The Archangel Michael

Saturday, August 31, 2024


Apocalypse related post & research prevention. God says kill that shit before everyone dies. Don't you know I am the only thing between the Death of 8bn expected 2000 yrs? Don't prevent change.

Chatham High St.

Tell Jesus Preachers to get lost, we have our own purity here.


The group are an arm of Elizabeth's Government & are not useful at removing Female Supremacy.

Lizbeth Scott

Cara had an implant from a dominating Woman in 2015, a relative. She is believed to have Eight Brain Hemispheres of Three types, Six very small.

Friday, August 30, 2024

Starmer banned from Moriah

God said Starmer is no longer permitted on the Hill following damage to the Excalibur. The period is One Millennia inc. lifetimes by transplantation.


God says Rishi is demanding Sex wherever he wants & his dick smells of "pakis" according to multiple victims. China have been punishing the UK with finance for dark skin in media & Peerage.

Kent Police vandalising on Moriah

The priceless Veronika Axe, called Excalibur II because of it's same Spiritual authority has been damaged by KP. God says kill the Commissioner.

The Queen of the Altertable Leg can be recognised in the Image, who's Neurosystem part moved to the Princess of Wales, Veronika's Quarter.

Ancient Signal discovered

Flinted Pottery on Moriah has an Elephant Head like the Indian Continent & an Urangutan Head on the other side. Images on the reverse of Signals indicate secret activity concerning. They are Chinese.

Criminal activities @ Kent Police

Adrian Harper, fake name is responsible for the underground intrusion where Children have been taken as well as adults for Kruger nonsense, & murders inc. "Cot Death" during Anesthnetised sex games in Communities. Someone bent his Nose.

Harper: Nosey Cunt

The One Police Chief kills the other according to the Scarface Clock. The reference to Jesus Scarred Cheek is more devious nastiness like Lucifer on about Jack the Hat's Baldness & Arthur called halver when Lucifer carried out division's above hips.

He also proposed the tunnelling under my Drive looking like a Sado me wannabe & opened a Fashion business for my ex Wife's intruder "Harpers Bazaar". He is in the frame for Swift's Karma Identity  (Cara+M=). Lyrics suggesting his intruder paid for the Well raid.
Wavey lines indicate confusion. The Jesus Cheek Scar is an identity theft, like those using DNA from the Cemetery. Between Welsh & Scottish Quarters in the Image.

Wednesday, August 28, 2024


There is an early stages investigation into historical media meant for strategy Today, Macaulay Culkin is a lookalike of the Aqua Lene & "cul-kin" is a danger. Also considered TJ Hooker & McCall a Hooker. Ben Elliot is the authority & finance behind the Aqua Slut, who has been Home Alone, partner moved away. The former Conservative Party Chairman has been Boning her during Anesthetised Night activities.
Elliot is said to have fallen in love with the limp Body of Lene.

Falco Lombardi

A performance Avian known for standardisation of restricted Avian movement resident in Cara has been located again, formerly within 80s performer Falco as well as Michael Jackson. A Nintendo Character has been based upon it.

Ben Elliot

Ben's Avionics security perimeter has engulfed the Hill & my Family Home. We find Ben guilty of multiple serious attacks ordinarily attempting to blame Welsh & Irish Crowns. Elliot is a near Relative of the Pontius Pilate Gibbon in Johnson, both Apocalypse responsible with thoroughness.

China a foregone conclusion

Most people who witness the Topography of China in Bird form spanning the Continents believe that Apocalypse was inevitable from the start. The Topography doesn't dictate that. I went to the Shops & purchased a tin of tomatos. Another Man went to the area, drove over someone's Cat, parked illegally & stole a Newspaper. 
Enlarging the image something like serpent Birds can be seen stretching from the more obvious China Bird. Depth & Height in Colour.

In addition to firmer Analysis an Elephant can be seen heading into America.

Heaven & Utopia

We have significant address with Number 10 here because the PM sets sights high for ideals so that everyone knows where the goals are. God here also dictates & receives less. King Louie an Ancient Urangutan Brain in One Hemisphere of Boris Johnson has been blamed.

Heaven & Utopia: Buttered Toast for Boris & Mango for an Orangutan.

Tuesday, August 27, 2024

Rock media

We are rejecting the Aqua media because of scarring & negative surgery in general. We deal with equivalents about every Two Months & you aren't worth problems. The group wanted Ken up front with accusations against me to free Ben's favourite whore from responsibility. Everyone has been lapping cream since those old songs, i'm not your kin to protect your favourite screw, pay your bills or highlight your favourite mug. 

