The Archangel Michael

Sunday, January 8, 2023


Today we are observing the Zero in verses of Revelation, that indicated Mirrors.

Saturday, January 7, 2023

Sexual Psychology

The continual Anal rape of Women to control their emotions has been subverted successfully by undoing the Seam rear of the halfway mark beneath Trousers. The result is a frequent vent of frustration.


Don't try to rule out all problems because of a build up of tension. Use the device on & off.

Asset dispersal

Yesterday I was delighted by some of the finest examples of Females i've seen in the area, the unstable Capital is allowing Agency outside.

Friday, January 6, 2023

Racism Positive: Bodysnatching

"Racism" is a Tool against well meaning White People to devour their School children following kindness. 

Thursday, January 5, 2023

Harry Potter: Temple Mount

This represented the Temple & collapsed Stone Circle around it, then the lower Room, a Store & Water Gate Guard House with Springhead Cistern. The Stones had the Ten Commandments drawn upon Two. A signal from God informed the Horizontal Support Stones beneath were removed for Graves leaving uprights under the Hill.


This morning I was ordered by God to open the Gate of Abaddon next Door at the Red Sea. I've not removed all of the bramble blocking. 
Apollyon: Crown of Thorns & likeness. Now hearken you Bosch Babylonian Bastards.

The opening is a ridicule of Revelation, out of it's time. I protest the "Witching" , that is mugging of the Lucifer Messenger, who is moderate, also my handling of the opposing Messenger in Revelation, who is like me a Messenger & kind enough to help me in uncomfortable situations. The demise of my opposite is mine also according to multiple signs here & I refuse involvement. That leaves only a future Resurrection of Christ able to indulge it, "He" is also Female at this time.

Lucifer Light Bearer: The Messenger is unpopular with my opposing group for Heart in competition & is more like me than they, Mirrors don't make opposites of all. I also get lumbered with the group Messages. Crown of Thorns like mine: personally useless Crown.

The Bottomless pit first interested me having a filled Commode. Comodus invented mobile Toilets. Bottomless could refer to the River Bed unseen by the Lamps outside, or the River that never filled when things were thrown into it, Wikipedia has suggestions. The "binding" of Lucifer is probably my own death, thorough Family abuse has been normal for us both, & Scripture is too often mocking flattery or rubbish e.g. "Saint" Peter. 


The idea is to prevent learning & address the Spirit, certain rules applying intended to confuse. Colours & identities for example are not opposites. The Daily Mirror in the UK announces the true statement of Leadership however is a tool of Apocalypse normally hiding things from people, also normal Newspapers on the same piece of paper at the other end of the Newspaper having more content on the subject earlier.

Apollyon & Satan

There will be no Chain or Key bought or used by me at the Red Sea, nor will I bind Satan willingly by my demise or kill him. I am contending with what is for sure authority approved publication not entirely Prophetic. I assume selfish belief at control & blame without knowing that one day I would publish contention. On the Hill fools make signals as if I could not manage, as if they are in their own durisdiction, the website suffers hack alterations in 20 mins, let alone thousands of years, people are disrespectful & arrogant about official prophesy. Christian churches attempt to correct me because I don't have the time honoured doctrines, I am the living Word of God. Spirits run amok in the face of authority.

Stupid Prick

London creep & recoil when people turn to attack. They creep into every thing & creep on unless there is a reaction. How will you bring back everyone's Grand Parents who aught to have died peacefully, but died full of Cancer for their Pension. Your Crimes are heaped to Heaven! Like your Towers, higher than the Holy Mount.

Voicemail Crime

 The Government are redirecting my calls to voicemail I am unable to access.

Critical Alert

Yesterday & Today multiple reports of intention to Execute Cara here in order to access my Head. Draft an immediate agreement not to respond Internationally to an attack on the Capital. This is not a Mirror. 

Wednesday, January 4, 2023

Regiside Revisted

The only payment not to park nearby or walk around is taking your Heads off, this is not a Mirror. Internet block every day about the time of return, standard of serious Lamping, excited Post-Regisidal Global Security madness.

Public demand

I am advised that majority Public opinion desires the destruction of London Revelation 17 & 18 style. They want the CCTV Employees & Chiefs Dead & Pensions they paid into. This is not a Mirror.

Global Security risk

Equipment failure

Billions have been spent annoying with useless equipment, tax payers money. This Motorway Camera near Nol is supposed to resemble the Metroplitan training Centre invading Kent.


The fascination is off-base, he kept shooting at English & other Goals around the World. Most of his shots went wide of the mark. He was coincidentally killed when I criticised Black transplantation to White communities.

Black Bodysnatching

Underachievement in Africa as well as the UK should not qualify Africans for a White Body. South Africa prospered White proving superiority in development. If one cannot create, only steal one cannot maintain: related depletion.

Tuesday, January 3, 2023

St. John Fisher

A meeting was obvious today, a filled Car Park. Subject Church reluctance & inevitable demise.


We had a busy Football day Yesterday, with Cara & Fashion Designers then on to Talk Sport Radio predicting a Brentford win, we'll look in again this Evening. There are Two things to remember with predictions here, One we use a Mirror, Two that's my Ball. So do yourselves a favour this Evening & donate a Grand to my Site from either Club. I had a Two way from the Temple & suggested one of the Liverpool players go to a Hole in the Wall to stuff an envelope with notes in the Second half.


We have a problem with contending match rigging. What should''ve been a Newcastle win later was a Draw following banter, probably Flood Light Lamping looking at the performance sheet. There is a passive force of the majority that contends with the overt authority often, so that stealth is required to compete with them. The obvious thing is a swoop on an unsuspecting Game, however we'll contend frequently to test capability.

Contend orig. Ireland: "End the Cont"

Destruction News

Money withheld since September is causing Alarm at Whitehall, the Bell here is under a broken Mirror I can't replace. London Whiffs of Gunpowder following considerable interest in Babylon here. 

The conditions followed a broadside on Democracy that included Hell for Three people from the Crucifixion associated with Biblical Desolation, one of whom was killed here, Mary One Hemisphere.

Monday, January 2, 2023

Conflict with & within the UK

There are Two parts to UK Government (Lon & Nol) that oppose, Lon is dominant. Investment in Medway opposition is coercive & instrumental dealing with London.

The Barren Hill & Messiah are like other parts of the area including Police & Council most noticeably in their case the taller & prettier have been excluded by a traffick operation as well as direct manipulation. "Federal" operatives intrude & make problems.

PJ Harvey

The Guitar Artist, usually best Solo is descended of Jesus, a relative not of direct Descent, that is my own Crown Family. Similar face to Charles who is of my former DNA at Moriah.

Synthetic Spiritual Government

Local & Regional resistance to Global Spiritual Government is overcome by Fibre Optics etc. What would appear to be purity is unnatural & hostile to Mankind, speeding up expected extinction without divine seniority.

A symptom of corrupted Government is madness, inexplicable & uncompromising policy in the face of common sense, for example Nuclear Conflict Security corruption.

Christian Churches dismissed

Following refusal to hand me the Deeds to St. John Fisher former School (Catholic) I deny Church institutions existence. They are a Sham of refusal to acknowledge the Second Coming both in need & in Doctrine. Their Grand Buildings shame Temple Mount & God. This is not a Mirror.