Friday, July 31, 2020

Speaking with God

God doesn't say much. At least that's how it looks to those praying. The trouble with talking to somebody without a  response is that we imagine a personal relationship that might not exist. God doesn't speak unless he has a purpose for you, else it's stay on the path for peace he gave all or do not, & reap as you sow.


God has a limited speech so normally introduces a familiar spirit to use language. He doesn't like it so it's only for those in service unless a Demoniac. Away from that dreams, clouds, the wind, animals & weather are used to indicate like an Oracle. The higher the ground & isolated the more likely an answer. God is not your chum nor the Genie of the lamp, he appreciates long suffering so that a slave master relationship encourages eventual personal dialect from God, who wishes to express love.

What does this say?

A shelled Tortoise or Turtle has a recourse to avoid attack & the bird on it's head speaks, a messenger to conceal the speaker is near. Above is a friend.