We are more interested in Rock lyrics, Rock refers to the Hill & all songs have some relation to it. Lyrics sites can relieve our Ears of some of the harsh sounds.

I said I wouldn't have agreed to facial scarring if I was driving the Porche & nobbing the Girl myself. I don't even like you who've taken the place, referring to me as Jimmy Saville on a big Poster down there, you are Paedophile ops, I never touched one.

Raiding Bands

It's worth knowing that everyone who has been at Incubus & Succubus activities has their own house raided, & everyone in that house is a victim with photography & often the knowledge of friends & family. 

The only real way to keep raids away is a bolt on the Bedroom Door.
Report: The Child was strangled, a rounded open Mouth Headstone indicates sexual assault. Open Mouths are a common signal in "Heaven" for traumatic Death. There is often a Grave Signal. Kent CID responsible.

WANTED: King Louie

Balu is identified as Russian Royalty & Louie as Johnson who is Shere Khan? (can't share). The Pea Brain World leader is vulnerable to them in the Film. What if they were supported? Apocalypse policies need putting into reverse. 


Johnson is at MI6 Banana Bumming, meaning upwardly mobile by Sodomy, together with less influential India, believed to be a Chinese Arab origin Drone. It's believed Johnson is especially interested in India because it looks a bit like Africa, where he has Egyptian roots.

The Elephant is China

The Atlas map shows Chinese advance through India into Europe & into the Americas. Jegudiel the Elephant or Gabriel Cherubim normally associated with Germany, Rome or Egypt is Chinese. The Natives also use a Mask that is a Lamb. Police support Invaders in Comuunities against Natives with Organised Crimes.
Elephant shaped Continent: Mask of China, Animals from the region overwhelmed the Human Species following Surgery.

Monday, August 26, 2024

Ukrainian High Jumper

The Model is dismissed from service along with the Aqua Prostitute following failure to complete agreements, A World Record was allowed the Girl by God, that followed a High White Bar erected here because she looked like the Aqua Star who had become old. We are taking damages from those who consumed excluding us. Records are achieved by Michael & Gabriel cooperation called 69, six a code for sex or promiscuity & 9 a reference to the shape of the former carriageway on the Hill.

Unwarranted Chamber

Macklin Family intruders are in the frame for Crucifixions & similar activities in the Abyss, Valley & Cellar. There is a reported transfer between Kent & London as well as other Quarters for intelligence reports.

Sunday, August 25, 2024

Ben Elliot Apocalypse responsible

A report here depicted Elliot angry because his modified Spitfire was rejected following enthusiasm for the Origuinal, smaller & looking like similar Aircraft especially a Hurricane.

Elliot used Laser facial apparatus to put Three Scars on my face during a Night raid here from Marel Clinic leading off Elliots way, opposite his BAE Avionics Factory. The Location & historical Scarring at root of Apocalypse has caused God to close the Avionics firm.

Apocalypse obsessing: Jesus Scarred Face

Elliot is quoted saying people want me not my aircraft & that knackered old plane could take off on narrow roads performing better. I said make one 12 inches long & we'll take it off on your back Garden. It's almost impossible to destroy the length of adequate roads & you were using an elastic band prop drone before we spoke. Over developed for profit & without popularity.

Saturday, August 24, 2024


The Avian within Ken is well known for exploding if anybody calls him baldy. Today I discovered how he was named Archibald & why his genes are the way they are, because of the "Bald" Arc when he cut all of the Trees down annoying the resident Birds.

8 Tarrot Trump

The Card strength is identifiable by Flowers around her waist as Lady Grey & part Neuro system of Shallot & other wives of the Lion of Judah Englsh Crowns inc Arthur.

The sideways 8 called infinity means invulnerability from the French Fin. A signal outside the Aqua representative's house indicates Key performances. Lion of Judah consuming the Key.

Parsley the Lion or Peppa Pig

God says the Police have been corrosive like filth covering metals at the Aqua property. Having sex, residing, driving the Porche, all on the strength of God's word in the image that I am entitled to consume. I have been unable to see or download most Aqua Videos because of Police DOS. God says return the Porche & get off the Property.


