Tuesday, March 1, 2022
Monday, February 28, 2022
Sunday, February 27, 2022
A Stone here is like the Moon Arthur, an Arthur Head surrounds the other, one of my Wrist weights. This type of Weight is also a Knuckle Duster type Weapon.
Saturday, February 26, 2022
Stop taking refugees into Europe, Russian Soldiers are among them. Contain & Nuke camps during Nuclear exchange.
Internet denial
Kill internet denial executives, serious, House of Lords. Remove Truss. When the EU Commission left England MI6 took direct Responsability for Antichrist foreign policy for bribes.
Serco: Sir Company UK, US, France etc.
I'd like to point out there were Two World Wars before I was born, I am not a Warlord.
My family are dead, Crackpots from the past seize them on orders from prevailing Egyptian leadership. I was sustained because I was the Word reborn. The Responsability of those of the group replacing my Royal line is administrative leased under office in a World War.
Hour Glass shape
The Pyramid is people descended from the peak, who responds to the democracy of their descendents. An Hour Glass is an additional Pyramid which Crack Pots the Leader & then the near Kin forming a takeover, consuming the Life of People for an opposing authority lowest first.
Friday, February 25, 2022
Arthur Desecration
"We will continue on a remorseless mission to squeeze Russia from the global economy piece by piece, day by day and week by week," Johnson told the House of Commons.
Encourage Russian Smerch Agents to take away US hostility towards EU Gas supplies, which are not useful to the US. The US is everybody's problem. Inviting Agents is better than Rockets over our borders by increasing US pressure already negative to the EU.
Thursday, February 24, 2022
- Prevent promises to exclude Russian trade in Europe, it is deliberate US provocation
- EU: stretch out an emergency hand of hope for Trade.
- Kill US Agents in the EU saying otherwise, including Charles Michael.
Barbaric Ukrainian Gov.
Wednesday, February 23, 2022
PPE scam: "10,000 items of PPE per patient."
Realise make rubberized swimwear & an over clothing full bodysuit. Better longer term uniform than the emergency wear. Futuristic, very stretchy, washable.
St. Peter: Blood Diamond
The Egyptian called St. Peter killed my Brother & stole my Diamonds worth over 100m. Brain Death God commands today.
Secret Traitor killing both Hemispheres of the one called the Word of God, having the Cheif Spirit of the creation of Life made flesh.