The Archangel Michael

Saturday, November 27, 2021


God says the Death of Arthur has caused Nuclear Stockpiles to kill who killed. The Family responsible are still in authority & persecute the Second Coming still charged to Mass extinction for the first incident. 

Arthur (surviving Jesus Hemisphere Speared for E. Roman Empire) as seen in Grave & killed on the Moon Nuclear War image.

Leo's Tome: Lions of Judah, vote of the Moriah Dead. Two Hemispheres are discussed. God's Prophet is natural as you would expect, not surgical engineering. The Neanderthals functioned better leeching from a Human & Christ was of a Prophetic line. The Human Hemispheres are killed & the Royal "Apes" use their names & historic worth. God has a broad hand to kill them with devastation. He said kill who killed my Son or suffer Nuclear destruction.

Wider Shot: Arthur's Head again, the other forming a Heart in it's Mouth. Reasonable explanation: US failing to hand over Christ Killers resulting in eventual Nuclear attack. Remove Nuclear threats.

Friday, November 26, 2021


 God said paint the Lions near Holborn Viaduct which are a scene on the next Bridge.

Fable Bar & Resturant Holborn Viaduct.

Wednesday, November 24, 2021

St. Mary Kray

Bloody Mary, St. Mary Hoo, St. Mary's Island. Virgin Mary is Dead, Terminated by her Neanderthal, meaning Term in Hated, mental conflict with the Body's own Hemisphere. The surviving Neanderthal parasite called Madonna & Lady Gaga also killed Jesus in a civil conflict over the Isle of Grain, origin Migrane Hemisphere of Jesus Speared.
Neanderthal: "Stephanie Knowles" is recognisable as "Bloody Mary" who burned hundreds at the stake as well as killing Mary & Jesus.

St. Mary Kray meant subject to the latent Head of Royal Security, still Robbie Crozier who played Reggie Kray in an real life operation part reconstructing Jesus Death. Ken is a Left Hemisphere front who was Ronnie Kray. The two ambushed Arthur who was Jesus plus an Ape Hemisphere called Lamb. Neanderthals use Animals to represent them in Heraldry. Beast of Revelation.

SO14 "Management" Ronnie usually in photo foreground, subordinate front.

Monkey World

Mary was a Crown of Judah more than once buried on Moriah in a Man following Jesus death, Judah linked to Tudor. Guinevere had one Mary hemisphere meaning Jesus Hemisphere was dragged to Bed by his Mother's Parasite, the Neanderthal.

Moriah Grave Artifact


Handlebars (God)

Clive Buckingham or Stephanie?: Isle of Grain Viking raids on Coasts both sides of the Channel & North Sea, Dragon Boats. Black Widows wives of Nobles.
God said Clive had one Hemisphere in Arthur & One with Grain. The Neanderthsal conspired to kill the Human Hemisphere having the Spirit known as the Word of God.


Peter Jones has a Monkey Hemisphere of Henry Tudor & Louise Elizabeth II. Family home of the Second Coming "trans-fixed".

Tuesday, November 23, 2021

Paul Black:Monkey Royalty

 God says Kill him & them without new host.

Discovering Jesus

 Here at Taddington called Moriah The "Lamb" is Buried in Graves from SW to SE across the Hill foot then up the Hill to Arthur's. They are marked with Lamb shaped Stones. Hemispheres split by the time of Jesus Burial:

Right Hemisphere: B.O.B. Left Hemisphere in this split is greater according to signal to the right of image.

Dragon Family (Neanderthal) & B.O.B further along the River Bank near Arthur's smashed Gravestone. Jesus Left Hemisphere Missing.

Close up Eye: Blind "Lamb" Right Hemisphere

Missing: Right Hemisphere of Young Jesus, Left Deceased. Neanderthal called "Lamb" in further Graves having no Jesus Hemisphere in nearby Woods.

Monday, November 22, 2021


 The Photogaphing Security waiting for me to leave each day are still breaking Ancient Fossils brought to the Royal Cemetery.

God says Fix him

Bob: Gorilla Jesus


Robert Worcester has a Neanderthal Right Hemisphere present with Jesus at the time of his Death in old age. There are two Human Hemisphere missing, presumed Dead because of the Second coming. Bob is a Bisexual

Movie: The Black Hole, Three Crowns of Arthur on Bob. Movies are notoriously fraudulent to lead political games.


