The Archangel Michael

Saturday, September 14, 2024

Love & Hate

You've heard about H or 8 who is Hate, Lucifer & about Jesus who is Love. The Two have an inclination & overlap & are like Two Wheels on a Car. God is God of all. Mi6 perverts get cross about interference & have taken a political aspect about Sex operations, meaning to exclude & float their Boat. We said would the participants prefer Jesus management or your own you perverts. Hard-ons are like drunks at work.

Paranormal: Normal Spirit based anomaly, 6 is Sex & Two Hearts Centre means no Heart, hence Hate or 8. Complex tags are normal. Tarot equivalent 8 of Cups is a leaving blood soaked Man, like the Hanged Man Trump. 


Jesus with Blood Coloured Clothing

Boy & a Ho

God says it is ordinary historically for a teen to be brought a working Woman by a family member. Games are sought by mi6 to injure & any thing has been described as Sex including a massacre. They camouflage & pretend to have a measure of pain & pleasure. Here we find subtle positive correction & with H is pain & death.

Truths of Veronika

She was a fractal of Kin, today an Urangutan & Avians numerous survive still frustrated by Sexual servitude unable to break the spell. Jesus wrote things concerning her, every entry about a Woman in Proverbs. The Solo-Man surviving, Solomon. She is still made to front Eva ops based on the coerced cuts on her Man during the Crucifixions.