The Archangel Michael

Monday, July 22, 2024


God says do not fire on positions within Russia with NATO equipment unless fire has injured from that position. Ukrainian qualification with their own invasion is not ours & need not become a Global War.


Ground within Russia has been captured beyond the Ukraine border.

MI6 are perverts Report

DOS preventing War Office communication is of a former Government operation overrunning, God says kill the little Prick. MI6 have their hand up a School Girls Skirt often conceding Political damage to Russia. Police supported Paedophile activities are serious & we also recieve threats from MI6 for reports. The Agency are usually foreign exchange Agents shitting & the UK have Shitters in Russia. God says nobody cares if British Paedos are killed in Russia because we killed Agents here. I have been excluded from local operatiions where I was able to direct positive influences & protect vulnerables better. The Foreign Embassy said English opinion & Jesus were negative aspects.

Global War

Post was deleted. We have been striving for internet access with recent evidence for imminent Global War.

Creepy Home Office Shite

There is no reason for internet denial on the hill aside from standard ratcheted demands for more, creeping shut down.

World War

The Letters are accompanied by images of a knife approach from the West here & 13 for Death. Horus has taken the Head of Soldiers in the V of IV & most worrying next to the 3 of 13 is a plan of the Hill in recent arrangement.

Sunday, July 21, 2024

Females in Ukraine

The new Defence Secretary is pleased that Females are better for the attention here & is active intending to visit Ukraine. NASA have a Tank I'm pleated to announce, because we're hoping for an overhaul of Military encampment from Clothing through food to AI in a test environment not regulated. The Females are ideal for investment because John like me is personally concerned about the Death Toll & the Mechanisms are supposed to replace Human input.


I was measuring today & God told me a size 12 Shoe is One foot. He also says Grout meant get out, crumbly Concrete.

New Government no change

Interent access is still denied along with my own photographs, deletions & forbidding of retrieval if formerly online. Get that stupid crap on the Dole & something will change with new Monarchy & an opposition Party.

I want the former administraton's deleted & altered images restored. I needed to compare a Sythe image with "World War" written with a similar one today & was unable. Kent CID deleted the Images without understanding or spotting the World War lettering.

Medway Council

I struggled for control of a post about freemasons until it was removed because of over excited females. The Old Lady they burned turned out to be an interview of Ipsos MORI a Council Poll effort. Nazi behaviour is usually of Conservative Councilors.

Freemasons Redundant

Freemasons are called a redundant Society, a rebel without a cause. Problems following the death of Elizabeth shocked for open illegality & Loyalty to Monarchy confused with Loyaty to Female causes in a wave of open Organised Crime.

Saturday, July 20, 2024

God says

A foolish Officer deleted a message containing God says by switching off access. God says don't delete or stop my Mouth or else.

Angels remain here

The Sign from the Lower Garden is disused Today.  Put more than £300 in One of the Two Light Cylinders. 

Apocalypse Pig

A Pig tested positive for Apocalypse Mania this afternoon hovering a Hell E copter overhead following personal insults. The design first informed him of the meaning of Low flying Helicopters here a few days ago. 

Kent Police Chief Report

The Chief had his Chopper out on other occasions too. He has had Sex with every Officer's Wife using the drugs in common use in Hospitals while People are Sleeping including Chloroform.

Petty Asshole

As well as plucking my first Pear he's stripped every tree I use of Fruit on the way to Town not far off it's blossom. There is no intelligent operation deleting photos or other damage, only comprehensive life damage.

Male Nurse Report

Male Nurses are of course Homosexuals like Hairdressers & others in ordinarily Female occupations. Under the Queen Homosexuals were granted free use of sleeping patients along with Female Nurses because of their support for Female dominance in work places.

Friday, July 19, 2024

More higher: Moriah

I expect to be forced away some day & hope not to be like former who pretend to know all away from here. Please pay attention to Cara when She lives here.

Neolithic Paving

These Two larger Stones were recovered from Earth near Jesus Crucifixion & were trod by Jesus Moses & Elijah in their time. Returned to the Hilltop.

Military Fashion

Caryn has made progress with Women's Clothes in the Military. I was in awe of the possibilities away of Women dressed in Men's Clothes. We have a similar problem with Football kit. Bank of England are instructed to take Patent of Moth based designs

Hugo Boss inspired Military Fashion when he gave Grace to otherwise worthless Officers. Varieties can be Climate, Seasonal or Rank based.

Brain Surgery

Clock references in media indicate myself & Cara are taken next year for intruder handover. I've suffered Mengele category surgical abuse as well as Traffick category hospitality. I'm looking for support with Global Security connected to biblically based abuses by sending Flamingo Flower Seeds from the Garden to various authorities. Start by destroying previous aggression.

Flamingo of Avalon, Heaven, Paradise, Monte Cristo, Zion, Tintagel, Camelot, Golgotha etc.

T-ramping @ Timpsons

Royal Caste are qualifying for Westminster positions by taking low roles before transplant Surgery. It's unknown whether that's only Avian or Humans included. I'm concerned about the high number of Crossier Avuan who were at Jesus & Arthur's Death, who flooded the firm in Kent in the late Eighties & Ninties. They should all be destroyed for Global peace, not ramped.

Thursday, July 18, 2024

Jack the Biscuit

He was standing there like Jack the Biscuit the man explained, referring to Jack McVitie. The truth of Jack the Hat of course was the Baldness of Archibald, who's Avian is H. It is ordinary for Coppers to accuse people of their own malfunction & the Krays were a pair of Coppers. 


I intended to teach Secret matters to select who are Female Connected Military however am lumbered with a new general education system. Separate the Soldiers to me.

Magi or "Jedi" suffering Physically manifested problems (Right Arm High) he opts for usually illegal Spiritual solutions (Left Forfinger: get lost Spirit Community) called Witchcraft when isolation causes disinterest in Community rules. 1 is for get lost, on the Right People on the Left Spirit, an unconscious signal.

Magic Circle

Circles surround to destroy in Ancient Symbolism in use Today & the tricks were meant to ridicule real Secrets beyond Signals that are useful in the Field.


 God says close indian businesses in Medway & destroy Rishi.

3 & E

Following interest in Tarot & Bible Verse 3, a Nasty 2 where People agree without hostility, 3 protests & complains with nuisances meant to avoid death or cumulative charges that can lead to death, the Mirror of E or East, also called W or West but those can be 2 behaviour.

Tree Stump Crucifixion of Veronika

There is evidence Tree cutting reduced the environment of transplanted Birds at Kingdom focal area, Birds hoping to control both Species at World Government by Surgical implants. There has been a cover up of the real "Cross". There is a tradition of Sawing a Cross to rot a Tree Stump.