Friday, February 25, 2022

Arthur Desecration

A Penis shape has been put to the Mouth of the Head Stone that is like the Moon image in the Picture Column, & a Memorial where he fell is damaged & imaged by a Third party. Desolation insistent. Under Father Baker of St. Michael's Catholic Church, Chatham.


Moss scraping causing structural damage is as a former incident under the direct influence of Dawn, Sue, Avril, Fran & Katrina at Ipsos MORI where I operated a short time. Some sediment helping to age with moss made up a part of the sculpture, where an image formed of a person in an Egyptian type Hat at the rear. They removed the evidence & continue to scrape daily causing Alarm about a "Luna" based Nuclear strike on the US.

We find Christianity Satanism, promoting Peacock Egyptians as an alternative to a Christ, to say they are victorious against God by killing his Son, veiling mirth in scripture & altering God's Word by his Son. Causing Christians to faint in subjection on the basis even Christ was among their defeated. Good Friday isn't good.

Why is a Pulpit called a Pull Pit? Ask a Choir Boy.