Thursday, July 30, 2020

Life & Spiritual conflict

The diagram exposes levels & durations that can be expected when debts are called in by Almighty God according to the framework of material & Spiritual things, since all physical actions have an equal & opposite reaction as well.


Trump is of the Lucifer family hierarchy which originates with Michael personality type. They are opposite of Jesus family line, the White Horse Royal line, Egyptian origins not Jewish.


Is it Donald or Trump his father for example? They are all together & in the Senate.


Are messengers like all birds, the reason men are portrayed with wings, an Angel, that is messenger. A reverse Heart brought close by a Robin usually causes fear of loss of love by death, however Carnality can bring one near a cleaner spirit indicating Spiritual 'death'.

Holy Cryptography

It is unlikely you'll find instruction concerning signs because GCHQ for one, are using them with other indicators. The colored Star of Chaos is example, Red like Robins is before black, which is for death. Use a dream dictionary with Cloud images, like numbers of the Major Arcana of Tarot explanations are not perfect, but better than beginning Green. An occult flavour or attitude can be found in descriptions.

Looking to the Skies & natural occurrences we can recieve direct instruction from Almighty God in signs that are a little like Hieroglyphs. Above: reduction by vertical flip, wicked Hearts are for death. In the case of the Trumps it would mean moving flesh within their loyal cast.