Is persistent at portraying herself as my desire, ridiculous & related to past lies resulting in Blood.
Saturday, February 19, 2022
Friday, February 18, 2022
Wednesday, February 16, 2022
Monday, February 14, 2022
Pope Francis
Is Sodomizing for Pope Benedict & has a Child at the Vatican. Cairo is still leadership following the fall of Christian Rome & Earth problems Egyptian bullying.
Irresponsible handling
Greedy embezzlement based Governments are Egyptian. They intend to destroy not to face rebellion by Mineral & HR exhaustion. Truth is the answer to the Political confusion, that hides thievery. Politicians need to give way to straight talkers intending sustainable Government. Stand down.
PNC Nuclear Weapons Computer Hacking
R: Spirits in the material World
Secret latent Gov. do not respect the Human cause enough to prevent extinction. Capable of transfer to another type of Body.
Remove very old people struggling & bored, unnatural opinion.
Sunday, February 13, 2022
Countess of Monte Cristo
Jencil has received a Title of us. All Titles can be removed if recipients annoy.
Jenny Tribute
Collapse of alternative
Saturday, February 12, 2022
Weeping Moon Eye
Mary was spiked twice for Alien authorities masquerading as Holy.
Friday, February 11, 2022
Becky Griffiths
Is a Stalker from 30 yrs ago who is reported to be shadowing with malicious intent & without positive contribution. Alienate Romanov Ponces.
Serious Holocaust Romanovs live in the US & Canada according to reports.
Armies go to War because the Pope wishes a "blessing" of the earnings of the peoples. Cardinals who are also Presidential Staff in other appearances lead.
Revelation 17
It is more likely the Vatican is blown up than WWIII ignites, because Traders mourn the loss who would be deceased if the Earth had been desolate.
Illegal detention
Hostile Vehicle here obscuring & dominating the Valley. Escalating approaches, payment for execution of decision maker. Holocaust threat serious.