The Archangel Michael

Monday, January 6, 2020


The local Government are not allowing a Christian alternative according to Daniel. Take the area & we can use my Crown against the US. Israel, Kent, England, Normandy & Apollyon Royal claims. Do not destroy the Jews.


Of the defensive things here small Subs are least produced, then new Helicopters, then Spitfires & other battle converted light aircraft having a2a missiles, then called to float up mines, then hypersonic missiles distributed, then mini & microgun standardisation at military targets to stop Warheads (from the hip please), then battle ready tanks ordered. Then tent saftey precautions, & last the most useful measure it is said is advice on tactical intentions published by us.

We love the honour of defence. We are concerned now with sudden & multiple shockwaves, like a shove, & orbit. If an agreement stands agree to strike military only in a hurry.

Killing every living thing in the Sea is a feat of ignorance of how long Nuclear weapons need to be held before somebody lets them off. Just wait for total destruction.

Cessna CC AAM (Air to Air Missile compatible)

Kits Coty

The stones are dangerous in their natural state for past causes & also interference with chisels. Please hit them all with very low yield in the day, for the sake of man perhaps. We actually got Theresa May because somebody inscribed T May many years ago, enough.

SIS: We thought a Sword in Stone?

We heard about the wheel Jack & excuse to take Government by a folk tale & not brains or ability. May has a legitimate claim to nonsense rule. The name was there when I was a child.

Local Government actually intend to sacrifice me on Coffin Stone & have made manhole covers hinting who blew the World up, me & Charles they reckon. Madmen, wipe them out. They all require Psychiatric treatment for attempting the death of man by ritual sacrifice.

Global Conflict

Is linked to control & theft of oil. 6bn recently is now 7bn population & there is a World Government in place of National Governments, if struggling, grabbing dwindling oil to restrict sale officially, yet making a buck, very lucrative. Drug control in Afghanisran was also convenient along the way of taking oil rich countries to World control, big oil leak. The US think great wealth is to be made in the name of God before destruction.

Speaking as one over familiar with God, he repeats, I think, my cause being holy that Iran's Government are better left in control of oil prices. Oil exports are not well left to a country owning assets & having loyalty to subjects. We see no need to sieze oil, rather agree a limited drilling & higher price, taking the morality away from the US invader concerning reserves.

US: How is the population reduced by all of this? Is there no war anymore?

Stealing everyones assets for immoderate US benefit claiming God told you to.

Shock: General killed

Today the US claim victory having stood aside. Reminds us of the Iranian drone shot down that turned out to be a Gigolo sent packing.

Sunday, January 5, 2020

Daniel 11

Is complicated & elements of it can be called accomplished by design, however there is no King of the North Superpower & King of the South Superpower aside from allies Russia & China or US & China ignoring Russia, failure to engineer. An excuse exists that is Iran & Iraq, who have their "Kings" in Russia & the US, both North. Which is the one worshiping a strange God & blaspheming? Absent, all Nuclear powers claim to be serving God.

King of Israel

I was annointed King a baby by a Rabbi & Charles has been also. Jews are not all respectful toward historical & scriptural rules today & Israel has heathen leadership like other nations. To some I will most times have the answers, not the majority. On arrival at Ben Gurion airport I was detained with conflict & allowed limited stay, also arrested three times, had an AK47 cocked & pointed, a swede brother was deported & I was detained leaving.

Daniel 11

I promised a look at the books of Daniel, Daniel 11 waits because an onslaught has brought death & the threat of more. In my present condition I am told not to advance problems. I wish more slack was available to deal with serious complaint without being overwhelmed.

It was God who said kill a messenger & injured us, to stem the overturning of common belief by insight, he explains that we are on a brink & truth is scarce.

Apostle Paul

There was anger concerning my input about Paul. I said that he spoke as one repeating community doctrine rather than trying to establish it, in all cases of marvelous speech I want to add. Paul was a teacher of doctrine & scorner, not an instigator of serious rules.

His accounts of desolation then being second hand or at least coming across that way make them unreliable to the word. In order to speak as the originator of scripture one needs a matter explaining several times or verbatim recollection. His comments like most of his words are great because little else is written about the day to day business of the early church & not because he is called one of the Prophets.

We advise Paul is not used as a cross referrence to support serious prophetic destruction, being a repeater not a source.


Many mercenaries liked the idea of a place to abscond to with a holy capable concerning food, Blue Bell Hill. A lot of business goes on behind my back, all of it until I was in my late forties. The long haired & Crowned King is not a man without a pot to wash in & no credit on his phone nor home or vehicle. Neither is it any other Crown with a Michael spirit (Apollo) that I have heard of, Unlikely like a lot of that book. My hair is long by agreement with engineers Michael admits. The Crowns I hold are drawings only at this time, one hourary & one debatable, neither giving me effective reign. I am St. Michael, however any Michael hierarchal isolated can declare themselves fit to rule over that spirit & can say "I am Archangel Michael, God says this", as was done without quick travel throughout former Roman Christian land. So Apollo could rise in another place.


