The Archangel Michael

Saturday, March 23, 2024

Stone Circle

In the Garden provided is a Circle, stay within it or you're fucked God says. It's the First Stone Circle here since the Time of Moses, they were lit with Lanterns.

Friday, March 22, 2024

Subliminal Images Spiritual Communication

The Biblical "Quickened" are who are better informed or performed by their Spirit or Transplantion of Spirits poncng an Identity. Spirits see the Freeze frame at the Speed of a Cat or Spider, also the Clock & process the Information. Actors are Quickened needing authority of the Government to perform at high Speed.

Morian explanations often irritate Spiritual Leaders who don't want to say they don't know & give the most likely explanation. The High Preist was One who thought Jesus made him look inadequate for same reason.

Four Quarters Garden

Every Senior is invited to the Lower Garden with strict instruction not to enter further or be present when I am passing through each day. Enquire of God & observe he flight path of Insects & nods, ducks & other direction of Birds. The Wild things have a Language by which to respond to thoughts & verbal intentions.

Rat Report

I needed the day off Today because of Moscow counter action. This is not Neutral Ground please go Home because future Projects will have less at higher rate.

Cloud Report

Charles has operated Russia against Females positioned by the Queen in Three Quarters not a Fourth.

King of the Jews & the Magic Perfume

A Girl passed by Yesterday & I wanted to buy Her a Drink based upon a Waft of Perfume. The Phenomenon occurred after a Lifetime avoiding the expense until I was left alone. Aquiring the Perfume became a priority Yesterday & was achieved in under an Hour.

Beldam Crossly a UK Defence Neutraliser

They are under investigation for extortionate redevelopment of adequate Rockets limiting Defence Budget capability.

Thursday, March 21, 2024

Flocking Hell

Report: Of the numerous Deaths in the Hill dwelling Family at the Crucifixions over 100 individuals were taken. Avianoid then disperse to lead Communities as the Person in which they gathered. Observing Birds give Clues. If there is abundance they Flock or they call to each other from their Zone following a conflict for position.

God slandered

Church Histories flatter God at the desirable so that he is found out ashamed. God is God & his Sun his Light on Moriah, observe the way of nature to understand, one consumes another yet their Soul is transplanted or recieved to it's natural place among who created flesh.

Wednesday, March 20, 2024

Noah (Knower, Seer, Prophet)

Alien Self Destruct 

Today 11 Slate are delivered to Moriah & an investigation is due concerning Noah's Oids, a Flock of potentially 14 different Souls Today. Noah is Registered builder of the Arc & the Long Barrow Burial Chamber presumed his or theirs. Was an internal dispute between Flock Resident & Resident nearby cause of Megalith foundation Well arguments? Are Avian making critical decisions for Men?

Movie about Ancients: I haven't been able to Watch this yet. Emma's biology is partially of the Arc in the day so there's probably something worth seeing.

Ancient movie

The Wanderers was about Covent Garden, where a Spell has been cast over the most Beautiful in the Capital. They Stream down Hill from the area of Covent Garden Tube all Day. The Baldies are shaven Headed Security & Wanderers those who smelt the Crumpet from outside. Spiritual Government.

Russia Report

A Rat infestation has been used by God to explain Russian Agency in Kent. The Moriah Community over bred & Destroyed the Bird Feeders suddenly. They are flippant reproved dominant in their minds. Dextrose & brave at stealth responses, ultimately removable, struggling with near total food denial following the Bird feed outbursts. Flowerbed attacks in the Welsh Quarter continue.


Integration failure, probable small Community tolerance having less grace to feed than before limiting numbers.

Tuesday, March 19, 2024

Daily Sacrifice

The end of the Daniel Sacrifice indicating a countdown to the end, is like other "then shall the end come" Scripture about anything the authors disliked. The Daily Sacrifice has been suspended at least Twice while I've been here. It appears to have been a Horus trick to overrun with Rats for our distress & insult.

Mirth or a Clue?

 Mess Tin Drones get "blown away" like those having hope in them because of design sabotage.

Christ the Redeemer: Alls Well that ends Well

I bought 11 Rocks to restore to the Hill for the Well Foundations dispute. Do you want them Arc or Lower Garden?

Monday, March 18, 2024

La la Land

My Title Earl of Kent & English Crown has been recorded to Louis Windsor, a Child. I thought you were using Dukedoms. My Father retired in 2013 not 2014, you are ridiculous.

