The Archangel Michael

Thursday, July 23, 2020

Jeremy Corbyn

Go to hell with all of your connections says Almighty God. Further God says put on that paper Crown or die.

Monday, July 20, 2020

Prince Andrew

I find it distressing when the Queen is posed as if creeping about near the body she is destined to take for a photograph. Andrew is a good egg, leave Beatrice alone.

Almighty God

Says do not allow Robert Worcester into the UK again.

Charge the agency for public toilet expenses.

Keep Blair occupied

Sunday, July 19, 2020


Are using Oracle & Clairvoyants to seek Government approval only to find the Rt. Hon. Gentleman would not have agreed & did not hear of a matter.

Hospital Managers

Are the foremost shedding innocent blood for money in their Counties besides the MP.  Appearances are all required to murder for identity theft, Prisons less convenient for surgery. Arrests.

Crazy news

Crazies report intentions to move Earth nearer the Sun "like Venus was" to warm the next planet for habitation. They declare Giant Redwood Prehistoric trees only grow in the cold because Earth was moved to replace Venus following mineral depletion.

Saturday, July 18, 2020


Security is dominated by foreign investment. I want the bigger armed guards tested for speed agsinst the smaller, also females. Shake it up & get Plantagenet control.

Friday, July 17, 2020


This year like 2001 Christians in authority are being told to prepare. Last time Iraqi oil, Afghan drugs & a stock market crash were achieved lying to them. This time Western economic failure. There is no conflict this year, only disaster profit again. Stop listening.

Horst Kohler believes he owns Chritianity by link to Emperor Augustus who stood while Roman & Jewish religions were mixed together. He leads a Christian Democrat party & advises holocaust he helped to 'forsee' by proxy to church leaders. Faked miracles continue like a magic show for Christians who believe they heal & cast out devils for stooges sent to gatherings.

There are real miracles of Almighty God as my snapshots declare, there are also fraudulent to gather people. Remember God made all including all religion. You do not need to heed the words of destroyers to make destruction.


We are working on a Search Engine that takes Wikipedia further to reference volumes like Oxford Dictionary & Science specifics that usually charge without that further outlay. We hope to exclude Porn from child computers along with time wasting websites eventually.

How much time do you have? How long does it take to see footage of a famous assassination?


Meghan Markle is speaking like a US first lady. Examine the YouTube Ricki Lake banter to compare with Hilary Clinton & others. Running for president.
WARNING back door Jesus desolation effort.


We are working on compressed co2 counter blast for nuclear shelters. Tests aim to reduce heat & cratering.


MI5 are carrying out all terror in the UK to order as specified usually as a compromise, by the Home Office. That includes the IRA, Ariana concert & the nuclear demolition of the Steel Works in Wales. They hold many tactical nuclear weapons for terror.

There is a chain of complaint for terror concessions to enemies

Vote of Westminster
Ministry of Organised Crime
MI5 Directors

In the case of the bomb you are looking forthe concession is to.

Horse Kohler
US Senate
Brussels EU

Security arrangements


Thursday, July 16, 2020

Internal Affairs

Freemasons pestering to subvert my decisions against serious activities are all without exception awaiting bust. Busy writing you off, we'll get around to you.


The very young taken for crimes in their naivety with adult Government encouragement will spend years locked in a whore house to make up for it if it's found they helped murder the subject.

Secret Minister for Organised Crime

Face masks are making crime desirable & infiltrating agents of the criminal kind & foriegn have become bold. I am refusing face masks in areas with low COVID19 detection.

Wednesday, July 15, 2020

Ian Flemming

I found his bible at my family home. He pretended not to be able to spell his name. Former Earl Grey.

Novel similitudes: Venus

I am encouraged to say that upon Venus the proximity of the inhabited planet Earth meant life everywhere in the Galaxy. That the aliens all had scales, fish & reptiles. One was brought back to cross breed enabling somebody to breath the air & digest the food, so that a colony could be established.

The following are based upon that we hear, unlikely.

Homer Simpson is based on the Venus man, seen here as he may have looked arriving on Earth.

Organised Crime

Crime is organised by the HO & is that way around the World. Corruption in places of authority threaten Nations & Regions so that it needs to be brought under scrutiny in an open criminal fraternity. If it cannot be stopped it is constrained. It's unfortunate that those seeking authority intend to use it for personal gain without exception.


The Freemasons manage criminal activity according to secret gatherings of Parliament & nobles. They are not the HO, but a secret department of it. The Duke of Kent Rt.Hon. Philip Kent Gray is Chairman with Veto, not responsible for general policy only serious things.

MI5 Peer review

MI5 have been a nuisance pretending to control to stabilise but instead authorising themselves to detonate their own bomb with minimal contradiction from the Freemasons by clamping down on them who they needed to be in agreement. Dangerous to have the nuclear bomb dominating the other referee to personal control & based on an excuse to control organised crime in general for the proceeds. I & my family before me have held off demands for war since the sixties & nobody needs change.


UK Royals

Lots of YouTube interviews from those always silent. Looks like they've all "passed on".

Tuesday, July 14, 2020


I am new to proceedings as recognised Duke of Kent. I have information that MI5 have been intolerable since refusal to accept Nuclear conflict in the year 2000. CIA affiliates need a critical emergency agent at the top of all terror capable organisations & Michael chief of staff indicates that Prussia are indignant with failure to annihilate. Michael refuses further comment.

Monday, July 13, 2020

Almighty God

The five pointed Star is the 5 of MI5 & the 5 corners of the Pentagon. However all things are not as they are supposed to be.

Almighty God

Said you are in contempt, but you still deny problem making. Instead you accept alternatives to a holocaust with urging. He says now that you never accepted me by my Prophet nor things mine associated, even with thunder, hail & bloody recourse. He says that MI5 are closed as you know them & destitute for enough to earn it.