Friday, May 10, 2024

Locusts in the Abyss

I object to Messenger Class enslaved to a duty & then called Culprit Progressor. What Door do we knock on now Boris isn't at No.10. If you don't like the Headlines you wouldn't roll up the Paper & try to shove it in the Paperboy's Arse.

Some Clown fooled me into putting Locusts, "live food" by the Water with a Food Chain Project replacement for M'd Food at the Supermarket. We have Global problems related to Lamping Bird Feeders & bought Food eaten by Chicks.

They want to put Cara where the Stolen Lady Grey was, they designed the Abyssinian to coincide. They want to call Her Satan which is Africa for doing the Moriah Message Circuit for London, where Negro intruders dine on good Food. More Biblical Arse Chaff protecting the Beneficiaries, like that rubbish about the goodness of David, who would've rolled up the Newspaper.

Abyssinian: Blame Slave


Jack Nicholson Movies are meant to indicate the way of David Avionoid in a Host.