The Archangel Michael

Saturday, June 1, 2024

Bad Spell

What happens if you upload Two disaster Photos taken in a Mirror? A potential disaster.

Double = Null, Mirror = Reverse, Double Image & Mirror = Real. I need to upload another Crown Image or people will seek opportunity.

Passport application keep refusing as well as Religious Painted Icons. Also refused Odysseus, Ulysses & Jack.

Friday, May 31, 2024

Unable to see this

I am struggling with internet denial, this appears to beginnwith Hirus in a recognisable Stephanie. Stephanie operated a T-ramp meaning concessional down grading to excel later. She connects Ireland to Wales a Central of Cerberus & was Isocrates.

I've been able to see some of the YouTube clips & it appears they are calling Horus the Beast Ovary /Bollock. There is more than One takes the Eagle, Theory: There are 666 Avians witnessing Seniors on Four Quarters.

God said I should point out their Clock intends to call me a Set Sun following an Operation next Year & that he insists there are no false Prophets live on his Hill. He said tell them to fuck themselves.

Dragon Report

God confirmed that the Brain Transplanted Wildlife is pretending to represent God when visitors seek signs. The Dragon having Crowns are revealed to be the Windsor Oid group who return with Intelligence. 

I had some damaged files on the Road but still have this Russian version drawn outlining Dildos because it amuses Cara. It basically has the line of succession. The Eagle is the "all seeing Eye" & they are subject to it who are like London, Snyde but serving God most of the time.

Popular Image

I was inundated with gratitude that puzzles because of the great things God says each day here. This One has a Blood Cheeked Shadow.

God angry Today

God threw the Radio onto the floor tearing out the Solar Wires ftom the connectors & knocking all of the Batteries out to prevent incoming messages while Internet has been blocked outward.

Solar Panel

We find Powerbanks & AAA rechargeable for LED best. God designed the low drain digital display Powebank using my input here, it's great on a series circuit. We use Car Battery Top up that can be stuck to a Window with Suckers.


We need to examine the regional Sacking of Eurasia to understand Global War Today. The Vatican slaughtered recently putting Millitary Germs in Shop Freezers sending shoppers to Amazon, who excluded competitors. The main drive of Apocalypse appears to be raid based finance for a gathering of Ancients. Salvage would appear be worth less to them without careful Targeting, some kind of Harvest of other's work is natural to the Surgically altered Men.

George Bush

Bush who starred in a Dick-suk movie here has moved to Heir Andy Jazzy Amazon CEO. Bush is a Pope former in part & the most notorious International Criminal in Three Millenia according to God. He has the same Enforcers as usual. Bush & other former Popes are the Little Pricks on a Thorn Crown of Moriah God says.

Amazon breached conditions when I ordered failing delivery, recredit & contact.

Internet denial

 God says terminate the Executive.

Thursday, May 30, 2024

Clock Framework

The Clock as seen in Media stills is designed to forbid occurrences serious to World Order. "Fabric" of Society is meant to mean pre Tapestry substance & designs described as a "Matrix" origin May Tricks, M-A Tricks, a May Pole is a Phalus protected by Cock hungry Young Ladies. MA is master of Arts or references to Spiritual coercion by poisons leading to Subduction.

Wednesday, May 29, 2024

Heaven misleading

The Birds have Scots implants that think they deserve Vatican authority. Insects are reliable requiring a Compass Point & basic Signals knowledge. Some of them are Wild but Nesting Boxes are robbed for surgery in the area. A Robbin was Tasered feeding a Report stated & Council have been ascending Tall Trees to Nests inc. The Eagle.

God says the determination of Jesus to kill the Roman Agents in the "Wild" Hill dwellers caused systems revenge on the Cross.

The Resident Robin when I first stayed was assaulted by Wild Birds on Christmas Morning almost losing One Eye. It followed a wish for Antichrist Elizabeth not to enjoy Christmas Day.

It has become obvious why abundant Bread was given to the Prophets here, opportunity for infestations of Snyde Birds & Rats. Visitors can call the Robin Wingnut, the Crow Jock & the Rat Little Scotch Bastard. God says they serve most of the Time, which is what he said about Westminster.

Bollocks origin: "that's Bollocks" of a lying Avian replacing One Bollock.

