The Archangel Michael

Wednesday, October 11, 2023

Moriah & Nob

London was the Nob side of the now "Dead Sea" moved up Estuary where it flourished. It's obvious to us that if anything remains at Moriah that can be nicked or broken for the further prosperity of the Ticking Bomb that replaced Moriah as Briton's Capital, then that's an achievement. Apocalypse inevitable without removal or leaving of the greedy invaders it is believed to make no difference. Is that what People think?

Monday, October 9, 2023

Labour Party

The Party have ruined Global Security at my Position, sustained burns, environmental & nutritional difficulty.


The Executives fought hard to keep their Pay, as was before sweeping changes under the new Monarchy when all others were defeated beneath. Nobody likes change however Rich they are. They are charged with throwing critical Global Security responsibility overboard, theirs by my hereditary Peerage, every Country's Security failure.

Paranormal Report

This Image displayed Two Masts on either side of the River here. The Mast of Moriah shattered later. Labour greed broke International Data connection from the Hill, having broke Finance covering external WiFi fluidity.


Wherever I hide Nails somebody finds them & marks their game while I'm out, even buried in the Earth. Today they Marked a Plant dug up with a Nail that had been hidden by them in case they could not find the others, mine are rusty & it was clean. God said he's made his own Cross.

Sunday, October 8, 2023


God says blaming France for bad behaviour since Elizabeth is Right on Target.


The Bishop of Durham is found with Satan Horns on the back of Charles Throne in an Image on the Temple Veil. God says Excommunicate.


Agents @ KFC attempting Holocaust investigations post quality damage. Clamouring to Irradiate. I still suffer constant burns, often painful at Home.

The Paul Lamb Family connected to the above are operating in an area known to be a Post Coronation super Nuisance via France, having Global effect as well as UK disruption.

Investigating Apocalypse: Paranormal Report

Evidence on the Mary Tree indicates an angry threat of Missiles at the Time of the Birth of Jesus. Some reported reasons are:

  • Parties, the Foreign tradition of attacking a Family celebration raping & killing with incests. 
  • Outnumbering at Central World Government, Spirits not born in the area distorted Messages. 
  • Concrete called Con Create, an invader invention at Maidstone. It forbade ordinary Life as among Rocks & expanded to Global distress. The masses are a peculiar thorough Civilian Nuclear Target. It's believed the invention was given to trap them. All living things contain identical Spirits that vote in Four Quarters of the Earth.

Stolen Atefacts

One of the most popular examples of Ancient Pottery found here has been stolen. The Aquatic Animal was in the Red Sea Area of the Floor Map associated with The Abomination of Desolation until dislodged, then kept with the Map of Souls. It's theft exposes secret Apocalypse provocation of a serious nature. Kent Police Chief approves all thefts  personnely & is believed to have a Demonic Rat implant making Headway at Apocalyptic Global Warming.

General appearance

Another Image was found Online. It has the Nose end of the Atefact visible beneath a Wood Divider. It also has the Skeletal Dragon Eating the Screaming Pebble of Police corrupted Photo Galleries here, missing from another entry.

Saturday, October 7, 2023

True Cross

The nearest thing to the Tree upon which Jesus was Crucified is that at the location having Divine Images of it. This Bark was almost fallen from the Dead Birch. It is for Sale @ £500, Cara wants more for handling.

Shaped like an Ancient Bronze Nail of that Time

Friday, October 6, 2023

Ancient Hovels

Allotments are a throwback to Ancient Villages put up near a Stream. The occupants compete for Honour with the Single Room Amateur Homes & grow Vegetables & Flowers also.

Thursday, October 5, 2023

Apocalypse Orientation

Nobody wants to buy the Abomination of Desolation, only a few Feet from the offending Platform of Souls, why?

This was an effort to restore Megalith Stone found in the Valley to the Hill, a Floor leveling attempt with a feature. It was found to represent Biblical Graves & Souls.


The Stones were broken by Herod, who was also a nuisance at the Water Gate. They made a Public Bath of the Concrete Cistern, where Jesus healed a Blind Man. Healing was charitable Family Egyptian Surgery, breaking Corpses.

Declassified Image

This Image has a progression. The new 5am Clock is Mirrored in a area having a Mirror so that it is as the other 5am Clccks here.

Wednesday, October 4, 2023

"Satanic Africa" Report

The Devil's Head shape of the African Continent has caused Nazi employment of Africans for trouble making about the "Lamb".

Paranormal Investigation

Oxford are attempting cooperation with Moriah on Ground Zero evidences connected to Biblical Apocalypse. Cambridge can get lost, which is what they told me when I visited.

God says here's an Image to get the Ball rolling, zoom out.

Big C

When an environment is extreme it's probable you are expected to leave or if old Die. Kidney problems, Pain, Fatigue can recur or be given Grace by travel. Leave across County Lines beginning far away. Hiking is best, off Road better. Don't eat until the end of the Day & if everything is hot eat only Energy food having Sugar & Drink only Energy Drinks like Coffee to help neutralise recovery hindering lethargy. Leave everything behind inc. Clothing, remove Device Batteries.

Jim Twain, Moriah Studies for extra time

Square Route

Squared Wood began here when someone desired a flat surface on Furniture, then flat joints for surface area stability.

Valley & Hill Honoured in the Symbol: 

Monday, October 2, 2023

Overcoming Radiation Fatigue

Stimulants & stimulating are necessary because Body responses combat exercise with low Energy levels against productivity. Energy manifests unnaturally following the Metabolic rate increase that Detoxes.

Jim Twain, Moriah University 

God said he is working on DNA to reduce opposition as well as cope with Micro injuries

Daily Torture

Burns are severe, either serious health difficulty or Pain. God says restore our former Queen.

Torrure & Injury here are desperate attempts at timing Apocalypse by those who have made Nest. God says the first Crucifixion was all it took & additional problems with the Second Coming are Catholic humour. There is a Great Catholic gathering at the Palaces.


Sunday, October 1, 2023

Global Threat

Ray Deceased is seeking Financial advancement by my Head, an  Image here depicts. The Image cannot be shown because it's an embarrassing Stain. It shows him a big advancing £ with a tall Mushroom Cioud, within grabbing my Neck with a smaĺl excuse supported by "Utah", Mormons.

I read the Book of Mormon, fake based on Old & New Testament. Mormons who aren't sharp Dressed Young Men knocking Doors can learn here.

Saturday, September 30, 2023

SAS ordinary

I beat the average SAS standard for carrying a load a Distance. They are Parachute Regiment Big or Small, an Elitist Team of Family Members not necessarily Great. A bit like the SS. I also beat all of them at First Rifle Range Shoot, having had an Air Pistol gifted me very Young.

2 Oct 2pm: Crucifixion threat. God says stay safe abroad.


They are all Foreign Perverts, like the SAS a Foreign Office nuisance.