Tuesday, May 14, 2024

Necronomicron Shaft

A Tetragrammaton is not Symbolism of God exactly, see a Tetra is Blue & Red, Gabriel is Blue & Michael Red, ordinary World Political persuasion. Tetra also means Four, there are Four Kingdoms. Tetra Gramma is Text & the basis of the Necronomicron. 


An investigation revealed un-see-all to be a Three out of Four Quarters attempt to overload me & hands, meaning helpers, Uncials is called Round Hand, a Circle meaning conclusion of. Two Books were in progress with Venomous material that has been burned.


"You Shafted me" origin Shaft of the Abyss where Lady Jane & others were Tortured to Death by Stuart.
Necromancy: The Hill Voice is capable of all knowledge, removed as they are experienced & have heard. The Necromancer has Deceased Family with the Omnipresent God at that location who indulge & are fond.