The Archangel Michael

Thursday, January 30, 2020


Do you believe I can heal? My mother is tormented because I said stop killing her with pills & radioactive cheese & devices. Now I say live.


I spoke to a man last night having been shown by God a pervert in a Gillingham Pizza place. Michael said look at these prices & I was astonished & went inside. He said that man is a poof & is touching the child of the woman there. He said next door & inform the gentleman that the influx of homosexuals into shops also targets the children of them.


Almighty God accepts failure however insists on dutiful restoration. Stop flapping mouths true or otherwise having forced activities, Clean it up he says.


Treadstone 21. The fireplace at 64 St.Leonards Ave looked like the black bit. 0634 43501. Clark Kent ref. Stepping Stone.

Michael China

You can contact sub category Michael here: Yueke Chengbang, Yunyan. 26°36'40.0"N 106°42'40.0"E

Map miracles are available for policy. What do you want a finger on? Speak now to see it in this post. Moved here.


Co wrote this about me joining Charles on 1.7.1970. Get them a black singer please.

Chatham is like sweet home Alabama.

Hendrix was murdered like Bonn Scott for recording songs that took influence from Charles. Band of Gypsies was named after the Becks who lived next door to my father Ray. Touch too much was about keeping us from carnality.

Rochester is my delight & Love Lane my temptation. Release data to Quantico & not any elder about Leonard & St. Leonards, & everything with my security rating, hurry contest. Keep Mum they say.

Emma Watson

Wat Sun is she working for today? Evening duties near please. Order of St. Michael & St. George.


As you say. This was about her hidden responsibility for Tsunami. Space 1999 is filled with subliminal messages never intended to be paused, only seen once & taken in by latent spirits, even from corner of eye in a moment.


You wanna piece of me? You wananother piece of me? Retards.

Michael is the speaker on this occasion. He has the short report, his version of the Wako "terminus".

FBI: what you got goin on down there?
Michael: excuse me?
FBI: tail, what you got for us? Since you expect us to forsee saftey for ya'all in the e vent of a National emergency.
Michael: not much we all hope, a few misguided, vulnerable & recent that we didn't expect much from in the long term.
FBI: what's with the guns? What you doin?
Michael: how do you expect them to trust you not to waste their time & money?
FBI: we own a Federal Dept. here, why don't ya'll leave it all to me, sus.
Michael: why are you so obtrusive? Nobody wants you to take their work away. Are you Russia?
FBI: lose the guns or it's all over
Michael: take them


Security is arranged by my family at our expense. If you have a Helicopter on call you should not uee it to threaten us with. Further you have blocked WIFI this morning & caused injury following the judgement of the Almighty last night. All of us who respect his choices are against you.

Wednesday, January 29, 2020


It's supposed to benefit you having a football match nearby for all to see. God is dead if the persistant organiser is not destitute & in pain tomorrow. Your perverts have poly messages for the Waldorf without knowledge.


When Davidians made prep called serious, Federal Government moved on them to take the arrangement in the event of conflict. While there they ruined church conduct by their presence & ordinary way. It was broken up by God in fury so that he could devastate a Government building.

Please don't do it again, you don't have enough Government property to destroy we think. Don't take new members to outposts.

US Media

Is enlarging the divide that helped Russia with nonsense.


Modern intelligence conflict is engineered to destroy. How do you do? What evil have you perpetrated to secure yourself? Do is alternative to incursion by an enemy. We are sinners voluteering evil & innocent punished externally. Corruption alternative to affliction, all are lost who do. All sacrifice is possible to prevent death.


A curse upon those who date my mother's death. None shall be following conflict, neither your kin says Almighty God.

Ocean topography

Angel poking tongue, where are the other doodles of God? Blurred. Number 9 & Kali Tongue. Michael means who is like God. God is expansive & will be when Michael is gone, it's about attitude & not greatness. Jesus exadurated, he was not God & neither am I.

Who's boss? Of you & I we mean. Fall into subjection. Zero is Halo, Halo means without self.


Almighty God has an undiscriminating hand & I want churches to believe & form a body preserved worth something to God, so that the world is worth something in his sight. Talk of corrupt Government officials peeking from shelter & military preservation ignores the fruit of creation to be concerned with manufacturers of evil policies, delay & a reduced & Godless society. I want a Kingdom called that of Christ to be holy without selfish politics & illicit payments, respecting law which is made to protect the weak & innocent. What is good to God is what saves. Help me to gather the church to safety.

Do we really understand preservation & counter ops? Cover this base please. It actually caused the Wako church to be taken with arms for control to ruin it in the US. They had buried a bus & heaped store. Davidians have been included in efforts to prevent thorough ruin, a gift to God.

Employ: Seventh day adventist speakers to infiltrate churches with popular agreers.

Michael says all farms on sale nearby will be bought for them if they cannot contribute.

Blake's Seven

The crew of yesterday's vehicle all want a life service award for that, further involvement & programs that followed the series related to it. Alright. Servilan stuck the boot in being the US & cannot have.


A fuss is made around me & us for appearances. Any association at all is sought for camera & witnesses. If you have latent communication around me with Michael you do not need to connect to me. He moves bad men as if shoveling manure in intelligence work, you damage my reputation.

Michael is a torturer & bloody judge of spirits, a trafficker of people by conscription & I keep out of it when I can. I have never spoken to you, pervert or the lookalike of my brother. Do you represent his hierarchal spirit or his lewd life choices?

Archangel Michael says

We have an NWO system that is not mine, the church's neither Christ's by constraining & house handled demands for punishments. I always maintain that you will pay for offences later. If I am not your boss do not say that I cleared you to abuse Christ, you are not cleared at all, you are on a 21 with managed damage or being stung for unrelated crimes.

Raphael 6

Who put this in my YouTube play list? Is it something to do with Kit's Coty Megalith? A song from prehistory. I see Raphael likes political alliances, however she is Ursula & Servilan not my sister.