Crown of Thorns

God says this is an accurate presentation of the Crown which was in use for other reasons. As you can see it is of a Bush here that has Crown shapes upon it, making it popular in the Day.

Can you find the Man wearing a Crown. Cara's Skyfall Neck Tattoo is mentioned having a double head. The Man says keep comments at Home forefinger to Neck. Cara's Tattoo is supposed to represent three Crucifixions her neck left of Two, Howe Doodle.

I said to God you could've made me great but you made the other Hilliers crappy. Ronnie Kray, Sam the lying Queer & Noel the fabricating loser etc.


People are growing thick Pine to reduce Lamp Radiation.

Dragon's Blood

There are Three Parts to the Red Dragon at Moriah: Ash Trees, Marks making Images & Birds living in them, that are foreign surgical implants formerly of Men. Slaying the Dragon is cutting down the Ash so can we expect peace ftom Global War? We put in an effort last Year that involved Bark stripping. The Secret History of the Biblical Dragon is known by Government because there was a reviving Dragon in Tomb Raider that is like the difficulty preventing the Trees reviving.

Bark Origin: Dogs "Bark" because of annoyances in Tree Images Past.

Monday, May 27, 2024

Avian War

Marauders having Avian implants sacked Eurasia bit by bit & today advance the death from taking a Millenia to only One Hour. Two World Wars have depopulated Europe also using maximum force.

Q: Are Avians attempting the extermination of Humans because they cut Trees to burn & build leaving birds nowhere to live? 

Q: Do you think the Crucifixions of the Lumber Workers & Carpenters by Nailing to Trees was in part or entirely to do with deforestation? What about the burnings of King Cole here called Lawrence & Joan?

Q: What do you think about "Rain Forests"

Report: Rain refers to Reign in media, competitive Spiritual Government of Wild things.

Report: Fire is the foremost reason for Village burnings by Avian Mutants.

Report: A Fish was brought to Temple Mount to witness arguments & was released into the River Medway. The Fish reports to the Spirits in the Oceans about Nuclear risk & dangers eavesdropped at ground Zero. The concept was hinted in "a Fish called Wanda" (Wander) keeping the Ocean "Clock wise"

Paranormal Images of the King Cole Family Burning on Temple Mount, Cara's Intruder was Left of the Crowned & Bearded Cole in the Image, on his Right.

Enlarge, The Family were in Bed in a row with a Child.

Repeat deletion

 An international security post has been deleted & deleted again.

Sunday, May 26, 2024

A Cloud descended & took Jesus up

We have Clouds descend often here. This One brought someone low. It can be better seen sliding the progress bar but YouTube darken to prevent Clock examination. Measure it with a Pencil or something. The image is of a man being Trolled.

God says Catholics stole our Money forcing representation, aggressive with the proper Office. The descending Cloud video is delayed & degraded by Catholic authority who also jump out of their pram whenever there's a picture of the biblical Cherubim.

Kill the Invaders

God says it is necessary to destroy all non Native Brain in the UK or Nuclear Conflicts will persist. BCE especially need to be destroyed Human & Animal. 


Time has confirmed that Johnson is control of Horus: Pilot, as indicated in 'Hercules', the Brunette Eve. Boris intruders are subject to a near family council like me, Cara & David.

I find Avian 'fly' from One Family Tree to another, One Quarter to another, One Political Party to another & intersperse. Humans are like destinations on a map of Highways.

Saturday, May 25, 2024

Prince Sultan Airbase

A Megalithic Shard has been found that is a clear reference to the Topgraphical Plane approaching Saudi Arabia via Pakistan. A Pilot can be made out at the front.

Origin of Good & Evil

E-Village: E is a fatal or potentially fatal attack based upon Talons East, the Vill Age reports Vill as a community, not unlike modern Allotments. The Evil are who had Avian Implants for fight & went mad attacking Villages like a Wild Beast. Humans had evolved taking care of their family units & the Human-Animal Hybrid passed through developed & inherited Security from Famine, Cold & Wild Beasts.

Good: OO is for both Brain Hemispheres Dead not transplanted & d for dead. G is a Government index. Killed by Government without transplantation. Origin the Blood teared offended Face upon the Moon.