The Word of God is Human, so Bob is a robber & killer of Christ. God said he is forwarding Nuclear Conflict posing as Jesus. Bob leads persecution of the Second Coming through Apes on Moriah that killed the Biblical Caste, owner of MORI.

Bishops Mitres represent a Spear which killed Arthur's Left Hemisphere, reported to belong to Human Jesus Crowning them with the Crown of God. Meaning might err.

Chimp conspiritor: Killed the Flesh of God

Goat of Mendes (Men Days). Goat Horn Hour Glass, or Bull Horns represent split Hemispheres & the calling of Neanderthal to power. They are still Lord of Christ, what Days of Men? Zoo.

Neanderthals are parasites in the Holy Family, Crowns of Israel. It's like Bacteria claiming ownership of a weakened Host. God befuddled the Excalibur legend thief leaving the Tip for his Son to remove. Nobody else was able in 1500 Years.
Coronation Stone, Taddington. Called Absalom's Pillar.

Saturday, November 20, 2021

Omega Anti

Omega, that is the Neanderthal are disgusted by God. He said they have small loyalty & pretend they are creator. He said kill them. 

Friday, November 19, 2021

Julius Caesar

It is reported that Putin was Julius Caesar. MI5 commented "A Monkey probably", it is not known whether a Neanderthal Hemisphere is holding him back.

"Ceasar" Planet of the Apes

Thursday, November 18, 2021

Conan the Barbarian

Was a dramatisation of the Second Coming. A broken Sword is used to kill who killed his Family. It was about Arthur's Sword still hidden tip in a Stone & the authority resulting in the find & removal.

Conan is inaccurate by a long way however the above is in progress. Co-Nan is about operations on my true Family when I was Born & my Brothers & Cousins. God says Kill the imposters & restore my Family.

 Sword tip, Three parts.

Neanderthal in Robbie & Ken Crozier, one Man split into Twins. Timpsons, Southern effected Newcastle accents. God said kill it in the Operating Theatre.

Wednesday, November 17, 2021

Grave damage @ Moriah

 Absaloms pillar & a several hundred thousand year old Fossil have been kicked & damaged by Security in my absence.

Pillar Base: Surviving part Early Roman Concrete which housed "Excalibur" within & a Bronze Pole support. Image of Sword Tip visible.

Tuesday, November 16, 2021


This place is called Silent Hill, Dragon's Lair, Valley of the shadow of Death, Valley of the Kings, Monte Cristo & Schitt Creek. Here are messengers for the Latent community who were called King & Queen. They are mocked on their graves which are Terracotta with sexually graffic pebble Mosaic. 

The place is the beginning of life on Earth at Mount Zion, the top of the Burham Downs, a Plate techtonic Seam once Ocean. Rome was Roaming, also the Pyramids which began at Kit's Coty House. The Royals have been working at Hempstead Valley Timpsons because other Class is hated by the Puppeteer. Even of the Lions of Judah Biblical Crowns of Israel, a Jegudiel/Bear/Neanderthal Hemisphere mocks above. 

Robbie Crozier killed the Word of God, the Left Hemisphere of Jesus. Tales tell half of Christ was killed introducing a reprobate to kill the other Hemisphere by wagging Tongues. 

Christ is not as reported, God is capable of all things & his Word also.

This "Turin Shroud Clone" or "Charles" image had a Big Ear which disintegrated washed. Crown of Arthur called Half of, Jesus.


Sunday, November 14, 2021

Omega: Neanderthal Desolation

 God says the Megalith of Kits Coty House represents a Mushroom Cloud also. He said the aging reprobates plan to kill Mankind while taking shelter. Gov. Inc Emergency services & Military Officers.

Neanderthals believe Humans are provinder & Provider both. Neanderthal are food not comrades like all other Species. Planet of the Apes was suggested, harvesting people following a Desolation with reintroduction of Neanderthal bodies by Cloning.


God told Russia to invade Ukraine. He said the US have propelled revenge for statistics & surrounded Russia robbing Arabs for Decades. He told me to take ownership of a trafficked Ukrainian Model following image refusal, then cited it as an example of Ukrainian contempt refused.


God said the Biblical Family are dead & the Neanderthal Brain hemispheres live following framing. He said that is in progress with Cara & myself.

