working with me to find solutions to Dim-Wits wanting aggressive control in what is obviously a Church investment: Aylesford area.

Will Smith: Avian in the Shadows.

Questions are raised about Birds hidden in the Movie. A Dark upward Dick suggests engineered jealousy about Kate sneaking here, another "Milly" facial scarring. "Will Smith" indicates Crafting for William, having French competitor William the Conquerer's implant. Clock: 1:02:01

Investigate: Railway St. Dentist ownership 80s, negative surgery on my upper Lip using Knockout Gas, Childhood. Apocalypse related negativity. Avian implant Suspects.

Jonesy the Cat in the following scene suggests an Avian Oid with Kate that has been here. 

Bolt Movie

Evil Dr. calico is Ben Elliot, Johnson, Major, May Family representative.

Moriah Signal

A Hibernating Queen Bee stumbled about yesterday & had to be put somewhere safe. White Flowers for Kate's Left Hemisphere in the Lower Garden. Ordinarily Mirrored operation confuses.

Belgium Nuke

The Global War prompt is desired for a Brussels Crowd but is possibly defused by relocation to Hanover Germany, source of Kent Nazi disruption.

Sunday, February 11, 2024

Dull witted Government contenders

Progress with talks about Medway post Apocalypse are futile. They all want to deny Local Democracy, the cause of Apocalypse old. God operates a Democratic Government above & beneath. Robbers contend enslaving for wealth & importance.

With God all Spirits are equal, responsible to the collective. We have to expect Desolations until the Robbers are Dead. The Local problem was set off by God for lack of control in Europe, Africa etc. & prospects West in our future.

Arguably nobody operating locally could control their actions in those days.

Family Screensaver

Try this to put the usual sticky Fingered & abusive House Raiders off. Only Bolt fittings forbid. WARNING! Night access is usually undetected however legitimises serious options by claims they could have done anything.

Making Sci-fi stuff at home is easier especially because of Christmas Tree LED 
functions. I used Solar Panels for Batteries, Radio & basic Lighting suitable for a Shed.

Unmatched 45 yr old Sci-fi

This clip is from the acclaimed Sexy Scene in Alien. There has been no comparable Direction. The same Year as Space 1999 having some of the Crew & bigger budget.

Saturday, February 10, 2024

St. Luke

Cara intruder has been reidentified Luke, Luka Song & Luke Skywalker, formerly believed Coilus & Crucifixion Right side, still identified Adam. The Dodgy Sci-fi makers made Jesus the Wookie.

🐦: Piss off

The Birds are held in contempt for using feeders near the Roundabout & Lamped by David's authority. The recent Signals were a nuisance to them & had to be moved West.

Oid difficulty

I have a Government signaller implanted. The Electrical Lighting resembles in part Sci-Fi Apocalypse reference that came together without my knowledge. Space 1999 matter of balance 2:04 - 2:09 & the Alien IBM Laptop Screen.

Further to the recent Belgium Mushroom Cloud images attacks on the Roof have poured Water over Electrical Wiring. There is cooperation between DWP keeping me short of repair money & Night break-in organised at CID, meaning an authority over both. The fizzing Electrics make a joke of a Gov. timing Signal.

Matter of balance Quote: "The Whole Planet's just disappeared Right from under us" Clock 46:30

Apocalypse warning ignored 

The Roof cut indicating a Belgian Mushroom Cloud is still not repaired because of staunch idiocy. Money is taken to forbid a Private Pension amounting to anything, without due care. ICBM are expected in UK Skies One Week after. No right to live upon the Earth.

Blame Game

Oids & Human Hemisphere hope to disperse, the Bodysnatched Host is traditionally Eye Pierced through the Brain blame dying with them. Outnumbering prevents their responsibility.

Identity Struggle

Ordinary accuracy is fouled by Family dispute. "Thief" Crucified on Jesus Right was, Samuel the "Prophet" explained by ordinary Residential Prophesy upon the Hill, no Priesthood required. Believed to be Veronica's other Hemisphere BC Intruder Eve or Seth.

Jesus Body was preserved by Spearing the Eyes of others & his Cheek:


21 Swear now therefore unto me by the LORD, that thou wilt not cut off my seed after me, and that thou wilt not destroy my name out of my father's house.

22 And David sware unto Saul. And Saul went home; but David and his men gat them up unto the hold.


1 And Samuel died; and all the Israelites were gathered together, and lamented him, and buried him in his house at Ramah. And David arose

David's Eye was Speared on the Tree Image, called Blood Rose, A is upward building like a Pyramid: A-Rose. The Intruder in Solomon was Saul's Intruder at the Death of David.

Quack Pot Duck Legs it

The Abomination of Desolation Duck between Wales & Jock Crowns is upon the Princess of Wales, stitched up with the Elizabeth Left Hemisphere in a Backstreet Surgery.

The Duck Face was identified on the Temple Curtain recently, denying access to the Monarchy having distress. Clock: Christ Age 54, this year. The Self Destruct Interface an IBM Laptop, signals Index Finger. Eurostar Mobile Bomb Aluminium Case probable: Nuclear Message Wales to Scotch Quarter.


Left Leg of Wales has something to do with France


Elizabeth liquidised Shop rents for US Agency via Amazon leaving Charles relatively broke. The resulting Tax increases hit Jocks, Women & Jock Women. The Money Boomeranged to Wales, caught by Elizabeth in Kate, raising concern about Trillion Dollar Belgium Bomb capability.

S' nout in the Trough

Failed COVID Shop Rent is as bad debt, forbidding Trade. A Trough can become a Peak not Flatlining, they want the Shops converted to Flats. It's hoped by the former Queen we will always Shop at US based Amazon.

The IpsosMORI style Council logo is recognisable on the Aluminium Bomb Case / Control Panel. A Face is visible, turned Right Side looking Downward. It means overt or conscious opposition. Cyan means ineffective submissive.

Friday, February 9, 2024


In the East with West available they are about Death often, West Life & overhead Home, the clue is your Head over.

Solar Tech

The Pixil Panels offer a clue, they are far more advanced. Size, Colour, curves, texture. This is the Future:

Dangerous Dogs

The order to put them down followed Chatham CID hiring them to train to attack people inc. me. Freeze frame the Alien self destruct control panel that refers to Apocalypse, bottom Left.
Dogs are known as Door Bolts, hence the Film "Bolt".

Clairvoyant Security

Security related Site content Is suspended. Negative contribution threatening basic workability.

Thursday, February 8, 2024

Alien: Avian

The Film has the same or similar Clock Counter as Space 1999. There is recognisable Crucifixion content for example a disemboweling throwing Blood upon a Veronica Actress.


Content denied because of Further negative payment: Homosexual harrasment. Scotch are a Ginger Rust, unintelligent & self defeating. Their Deafness only responds to attack, recoil. So they wait for ICBM to rain from the Skies before positive action.

UK Gov. Stupid

I was up late last night cooperative with National Security & working through the morning to the Afternoon. Payment is a Food Queue Today & the foreseeable. You deserve to Die, begging for Holocaust. You have no right to exist upon the Earth.