Wednesday, July 15, 2020

Organised Crime

Crime is organised by the HO & is that way around the World. Corruption in places of authority threaten Nations & Regions so that it needs to be brought under scrutiny in an open criminal fraternity. If it cannot be stopped it is constrained. It's unfortunate that those seeking authority intend to use it for personal gain without exception.


The Freemasons manage criminal activity according to secret gatherings of Parliament & nobles. They are not the HO, but a secret department of it. The Duke of Kent Rt.Hon. Philip Kent Gray is Chairman with Veto, not responsible for general policy only serious things.

MI5 Peer review

MI5 have been a nuisance pretending to control to stabilise but instead authorising themselves to detonate their own bomb with minimal contradiction from the Freemasons by clamping down on them who they needed to be in agreement. Dangerous to have the nuclear bomb dominating the other referee to personal control & based on an excuse to control organised crime in general for the proceeds. I & my family before me have held off demands for war since the sixties & nobody needs change.