More than thirty unmarked Graves are determined for who consumed at that place because they are preventing. Wingnut gathered a large number of personnel promising the Porche & sex with the former star to oppose analysis of the media. A report here said she will be disembowelled for her former occupation for resisting media analysis by Wingnut's "protection", stupid prick. The group of joyriders have also been bothering Cara across the road. Wingnut told O2 to impose a data restriction preventing viewing & download of aqua video media.

Heaven's "crappy"

Hell's worse, people are disappointed with manger stuff. To compete with the Grand buildings of Government you need to rob & kill a Million People for a Hundred Years like them. An opportunity existed to join the Celtic Three Quarters for the finances of Arthur or Cole, but they wanted abolishion of Native Democracy at the English Crown.

When I turned to God I liked the plain ground of Religious History better than the gilded Chapels at Holy sites. People want Sex here because Heaven on Earth is a warm wet Clunge & a fat dik or luxury. God is evident to the Holy Man & Woman here, an uncommon evidence.

Last night I voicemailed the PM pissed, because I am only a spokesperson for majorities & God, so that audibility & accuracy of message are all is required. God says grace protects a drunken man speaking plainly with humility the next day. 

Friday, August 23, 2024


Who care about Apocalypse & want life can listen to praise to me here:


Arent we all men & women? Everyone has an opinion that serms as legitimate as another's. God is Demoncratic & his messenger has the verdict. As I grew my half Brother Peter made moral high ground, & other family competed. Peter's Avian put through Veronikas Eye & my Cheek, also disembowelled Luke after striking a negotiating Jesus in the back with a Sword. Avians also in Robbie Crozier, another self righteous Apocalypse.


U.S. payments to exclude white music apart from Taylor presume we are all interested in U.S. Policies. Black DJs are wall to wall at the BBC in anticipation of what amounts to poor charts because of black barrel scraping to fill them.

Northfleet Police

My Garden was smacked up by them Today & that opened a file on murders by them in the Valley here.

The Station are attached to Council workers nearby, notorious for any option to get a better wage. Prior to my Residence the Police were exiteable about control in the property & bloody. Forceful control was always a problem, heaven is taken by violence Jesus said, but without resident the filth are uncontrollable here.

Filth & fifth

Fifth Column, a non democratic option is a Police enforcement.

Thursday, August 22, 2024

Gardener required

God says some of the Weeds on the Mount are more than 1000 yrs old. A single Bluebell Plant was discovered 500 yrs after a Painting of Lady Grey. There is an opportunity for a Gardener beginning 2025.

Cara touched up

Cara has been using Marel Clinic, brimmer way for makeup when staying in Medway nearby. Barbie Lene Nystrom lives on the other side of the Street.

Where's my Porche: Lene's front Garden was filled with old motors from the Council Motorcade Car Park.

Pissing on Petunias

Now you can all stop laughing about the Council mowing my Flowers.

Kent Police Probe

Investigations into the Chamber under my Driveway built in hope of more discrete Sex games & murder than the historical River ones, led to Northfleet Police Station. The Station has a replica Earthwork Carriageway & Police sign at the scene of the illegal Cavity & appears to say North (Yellow) Feat L (Hell) interpreted as murder for successes. A Sat. Image showed streets formed presenting a gunman shooting a paedophile in a reverse tick, meaning leave Police child abusers alone. It raises questions about the age of victims for a fourth time.

Spastic quality "Police" service

The "Abyss" where Medieval culture once prevailed is sought by some sick Police Officers following my Death in 2039. Red Belt: The Man was disembowelled also, Crucifixion standard forced infighting as when Veronika stabbed Jesus.


God says kill the Agent in charge that queued Antichrist video on Youtube video on this site.


Do not enter the Grassed area at the front of the Temple, there are danger to life signals.

Wednesday, August 21, 2024


Put a Fruit Machine in the Police Station Reception so they can put money in & go Home. Why hide who owns Casinos & what they are for?

Quest for the Grail

"Bionic" Dicks of well endowed Men are not a payment for Legendary Holy Men. Someone has been seeking Sex with my nob & I want it back in good condition. 

Cloud 9 blocked

We are attempting live images today

Clouds directly above are about those witnessing them or their home. Otherwise they are Compass point relevant to many.


