Thursday, November 16, 2023

Warnings or Instructions?

It depends who you are when God gives you an Image. Cara has Polar Messages for example. Warnings I received on a Bronze Nail on Moriah were stolen & presented as instruction by Cyber Unit at Kent Police, often Pro Crucifixion.

Blue faked Red

The Gallery refused transfer to Memory Card so I Screen Shot, then everything was deleted & an Apocalypse effort based on poverty begun with the faked reason.

KP have been altering evidence archived for Apocalypse investigation. They changed Images to make the Jegudiel Column appear damaged in several old Photos, missing a more recent One.

In the knowledge that Apocalypse is inevitable we need to look for variables, what can be made lighter on us as a whole, Nation or Individual. Another Crucifixion is an attempt at doubling problems, snuff.

Older Image touched up to cover the Police organised Vandal:

Damaged recently