Neanderthal: "Stephanie Knowles" is recognisable as "Bloody Mary" who burned hundreds at the stake as well as killing Mary & Jesus.
St. Mary Kray meant subject to the latent Head of Royal Security, still Robbie Crozier who played Reggie Kray in an real life operation part reconstructing Jesus Death. Ken is a Left Hemisphere front who was Ronnie Kray. The two ambushed Arthur who was Jesus plus an Ape Hemisphere called Lamb. Neanderthals use Animals to represent them in Heraldry. Beast of Revelation.
Monkey World
Mary was a Crown of Judah more than once buried on Moriah in a Man following Jesus death, Judah linked to Tudor. Guinevere had one Mary hemisphere meaning Jesus Hemisphere was dragged to Bed by his Mother's Parasite, the Neanderthal.
Moriah Grave Artifact
Handlebars (God)
Clive Buckingham or Stephanie?: Isle of Grain Viking raids on Coasts both sides of the Channel & North Sea, Dragon Boats. Black Widows wives of Nobles.
God said Clive had one Hemisphere in Arthur & One with Grain. The Neanderthsal conspired to kill the Human Hemisphere having the Spirit known as the Word of God.