Yesterday Kent Police, origin of KP Nuts endangered Life here again. The delayed warning is about people having sex with the Irish Crown during her visits here as a removed historical Queen with temp authority.
Butterflies mating & Cloud 9:  Irish Quarter Eye Spearing by the Kent authority ("Volting" Horse on Throne Image) looking for Throne targets. Vid 

Back to back & mating is the King & Queen position, Eye of the Crown's Heir Speared by a Leaf, meaning leave. Aqua: Butterfly about the Queen, origin Gabriel's Succubus activity when I lived 122 Rainham Rd (13) where a Samurai Sword & large Gabriel & Michael Silk Fan were on the Wall, also Lady of Shallot by Waterhouse. 

Horse on the Left Hair (Heir) position of the Michael Cherubim

God says don't sit on the English Throne if you are not a named Guest & don't have Sex here with a Queen of sorts.

Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Psalm 51

The Lamenting of David who sexually used & tortured his Family at the Crucifixions, otherwise known as Joseph overpowered by his Surgical Animal intruders, a madman played by Jack Nickolson in vague references.

River Gates here

Waterhouse expressed concern over the number of Disemboweled hosts of the Shallot Avian. There are Bodies everywhere down there, bones sunk into the silt.

Aqua Report

Aqua lyrics are Key according to God, in an ocean of midfielding media. Lene lives near & is subjected to the attentions of Kent Police, who replaced her Porche with multiple less impressive vehicles, so that I enquired how much for the Van? believing she'd opened a Car Lot. A lot of Men have been resident, begining parking outside inc. marked Police Cars. Embarrassing Hard-on saturation operations.

Lickin Lena: Rene is having lunch at a symbolic large Vagina

Apocalypse Police thick as Shit

A half Dozen Laptops & Tablets were broken by Police before I came here. Since arrival Security Cameras, Alarms & Lights, Telephone & Data signals & a Drone have been broken by them so that no Security devices work any longer. Contracts on Seniority.


This sabotaged Tablet was further assaulted following the above, current Cloud 9 & Garden signal photography are inaccessible.
Nappy Shitter: Police are preventing image access on device. I deleted a Gallery & still have no access, WARNING: CURRENT GLOBAL AFFAIRS. If they were killed for waving in the ICBM attack they would not be making Security problems now.

Scotland 'tard

It's believed the lost Global Security Image resulted from Pre Raphelite jealousy & The Cloud 9 Security images general Security sabotage. The Yard is related to the Macklin Wood Yard. The Three Faced sign is meant to exclude the English Quarter. 
Update: with striving I got this uncropped image online. It has something to do with Nuclear Alert. Related Cloud 9 images are still unusable, DANGER. Tell that stupid fucking Pig to undo software hacking.

Trident: Three not Four at the Wood Yard


The Lemon Faced hooded Prince is the Witch meaning mug of the Southpark group. Lucifer Avian was in bloody Moses, who killed for every crime, according to the ID bark here, cast out of Heaven according to Scripture. Princess Kenny is meant to be Irish Crown Avian & Liane Cartman Veronika Avian Wales.

Kate insulted

There are a number of discrete stories about Wales Quarter difficulties Today. The US led Telegraph called Kate a clawing Dog. I've been fending off Germans in Three Quarters.

Scottish Crown identified

The Macklin Family on Water Works Hill are receiving special interest because of Water difficulties here. They have owned the Timber Cutters Yard for generations.

Monday, August 19, 2024


The Lower Garden is closed to visitors for a week starting Today. Trespassers are logged & charged at convenience.

Time Cop 1973-78

Steve Austin means Mug working for the US Congress & is identified as One of the Terminators played by Schwartzenegger positive or negative. Lee Majors who played the Bionic Man means of the Graves in the Lee another name for Death Valley where the Ponys sheltered & Major is the rank given to Royal Blood. The Bio engineering is additional Brains, for example Birds are very quick.

Loser: Steve gets One Eye Speared for US Policy & One Brain Hemisphere is transplanted for the time being, only the Birds live on. Beaky Lip clue.

Sunday, August 18, 2024


Homosexual assaults by Police on people Handcuffed, not having resisted Arrest are prolific.

Violence on Temple Mount

Cara has been punched several occasions having an Avian of St. Luke who was Crucified here. God said batter the Apocalypse providers leaving facial embarrassment.

Signals at BAE/Elliots/Marconi

Ben Elliot also has an Elliots way nearby. It means the way of Ben & refers to the better known Quarters. The top left usually confuses because it represents Wales. In the Image then it is the French Crown Lion of three Lions, upward yellow injuring their group black. The Scottish Top Right are the Kent authority, German Avian. The Irish bottom Left enabled finance, material value married at the Hill & the English is upward for a Hockey stick Cross, School Girl introductions to associates.

