The Archangel Michael

Thursday, November 28, 2024

Understanding God & god

Putin granted a live moment for me Today making a public address & everyone said he was fun. Putin is not a genuine Russian statesperson, a Senior Spokesman like a Newspaper Reporter. To understand God we should consider Battlefield & Chess, if a person moving the pieces represents the cumulative opinion of the Pieces & a King can be moved by them or knocked over, in the field moved to distract by them also or moved to suicide that is a god, a localised cooperative Spirit group. Men are called gods to make them a mark, a god is a competitive sub division of God. Big God spans the Universe, but subdivision upon Earth is called God for our purposes. So Russian Government is a god & the People also a god, who like England often don't agree with the other. Captain Kirk responded to a god on the Bridge of the Enterprise within guidlines of their larger god at Starfleet Command. The unseen daunts us who intend to mend Global War issues.