The Archangel Michael

Sunday, February 13, 2022

Collapse of alternative

The pre meditated nuclear conflict has obsessed. I have internet denial excluding a modern halt to ages old encouraged Biblical Desolation, Son of God excluded.  Execute Peter Jones & family, Holocaust provocation. Retrieve my half brothers hemisphere. Peter Jones has an Ancient intruder senior at MI6.

Kent Police CID are visiting MI6, malfunctions & internet denial. Holocaust provocation in Death Valley also, recent death threats. Assault Kent Police, internet & systems. An effort is detected to effect PNC Nuclear systems. We detected other Cyber assaults & an eventual source leak after one year.

Peter Jones has links to "Seymour" Desolation Dana. The Parasite who was within "Saint Peter" eventually. Killed my Brother & Christ Bloodline. David other half Brother has a former Bishop, both Egyptian.

Execute CID, permanent contracts.