The Archangel Michael

Saturday, November 18, 2023

Declassified: Mobile Phones

A Grid Network for Walkie Talkies has been since the early 70s. The Phones are they with Computer addition to deny or allow service. They are capable of near Communication with another about the distance of a distant operating Mast.

French Crown

Identified as Annette Thompson.

Joan of Arc

Joan is English, Archangel from the Arc in my Back Garden: Resurrection + Ancient Implants. I knew Her as a Child, Pretty, I still think so, Bossy: Janine.

Joan is invited to visit me at home, no Men on the Hill.

Friday, November 17, 2023

Poverty induced Apocalypse

The stolen Nail Message that said avoid was used to Destroy. We have a Critical situation. Life threat by severe Cold, no new equipment available as was rendered each year.

God has told me to complete the Abomination of Desolation platform if my former income is not restored Tomorrow, already too late for this Winter.


The former situation is refused & an equipment payment rendered of the Sum that has closed One Bank Account & Destroyed Equipment leaving us without outside communication even in an emergency. The Queen's "Party" aid has overrun for another without consent.


The Abomination Platform will go ahead. 

Thursday, November 16, 2023

Warnings or Instructions?

It depends who you are when God gives you an Image. Cara has Polar Messages for example. Warnings I received on a Bronze Nail on Moriah were stolen & presented as instruction by Cyber Unit at Kent Police, often Pro Crucifixion.

Blue faked Red

The Gallery refused transfer to Memory Card so I Screen Shot, then everything was deleted & an Apocalypse effort based on poverty begun with the faked reason.

KP have been altering evidence archived for Apocalypse investigation. They changed Images to make the Jegudiel Column appear damaged in several old Photos, missing a more recent One.

In the knowledge that Apocalypse is inevitable we need to look for variables, what can be made lighter on us as a whole, Nation or Individual. Another Crucifixion is an attempt at doubling problems, snuff.

Older Image touched up to cover the Police organised Vandal:

Damaged recently

Shaggy Ink Cap

An edible was successfully introduced last Year.

Open Door

Every time I see an assault signal there is an accompanying Wales Quarter assault. God says every contender is a proxy of Africa Satanic World Administration. The Spirits of Black Men at their origin are like the Hub remaining at Moriah. They will be extinguished.

Moriah Destruction Operative

This Man has been breaking into the enclosure, leaving an open Door for a defenseless Crucifixion.

Wednesday, November 15, 2023


Shoppers leaving Trolleys for a Moriah Global Threat collecting Pound Coins, French Night Break in Operative.

Those who reducing my finances would be funny, Security shambles & regular Apocalypse threats.

Living Word

Shelve Bbles while I am with you God says. I am equal to you in Spirit, it is like a National News delivery & a Local, a Messenger is not responsible for great things. Who sucks up to a wealthy Man without expectation? Without payent the ordinary have no respect & fear causes compliances without payment, with averted Eyes.


Churches labelled Elim take persecuted Community Members with hints of "Island" category gory Death, it means eliminate. The Island Yaght slaughters Fool on the Eve of Destruction, remembering the taking of Moriah.

Black Race: Biblical Satan

God says that Nuclear Destruction is the possession of African invaders joined to Men by Surgery. He said not One Black Race will live following Desolation, including half breeds.

Tuesday, November 14, 2023

Light Sabre Chick

Jesus saves

The Multi Man-portable-Stage Rockets are selling like Hot Cakes in every Country having an effective Army. They are a Defensive layer designed to prevent invasion by denying Air raids that follow Cruising.

I still encourage intelligent harrasment of Aircraft approaching Air Space. The Tables are turned when incoming Alarms go off. They require Radio Broadcast, Liquid Fuel & Water retrieval.

Language of Angels: This Cloud, Wood or Stone category Language is understood in every Nation.

Status Ignorance

I was given an MBE less than Two Years ago, financial attack discredited the Charles administration not me.

Edit Imbecile

Alterations to text here are misrepresentation of God as if greater. There are better times to tolerate an Imbecile in authority.

Christ too Legendary

There were multiple complaints about my Ressurection so that massive negativity reduced me smaller than the Crowns of the Irish, Welsh, Scot, German & French each. There was a Plan to equalise that aught to have made an English Crown greater in England, they are all better cared for still.

Pope Report

The Poop is Tall at CIA & they are Taller than the UK Cabinet.


A Senario where I am Crucified by drugging has been Classified. It was Images upon a Bronze Nail. The Cross of ongoing contempt is supposed to suffice, they said they would not assault me if I moved to the Hill, then continued as before. For the Ancient Crucifixion Apocalypse was wrought & they think another is advisable. I was stabbed during a night assault under David  Cameron's Government & he is made Head of MI6 Today. He has Branson's Umberella, reduce him.
5am Scar, if you don't have One you are relatively unimportant in the last days. I was hit again by House breakers last night.

Global Enemy No.1

The only means of keeping them out of the Light Shelter was Battery operated Alarms. They were seized by Met Police then malfunctioned. Only malfunctioning ineffective Alarms have been available since. Pressure to & beyond the point of Death, find local coercives.

Monday, November 13, 2023


She has been representing Spirit of Janine Frazer a local Flag for a French Family Hierarchy.