The Archangel Michael

Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Arthurian Garden

Sweet Clover White & Yellow, Herb.

Cleopatra Blue

The woad is of Chalk & Bluebells inspired by the Local Butterfly: Black Eyed Blue.


Hercules Legendary Journeys turned out to Star a Young Arnold, having the form of a Power Lifter, larger Shoulders.

I recognise the Girl, a Receptionist at Bryant St. Surgery when I was small & others in the Film, likenesses that look like Succubus Avian Messenger go betweens.


Police stole an Image this morning to pass around for kudos. We do not need personal delays as well as senior policy because some pig wants respect for media. Sit on imformation if you delay or else.

Why are Police all Pale Skinned? Can't go out in Public because of Spiritual assaults. They also Blue Light Traffick Lights to escape & avoid Town Centres.


Legends & Fables serve as little more than memory joggers for who once heard or saw. They speak about the same incidents changing names & Senarios & work slander or praise for the evil in.


There is never one reason for language or any serious agenda. We've spoken a bit about Medusa or M seducer the Gorgon or Gore gone. The Engineers are however the Fifth & not the Wales Quarter, who want rotary Quarter connections not Cross until sudden unexpected force is desired

Demonised: Mirrors are usually used for slander, Medusa is Beautiful.

Monday, June 17, 2024


Israel's 88fm is putting out Moriah relevant media. I've been unable to hear how good because of saturation web locking here, by the unrepentant Empire.

Morian Coups

They are all Avian siblings & offspring of Boris Johnson's Pharoah. Clive who's statue is at the War rooms is an Apocalypse responsible along with the David & Rebecca Avians. Unrepenting.
Avian control: God says Birds are all stupid & quick & Prey Birds kill

Excalibur Axe

The Dry Wood is being Linseed Oiled with a Pool in the Cavity, that weeps if filled all the way. The place has been identified as directly beyond the Veronika Tree, Head tilted into the Concrete Waterway. The Axe is for sale to Beth only at 200k, who declines.

The Axe held covers a Scream Valley form strike upper Right to Lower Left & other side Omega supports crossed Legs & "Dick Sweeper" Moustache with all Four Authorities. Moriah & Four Quarter support to execute.

English Government

England was great before the invasions, Host of God of all the Earth. God says an opportunity has been lost for stabilisation & great Government because the thieves who pretend to reign forbid contributions from the Hill.

Arthurian Garden

Purple Heart, Pink turning Purple: Malva Sylvestris. Five Petals: Fifth Column assault. On Arthur's Grandson's Grave, Cara intruder alongside with Flamingo Flowers.

Investigations blocked

There has been no progress with investigations into Apocalyose for days because of Internet Denial & Device sabotage here. Police Chief personal issue making bad a complete collapse. Chief Constable Mathew Scott is an alias meaning Scottish Mafia.

Suspect: Gavin McKinnon. Looks like a Pirate with Geastpo insignia. Suspect Origin: Sus pecked, Avian nuisance.

Black Pig

The Black Pig is Pugwashes Vehicle, origin ridden Beast, ridden usually meaning butholed also. Black is injured origin the shade of Cloud messages. So Pugwash nobs a Black Pig meaning is dismissive of Police reputations. 

Cara's Playboy Mansion

Cara showed viewers around that House & "owns" another in Beverly Hills. Cara was heard saying you're having a joke, give me the lease, having only been there for a Screw with a Publisher.


Succubus contact with Beth caused Three disfuguring injuries & with Milly One in a cover up of the former again. The Family options were Hypotenuse. Two of the Four were accidents by Animal implants, Two Surgery. Injuries are dictated by the Fifth Column in London. The Fifth called V Roman 5 & Alien Movie Species (Avian) reduce victim's status to put off charges of assault & multi Man relations, intending to Keep Wales out of contact with England with rough Policy.


Bolt Front & back Doors also Bedroom at night.

