The Archangel Michael

Sunday, December 1, 2024

Polce State Hijack: want that One

Refusal to follow instruction, stand Viscounts down for another Day has created a critical situation for some. Keep away & keep quiet else Titles are withdrawn.


We said here that everyone who has a thermometer inserted needs their dick taking out also, because of the spread of STDs by accident. 

Rochester Airport Security

We need to remove Elliot's Conservative Security privilege. They tried to move the Nuke Yesterday & are still running the former Staff who have commited crimes increasing destructive nuclear severity here post Conservative Government, clean them out. Houses along the main Road are also filled with combatants, make them move.

Avian dominance

Avians live & humans pass away, so when we talk about Global War responsibility it's reasonably new to condemn Avians to Death, who rule by outnumbering within a Host. Freezing them is more acceptable.

Saturday, November 30, 2024

Brigadier Jeffrey Cock

The Palace Security Chief has been making a nuisance here, Apocalypse threat: Destroy along with Heir & anyone he speaks to.

Blood of the "Lamb"

There is Power in the Blood! some Churches declare. There is Power in your own sacrifice also. Persecution of God's "Word" is Global Nuclear War.


Investigating: Bomber Lyrics

There are some Characters analysed inc. myself & Jade. There is a clear attempt to blame us both for too much relevance, but the truth is the Belgian Bomb is a Conservative Party effort who also cast down our lives, & the new Labour Government supports our investigation into the plan. 

Labour Peerage

The Avian course is not clear but who the bad guys are is. Now that the Labour Government has begun we both hope to kill off Conservative Nuclear risk before their next term, that's Avians Dead with the support of masses of Avians they planned to annihilate.

Conservative Media

Lyrics published at the outset of Margaret Thatcher's Government are not necessarily relevant under a Labour Government & attempt to promote opposition party responsibility. Being near has been being an Ear & I think that's funny. When we consider Lyrics we need to discover Red or Blue agenda at the time of publication. List of Prime Ministers.

Assisted Suicide Bill

In the News Terminally Ill looks like Terminally 3 on purpose. It refers to Sour Grapes & direct opposition to Government by habitual former Government. The Psychosis is often called stupidity or denial, both are true. 

Racism neccesary

Increasing numbers of Black & other dark skin are flooding the Town here & linking together to form opposition to locally born people. Loyalty to "gods" abroad is caustic to function at Zenith.

Friday, November 29, 2024

Indians in Medway

Remove from Businesses, esp. Corner Shops used by School Children, distorted Community Networking, Conservatives. 


The Evil is of me, your Christ so that we can cover bases in both directions & link by surprise. She is an Actress delivering "Jesse" Intel at critical moments. She is ours at the English Quarter.

The design is abusive of us, one is saturated by Sex Pests & the other isolated. We want to share Holy & unpopular duties, not 6 & 9. I want Her delivered to the English Quarter.

Kent Police "Frank the Postman"

The ordinary accuracy of Reports from this Station prove the Reported Skyfall was real & not a financial initiative. Reports of 60 mt generated for Abominations mean repeat Abominations are evidence in Light of ordinary Report accuracy. The Conservatives were & are attempting World War. 


The Animal transplantation at source of World Problems including irresponsible Security is the habit of the NHS.

St. Teresa

The Joan Osbourne Song mentions Veronika who died & is resurrected, Her Avian within Jade remembers & responds. The man in the Video is me, I think drug Sex leads to removal & pests otherwise she wasn't unwelcome. A Man was reported having flayed Legs here recently, a former Crossier. The activity is by Animal domination called madness & is not allowed unless it has been performed by the individual. Veronika was a Jesus Crutch so a Sun Flower Right Hand in the image & Grave Mosses. The Avian responsible for key Apocalypse atrocities are being frozen & recovered to isolate & examine critical Global problems. 

Thursday, November 28, 2024

Respect for God''s Word

The Prophets were killed here & Government reduces us, pesters, injures & mocks. God said to me that because his voice is a niggle to robbing Government & is silenced with oppression & murder, he caused their way to fail on purpose. Still we cannot implement systems to survive by & the great tangle of problems is heaped for thousands of years. How can we start to mend?

Understanding God & god

Putin granted a live moment for me Today making a public address & everyone said he was fun. Putin is not a genuine Russian statesperson, a Senior Spokesman like a Newspaper Reporter. To understand God we should consider Battlefield & Chess, if a person moving the pieces represents the cumulative opinion of the Pieces & a King can be moved by them or knocked over, in the field moved to distract by them also or moved to suicide that is a god, a localised cooperative Spirit group. Men are called gods to make them a mark, a god is a competitive sub division of God. Big God spans the Universe, but subdivision upon Earth is called God for our purposes. So Russian Government is a god & the People also a god, who like England often don't agree with the other. Captain Kirk responded to a god on the Bridge of the Enterprise within guidlines of their larger god at Starfleet Command. The unseen daunts us who intend to mend Global War issues.

Right side Hemisphere

The Right Hemisphere removed of Jesus a Child has been unremarkable on both occasions removed young. She is not King of the Jews or Christ. At this Time she has a Conservative Antichrist op. by attachment to an outnumbering group. Usually a nuisance breaking contact with my Family Home at Christmas, putting herself in front.

Shock Wave: "Covid Distance"

Remove Next Door Neighbours & ends of the Street where Former Queen's representatives & Conservative representatives live. It hinders the messaging system & helps prevent bullying by former Security.

Joan Osbourne

This Video has likenesses of CID pests in the area. Locate their control & eliminate. Belgium Nuke management.

Avian International Crime, Democrat & Conservative. Destroy Conservative employed management positions. 

The Queen Cole block is enforced by Conservative Bombers, removing the Jesse intelligence Agent away from me, an Ear at Bomber Command during Conservative Government.

Wednesday, November 27, 2024

Irish Heirs

Heirs conceived as I slept are wondering about Titles. You can use Rob or Mick, since you were taken.