Earl Spencer says what about my Title? A Local Family. Royals live with the Communities here by demand because they connect to current affairs better. Any Jock with English Money is claiming a Post, usually a slanderous representation.

Sunday, March 17, 2024

Run & oid!

 The Irish have been making hide references to Avianoid.


Revelation 13's Two Beasts look like they are Bollocks Hosted by myself & Charles, who simply has to have everything material & Spirit, leading Agency of the Vatican. The 666 Ball also uses combinations of 5 & 2 which are easily made to look like 6 in Handwriting. God says the Prophets on Moriah are never false. Something I believed having had nuisance implants before, that smiled at a Queer & strove for control of Facial expressions. That Pest among others is always with my Family though Generations, Catholic Surgeon.

Saturday, March 16, 2024

Beast Ball

For once the Bible was easy to understand, an Avianoid is an Animal or Beast. There is too much unwritten. During my Childhood I was Demonised by Catholics who had promoted a Jesus Clone at the Palace with Damian Omen media. They used the rubbish to operate on my Mouth at a Dentist in Railway St. So that it slopes on One Side. They also Sexually abused in the Church next door while I was unconscious, supposed to be related to an Omen Scene where his Father held a knife to him in a Church.

Avian have their own communication linked to a Blood Stream, by sound over a short distance that is passed on by another. They cause a struggle for sensible conduct, but are the Agent of their Masters having their own separate inaudible role.

Catholic contempt

They made Trillions from my Name & hated me when I returned, not sharing the fortune, but attacking my Credibility for their dominance. There is no Justice, only Predatory thoroughness. There is Justice with God & the Broad Hand of Destruction is the last Word. God wants the Christian Churches abolished in favour of these Posts. The Two greatest Statutes are now all things in moderation & all things in avoidance of Death. If I'm the Beast, Beth is Judge Death & Cara Satan, Judas & Whore of Babylon who is Big Ears? He says he's me & is not. Catholic control propaganda, Apocalypse Scripture their own Scribings.
20: "The World" in Four Quarters,  Lion England, Cow Ireland, Human Face Wales, Eagle Scotland. The US Eagle has an Irish Majority, like our English Majority with Stuart Royals & MPs.

Friday, March 15, 2024

Horus (Whore us)

We spoke yesterday when he introduced himself briefly. He's very Old & wanting more to do with my Animal feed duty. He is better known as the Majestic Eagle & insists he is only a Messenger, having a Great People like the other Archangels.

Ancient Image from a Megalithic Stone here, the Rats are his Food & cannot br befriended feeding without causing Him to fail a Mark.

Danger & War in Heaven, Apocalypse Fractal discovered

A Sign, the fissured Golgotha Skull having Rat Eyes. Rat references to my Family since the Year Dot or earlier are a scheme of Horus, who feeds another place if they are friendly so that we can be insulted or assaulted. Their Spirit becomes significant at Family Poll, a violent Clan. The Bird is a contention with God with Spirits born in the area & has been killed before. He has a Chief International position & unhappy cooperation with God in both cases & is very dangerous. Horus said if I can't find a Perch without Snow or frost I haven't Whored you for gain, go where they have. Hungry Horace = HH = I, a Sexual encounter not pleasant.


Veronica's Crucifixion Marker has been found to me, previously illusive it is in the place I drew Her last Year, Right of Three.

Thursday, March 14, 2024

Apocalypse dispute: we built this city lyrics

Broken Megalith Well Foundations 

Marconi/Elliots/GEC/ BAE Systems Star in this about the "Stolen" Hill, mamba lyrics interesting. Rock Rolling ref.

The double built this City indicates as we've said Adam was not the first Person, A Class of some kind, surgery manipulates. It means we did not build this City (Jerusalem).

Listen to the Radio

Ben Elliot Trafficks the "Whore of Babylon" Cara's Intruder & my ex Wife in Arthur by Radiation, M, Lamping, Localised Ultrasoumd Microtechnology. The US are worried by it because She holds the Irish Majority Vote there & here.

KCC "Black" Horse

I have been burned leaving a Large Scar & have a Pin lodged in my skin where I can't retrieve it. Breaking in by KCC, who use Council Workers for Murders in Communities during the Night inc Cot Deaths.

KCC are a German/Irish collaboration between Eunice's Family & Blacks. The Nazis are Intruders that took the Holy area killing Jesus Family & the Irish are overwhelmed by them & the US.