Sunday, June 16, 2024

Apocalypse Showdown

A Show down is false portrayal of dominance overwhelmed by the dominant. As you've witnessed in the case of Seniority it doesn't matter much what you strive for or try to avoid because of timed events. Becsuse the Government are cruel they make people afraid who think they can act at any moment, however they stall & save points to appear supreme in a moment.

Hierarchical failure

The Aged make a fuss of themselves to get their own way & finance. The Natural Leader under God is fresh & obedient & that is objectionable to the Stupid & Aged hence Apocalypse. They entered a progressing World & claimed they made things, but their tampering was such a Balls up it is all getting blown down or burned.

Evil Dead: Animals on Moriah

The Arrogant Rat & Bird are of the Intruders who were "recalled" & their near, that turned my Family one against the other for Sex & Gore.

Excaliber Origins

Veronika or Her Wessex Authority gave Jack a broad Bronze Lance of the Type seen here but having a thicker Diameter also called Goliaths Spear "Like a Weavers Beam", X Calibre meaning girth like a Bullet Calibre.

Fik Fuzz

Police editing & deleting Posts here are obviously unaware of prevailing forces concerning Biblical integrity, this is a Testament. God  says make them restore everything or put them to Death.

Notice to Stupid Pigs

If it's not you it's your Boss. How can you hide online?

Ho picked up

A Prostitute was picked up by the Fuzz & since they have shaved. I thought it was something to do with Crabs, I asked the Supermarket Girl if she had Crabs & got the same look as when I asked a man if he had Fat Balls for Bird Feeders.

Hill Ban

Following the theft of a large number of Beetle Larvae there are none welcome on the Hilltop inc. Female & people claiming to be Family.

Saturday, June 15, 2024

Sunak given a new Term

Rishi Sunak was given a new Term Today formerly known as the "Paki" he has been called "disgrace".

The origin of "Chequers" is Cheaters & Magpies also Check Points relieve opportunity of useful things. 

Thyroid "Balls up"

Thigh Roid appears to indicate that Tonsil Roid references are in fact Bollocks or vice versa.

Economic Sanctions

The UK are sanctioned for speaking to Movie Download Sites preventing viewing & Download of Apocalypse related material. Westminster are in an open Apocalypse cover up in front of the whole World.

Z: The Dead Phone

I've been able to see a little of the Film. It begins with a broken Phone Screen & has Two walkie Talkie Shadows in a scene with Walken holding the Girls Hand. The Dead Girl is the dominated Irish Crown & the Officer symbolised in other movies I can't see like the Prophesy & Terminator: T-1000. Phone signals are blocked here usually, Mast tampering.

Suspect Group: McNeal Gavin, Irish; I battered him before he shoved me through a Window & ran off. Scene part replicated in Terminator. Wandering Oid,connected to Rebecca. Looks like a Fifth Column domination of Irish Democracy, London proxies abroad & back through Wales. The Four Quarters are only designed to take the blame for the House anyway. There would be a Holy Family without surgery in Kent or One in retreat here.

Friday, June 14, 2024

Thorns, who's the Crown?

Jesus planted the Thorns in the Valley following his Familiy's Deaths, which is discovered to be an Avian recall of Intruders malfunctioning in the presence of God at Moriah. It reveals the origin of "Total Recal" the Film Title. The Thorns still help keep Home Office Shite away, who park near the Well as if they won against God.

Retargeting Report: Home Office Nuclear Shelters are receiving volleys to annihilation for developing suicidal systems resulting in damage across the Board.

New Excalibur

Yesterday God gave me an Axe Handle recognisable as Wales Authority. He said It is for the Death of Crucifixion responsible in Haydock, that is Apocalypse responsibles & any other Blood is against God with the appropriate penalty Death

Images blocked

Image & General blocks are Police organised sex workers given instructions & penalised. They are usually placed at Tills in Shops. It amounts to Police Control with moderate variables. There are also Poisons based Shopping restrictions & Queue overwhelming for direction.
Veronika's Bloodied Eye Socket marks the arguments between Her & Jesus. Nailed Bent forward for Sex Her Tails (Tales) dismiss the angry Jack