Freemasons Hall: Great Queen St

The former rebel base is no longer of worth, however the street name & former value make it a desirable Women's property for a short time. There is a great congregation of model class women in the vicinity from trafficking. The Queen was content with the influence of them.

God says Women are digging their heels in & can be sold the area for better transition in another place.


The Indian Welsh Crown lookalike MP for Medway is a Female throwback to Elizabeth & an Indian throwback to the Conservatives, retarded choice.

Precognative Report

The Chinese Agent intends debauchery with the Irish Crown while I am in Town, in the scene of the Pre Raphelite Oil. Comment: get that fucking Paki out of the Temple.

Crucifixion Policies

We are seeking the lives of all repeat Crucifixion officials targeted descendants of the victims. The One Night event has been applied to over half a Century of abuses based upon it making more Apocalypse leg work than the first. 

Saturday, August 17, 2024

Petunia disgrace

I told the Council not to mow my Property any longer. They mowed the Flowers last night. I want the first lane of Traffic permanently blocked, on my property & on desecrated Graves.

Patrol Boat

NATO are asked not to use any of the concepts advised here. Russia have been advised to shoot at anything automated for Sport & retain that area of Black Sea.


Sour pussed Jocks have mourned my Black Sea opportunity here & scuttled Boat. You want to know why you can't do what you want in my home, tunnel under it & mow my flowers, acquiring the black sea & Military equipment. Because you're an arrogant German Bird Brain, stupid expectations.


The Floor here was Chequered meaning integration is the lowest thing & should be under feat, not above. It neutralises native communities. The conflict is never over & Police support the opinions of the German & French invaders as well as bought politics from abroad. Their interference for money, sex & show is Apocalypse & they should leave.


England are having it made in a non NATO state so it isn't crappy because Celts have tampered with it or paraded as joint engineering with crappy bolt ons, Iran.

Pre Raphaelite Portrait

Yesterday distinguished Guests were invited to join the BBC while I went for a long walk. Arriving back I was flagged by Police to delay so I bought a Pint nearby.


Cara was drunk & stripped naked on the throne of her predecessor for dirty photographs in front of all, calling them cunts. The "Pre Raphaelite" Dress I asked for didn't arrive. An orgie rampaged through the Scene of the Painting & the grounds. Another Guest failed to arrive.

Police have been doctoring voicemail through the switchboard attached to my Telephones here & failing to pass messages on, instead making themselves a management position with alterations & emmisions often discrediting my calls.

Friday, August 16, 2024


Lamping is heavy coinciding with Council Workers at the foot of the Hill again, too regular to be innocent & internet denial timed to draw me outside weakened by the Lamps. I'll kill attackers here. Contracts on the authority & operators.

Lamper: Police Constable no kills, three conspiracy to kill charged. Internet block: local Council authority. Council Workers: all local robbery responsible.

Granny used to say

People living near Wayfield Rd were thick as Pig Shit & twice as ignorant. The saying meant obtrusive as Police problems in communities because of CID scat & double ignorant means knowing well enough to do better. She was clearly getting a Witching in Public representation.

Black Churches in the Town centre

I asked them to move on but they refused & bent everyone's ear about inadequacy until I was criticised, Piss off home. That's what you hear when you are disobedient. Christian doctrines are slave doctrines & I have more common things to talk about, you contend with God here.

Camelot Paranormal Images

At first when I saw Two Lovers & a stake through a heart I thought about Veronika & Beth, but the Picture that matches modern Temple aspects are called Shallot & the Lance is a Boat Oar. I don't accuse for Her escape from the lunatic Ken Avian, especially since Shallot is here minus her hips & legs next to Arthur.

Shallot & Her Lucifer mob Lover Lancelot (Clive) & Arthur with the Oar. The Tapestry centres related images: the Looking Glass Chequers indicate invader infiltration where the Couple are walking.  The view through the Window is accurate enough into Lord Lee's Grove (Bridge) beyond the River Bend. The Seat & Doorway are accurate, a Plate is also like the Tapestry.


The area Guinevere is Seated is the Irish Quarter, having Shrine signals that identify it. The Loom Tapestry is the "Clock" family comings & goings are woven together. Three Images indicates indignation toward the pictures & a part mirrored Window indicates a small amount of sabotage achieved.