Sunday, September 18, 2022


Pent A gone, prior to compulsive Lunar Strike the Pentagon should be destroyed during daylight to attempt peace, with warnings to stand down until Dark. The US are useless at war because of playing in a safe Zone, needing help. They do not require ICBM.

The US appear to be feigning Lunar based suicide with claims to international wealth. They are important in their own Eyes however Nuclear Wars do not rely upon a Moon no longer relevent to the Earth. The signs indicate this is not the time for a Lunar based Nuclear War.


Nuclear Wars are always about the abuse & Death of the Prophets, Blood Eyed Face upon with M & Crucifixion detail. I'm more important than you & your group.

Nuclear Threat: Yellow Eye blackening a striving Security at the World Council. Image from a related promotion like the upturned Spider's Head, was intended a Bell shape.