Monday, May 27, 2024

Avian War

Marauders having Avian implants sacked Eurasia bit by bit & today advance the death from taking a Millenia to only One Hour. Two World Wars have depopulated Europe also using maximum force.

Q: Are Avians attempting the extermination of Humans because they cut Trees to burn & build leaving birds nowhere to live? 

Q: Do you think the Crucifixions of the Lumber Workers & Carpenters by Nailing to Trees was in part or entirely to do with deforestation? What about the burnings of King Cole here called Lawrence & Joan?

Q: What do you think about "Rain Forests"

Report: Rain refers to Reign in media, competitive Spiritual Government of Wild things.

Report: Fire is the foremost reason for Village burnings by Avian Mutants.

Report: A Fish was brought to Temple Mount to witness arguments & was released into the River Medway. The Fish reports to the Spirits in the Oceans about Nuclear risk & dangers eavesdropped at ground Zero. The concept was hinted in "a Fish called Wanda" (Wander) keeping the Ocean "Clock wise"

Paranormal Images of the King Cole Family Burning on Temple Mount, Cara's Intruder was Left of the Crowned & Bearded Cole in the Image, on his Right.

Enlarge, The Family were in Bed in a row with a Child.