If you continue to force me quiet there will be US casualties by bombing Michael has said. Iraq.


The chapter is subject to efforts to accomplish those things written. The Seven heads & eighth the beast who was & is not & yet is, Charles (Turin Shroud DNA) are described earlier, the 666 beast & the second beast with two horns (leaders) like a lamb. Six & two make the eight (Rev 17). You need to believe our explaination that there are 110 with 6 Archangels making 666, that makes 00 in the current & old code used to understand verses, the familar referrence to agents. The Two horns are Michael & Charles, one the DNA of the Lamb of God & one having the soul of Jesus the Lamb.

We regret being known as beasts & Dragons all who serve God or otherwise, another reason to distrust Revelation. The false Prophet appears later taken with the beast 666, but first causes worship for the 666 & does all kinds of things unlike me. Fortunately following the unfamiliar account of this Lamb horned beast, a Lamb is seen gathering the innocent of Israel, the 144 thousands of the twelve tribes. Saving of good Jews is something I've been trying to achieve under orders of Michael. The false Prophet concerns, however God keeps drawing instruction to photograph so it must be Charles, because he is flesh & not soul. I struggle with information as you know, very complex & often impossible as written, I hear more & adjust, I do not want the final say on anything representing God, who is in the results of conflict & not a man. 

This morning Michael said there is a lamb at the centre of the Sun & it concerns recent comments about Revelation. He said it leans the horns Charles side for leadership over the use of the book & offensive observation on my side. A penis from it's mouth is a topographical indication on Venus of V authority. Doctrinal alterations are always offensive & stoned & heckled Jesus. The book destroys everybody it appears & pleasant words are for early stages of serious issues I think, Charles does not.

Saturday, January 4, 2020


Battery condition forces offline until midday tomorrow earliest. Trump will not be had for a lie about him on a front page he has indicated, sole iman was a clear referrence to unusual doctrine here yesterday.

Determined to destroy

There is little scope for additional information the US has stated this evening having spent my day. They have topography from Millions of years ago that could even be for another solar system with probe as well as Venus or God could even have opted for something else as time went by. They do not want any new information to conflict with their own statements & opinions.

The clearest route forward is to kill the killers. Put down resistance to new information published here I have electromagnetic support for this site. Congress, retired Congress, US Medway & Whitechapel agents, former US president Obama.

Thomas Waghorn

This statue once had knickers on the end of it's finger & it cheers when the frequent cone goes on top. Inventor of the Overland route born Chatham, most of which appears to be over sea on the map of the statue.

UK to India

The statue is located in a place called Chatham bogs, a former hairdressers & public toilet these days unused.

Waghorn Christmas Cards


Mocks us, there will be no more crying or death, marvelous. The glorious resurrected to new life remember as much as Elijah (nothing) & are in a mouse & the living are damned, sounds like evil called good. Christ gets a Virgin, find a bottle to celebrate it. I've had enough of that script & efforts to make it happen that appear to be signs. Consign it here with the other rubbish.


Is a poof & not a serious contender for official instructions to ordinary folk from God.

All authority is from God & it's not unusual for outrage toward a teacher of paths for escape, whether political unheaval for safety for life itself or coping with it. The destitution of the Prophets is a consequence of opposition to those other things made by God & in authority by God which dislike being ordered by another without rule of force, even with signs for approval the men have been ridiculed & killed. That is not because God is inferior or abscent, the authority is his own.

These authorities from God are balanced good & evil & individual units hate or love, they usually despise instruction from outside of their discussions, it is political here without listening, only study of the former words & current words of God for my authority to alter as he says in competition with current policies.

Rule of arms is the only way to sustain the Kingdom of the Saints & all arms should be held beyond the holy people in the future. It is a very serious condition that we have. Daniel & Revelation state there is no life beyond that Kingdom & you know from history they are greedy for power & money & hold the weapons at this time, get them & keep them & ammunition well.

Friday, January 3, 2020


What's wrong with upon Mary? some have said tonite. I do not like to say too much about the former, Jesus with today's problems & solutions, but it's obvious to a Christian what's wrong with it. Mary is a coerced sex worker from childhood & needs to be made happy with her circumstances. If she's happy I'm not concerned about mutual sin at this time.

Knights do not get the honour of St. Michael forcing a lady delivered to them or otherwise. Speaking as one determined to serve God the theft of holy appearances disgusts.

It's good to hear that security are interested in Chivalry & also criticism. Mary is not difficult to keep keen, tips please.

Daniel 12

There are some determined to raze to non existence. What is the end of the days? The days of what? is the answer unless you are a madman, then it is doom for all. The end of these wonders & the end of these things, the chapter says. I'm tiring, let me talk about the others tomorrow.


The death of one passes on the souls of the dead of the family to the heir. Where do they all go when there is no heir? That is the primary reason for souls taken to animal flesh. Many rise to life, not all the chapter says.

Almighty God

Says listen to whoever you like, however this is a proper representation with evidence of official doctrine by great & frequent electromagnetic imagery.

Order of St. Michael

Buy them where you can & bring them near.