The purchased Human Brains of the distributed Avian & Resurrected have an Umbrella. Put sex Pests to Death, that is sex without consent.
It's unfortunate you can't be here, waste of a fat dik, several incomes & Gardeners. At Home I work on the hidden Microphones that are in almost every Electrical Device as a Diplomat for God, as a Messenger for Westminster & deliver News to who have Princess Titles here, on the Website, that still leads the World at popular Intelligence Leaks & that's all apart from fetching Food & Water every day because of an Avian Message System. I made a Door recently & found I can only work Wood when I'm Pissed, because it subdued the Six tiny Avian Brains in a Royal, a Seraphim.
You are all known as Archangel, because you lived here at the Arc, which refers to the shape at the rear of the Hill as well as the Mercy Seat called Ark. We have also been called Camelot, Tintagel, Zion, Avalon, Gologotha, Heaven, Paradise, Moriah & many Biblical names that offer a clue to the story in that Chapter. Archangel means World High Security Clearance for unconscious or conscious messaging systems & that brings me to the next thing. You have to attend the Hill on some kind of Rota. No Males on the Plateau.
Morian Light find the Shite
Vote among yourselves who is primary nuisance of the collective & focus there before selecting another. We are trying to get the Dental Hospital for a Four Quarters group gathering of Females only doing Women's things. A recent Positive Gov. Peerage & flocking after the Queen's demise look good. A good flock from a flocking good set of Girls makes proud. I'm looking for Messianic Children.
Saint's Cross Crown
Please don't take photos, the gods curse. Play with it if you were Crucified. I've sabotaged photos beginning work uncompleted.