Gorilla Blood Eye & hemisphere Grave at Moriah Taddington.

Thursday, November 11, 2021

Carey & Seymour

This Sun ref. Identifies a pretender & more a desolation suspect of Omega Class, meaning an early Man like "Adam" or near. The Mariah Carey body selection with it make a denial of the root of Seyour post desolation authority as show by God on Venus.
Crazy: "Bruce Almighty"

Early Man are another Species & have recently been accused of making Ball licking Pornography based on early hygiene & affection. Not appropriate Government.

Being himself

George Soros

God says his Left Hemisphere is Neanderthal. He said the meaning of Seymour is as the Year Dot, when a count down began the Year of our Lord. He said kill the "Ape" in the Moriah led Government or the Venus option will vaporise, because they continue attaching to a healthy Brain & are out numbered as time progresses. He said Seymour shows the root of Post Desolation Government, Christ & the Mermaid of the outset of the Year of our Lord.  

Wednesday, November 10, 2021

Ipsos Mori:"The Death" Graves of Moriah & Holocaust

I was astonished the Venus signal statuette was smashed yesterday, we hoped it would excel as a Holocaust signal here for a long time, repaired it is weaker. 
Signal: Ben Khonn (Cloned), an Ancient Dart killing Arthur with his Mouth.

 Arthur meant Half of, not his actual name. The Christ Hemispheres were separated. A Brown was the surviving half, Enemy. My family have been part replaced with outsiders trying to control message systems. Peter Jones was taken at School by a Teacher who had died: Mr. Butterworth, causing family disputes & disloyalty.

Tuesday, November 9, 2021


Revelation desolation Red Dragon Royals are using the name Brown. Medway & London.

Mariah Carey & Seymour

This is Seymour, a relative or Clone. Moriah Care E. There is evidence somebidy is trying to shaft Cara.



Sunday, November 7, 2021


Who's this next to Arthur on Moriah? Seymour likeness.

Moriah: Unknown Lion of Judah, Terracotta in layer with moulded Glass & Stones.


Another identifying image is visible beneath. Right Hemusphere Seymour.

Saturday, November 6, 2021

Loda Schitt

 There is reason to believe the Brown of the Round Table are the Schitts. This looks like a Young Loda:

Confirmed: Brown is a Lucius line (Lucifer inc Coilus (Black Cement Grave remains at Taddington)).

Secret Helter Skelter

Fake Cara right Hemisphere is aggressing with secret Holocaust agenda. She is Buried here where the Two Topiary Bushes & Pebbles are. Pharoah's Daughter. 

Pig, led by raised Left Armed "Jane"

The image is the Roof or sponsor of the Dragon called MORI of Moriah (Ancient Royal Cemetery) in part, threatening Nuclear War, Michael dominating. Part roof is identified as Cara Alien Right Hemisphere. Targeted latent hostility, the Left is in contest. Hemisphere death essential. God says.

East/West Nuclear exchange visible in Seymour Venus signal.  

Friday, November 5, 2021


This Tile is probably faked, however the information is deemed serious. Above the Dragon are Three Characters which are like sponsors, a Bear (Ancient), Womble & Meercat. These are serious because the Son died causing Nuclear tension today. Investigating Druids.

Adam Schitt

We are looking for Schitt, who is the first of the transplanted Brains, not Man. Adam learned, altering natural Man by accident, making Food & Shelter awkward.

Does a Bear Shit in the Woods? Question marks mean opposites, Ancients Mug descendants. 
Bear: Cleaved Head suggesting Hemisphere exchange with opposition, collaborative. Hour Glass signalling Desolation problems.

Put everybody into their own Head to resolve Holocaust issues. Why is that MORI/Medway Council God hater in my friend? Restore Cara. 

Blue & Red

The East/West colonies have had their Brains separated to improve relations resulting in Holocaust. The Hour Glass is a sign from the creator ignored by the tinkerer, who says new life is mine to play with following death. Treachery within appearing to be a loved one.

One of the growing number of Blue & Red split designs.

Wednesday, November 3, 2021


 A challenge to God's Crown of England has left a signal at Arthur's Shrine. Accepted, to the death. Other Crown resident, Lucifer & Family. God says annihilate, also Golden Dawn & representative in the UK Labour Party: Rebecca Long Bailey.