The Archangel Michael

Wednesday, January 1, 2020

US Jews

Are arrogant & assume total destruction of the Earth needs accompany depopulation without basis of ancient writtings. Destabilising of orbit could happen at any time, the beginning of end times problems over a hundred years ago. Isaiah's destabilised Earth is not directly connected to destructive clouds. An all about us arrogance prevails everywhere 70 yrs in millions of years of creation.

US Jews are denounced by Almighty God, also those not wearing traditional outfits & some that are.

Almighty God says Moses tried to kill you, then he allowed the Holocaust. Move back to Israel out from the company of heathen & dress properly or die says God.

Tuesday, December 31, 2019

God Damn America


Messiah, or saviour. You cannot show respect for almost half of warheads expected neutralised nor building saving by positive shock wave. It's too much trouble to allow a wash or seat & drink without serious problems & my tent is ragged for denial of basic things.

Almighty God says go to your destruction evil & ungrateful souls & talk to Michael because I am forbidden to help you, who is not your saviour at all.


Prevailing Government thinks I have nothing worthwhile to say & pesters away. Last night they indicated that they do not care if we destroy a local building.

Magpie Hall Rd

Is alive having executed Archangel Michael by common consent around his home. Put them all to similar circumstances as they wanted for him, which is light on them since Michael was greater. Ignore his former home says Almighty God.


What provision is made for an eccosystem no longer permitting rain following orbit distabilisation? Distillation of salt water by natural heat & otherwise please.

A US Tsunami is planned to destabilise orbit according to Isaiah to burden the Earth like Venus.


And others including former Council, Council, Apollyon forces & parts of SIS & community stand as one to take authority. This morning Michael was coerced to discredit me in favour of their own rule & rulings. I was asked what I thought about Revelation & God to publish unpopular beliefs & new concepts that cause disillusionment.

Instead consider this. The Kingdom of Christ lasts forever. Do men last forever? The Kingdom of Christ lasts as long as men. How long does the Kingdom of Christ last? Is it my lifetime or the duration of my authoriry? Stop trying to kill & take authority on the eve of the time called the end.

Here is unpopular material. Elijah said he was not he, John the baptist. He could remember nothing. Paul said resurrection is into animals, all forms of flesh. Where is the great resurrection? How long is forever?

Monday, December 30, 2019

Medway disaster

There was a several Kiloton explosion near Battersea recently, I was near enough to hear it & see the flash. Conspiracy to kill & other escalations are being multiplied in Medway.

Here's one Michael did in Wales, empty steel factory connected to sexual assaults. What were you going to accuse me of again? Because you can have some if you like.

Solar & Wind

There are almost no road signs powered by either in the Bluebell Hill area.


The seats should be potential beds by reclining or joining together, the screens are good. This is office space.


Presided over the snuffing of Archangel Michael Dorothy, who was given cancer by Radioactivity & refused pain killers. The Council has used my name PX & the colour white, also Sun & electricity Lightening bolt to claim I said, not Michael, keep the Eurostar local. I did not, keep it in the Channel tunnel.

Radioactivity was also used to snuff Archangel Michael Ray, the next. Who was very set upon during his final months.

Radiation is represented by the bone of 2001 a Space Obyssey & Kryptonite, that weakens like Radiation. Civil use has been widespread in recent decades & the targeting of my family is depicted pre nuclear conflict in the 2001 ape scene.

Fenner Clan & the Pentagon staff, also George W Bush are charged with predestination of over enthusiastic destruction by abuse of Senior representatives of God holding his legitimate & moderate instruction for holocaust.

Prince Charles

What's wrong? It's silly to target a UK spring, especially since they can be dug out without any damage. Wouldham is a hospital area for useful occupations fallen ill it has been approved. I need a Russian inspector, don't think everything is a cover up.

Lead pipe

Can be laid shallow with a trenching spade over warm ground. Try to store some, laying it with a trenching spade saves storage. Fill it with Whiskey perhaps.

Psychic investigation

The entrance to the Ancient caves is hidden. Pace out all sides of Fort Luton & estimate the centre of the cross, or overlay the map onto a Sat image, dig.

Annie Batchellor (Mary & Christ poisoner) 

Was an owner of most of Medway by relation to the Queen. Annie looks like Cowley of CI5, which represented CIS (Angelic/Clairvoyant) supported secret ops. They are a Christian group who were spoken of by Cliff Richard in "Bacherlor boy"


Are a class of fallen Angel of a sort. Those on the left hand of God are petty & abusive toward those on the right gand of the Father, like Jesus. They need daily busying with things that distract in Medway & beyond, all of that type. Mark files with a stain or something.


A pair of youths were aggressive waiting today, foriegn. The state of security needs an unusual measure so that we are working with National Front for them to make investments in Medway.

Sunday, December 29, 2019


are Pratagonist for HRH Prince of Wales. Deciding the fate of enourmous wealth while aiming to support the Prince. It is the most foolish of deeds to try to prosper by the daily persecution of the Messiah. What can they expect?

Michael says SIS have sold the soul of Jesus for stolen Iraqi oil as well as any policy the US or Russia would like to purchase, what can they expect?


Limit civil nuclear bomber attacks in Israel & the UK for Paramilitary help knocking launches.

Both I & Ireland want livestock intact. Ireland are good for many failed launches & also my former special forces.

Consider the weeping Angels in the Bear topography & the starvation evident. Buy our sheep, we do not have to fight. There is Lunacy preventing moderation when it is not always good to tit for tat.

Lives stock

Do not over eat it, preserve bodies from conflict. These need breeding & eventual export for far more than their current worth, fuel ammo etc.


You have commited a thousand acts of war in this Country & have flooded this area & others to make control from officials deposed by you. You are not supportive of the Kingdom because you want to replace it. Open your eyes & see that you all need to die here.

Target US agents born here for Treason.


I cut my hand on a branch & when I opened it there was an image of a Sun, Sythe & Lion. The Lion is making a V with two fingers toward the nuclear side with Sythe. Not the depopulator it says.

Can I be honest with you? Politicians forbid usually. Charles is a stooge who looks just like Jesus so I don't need to be involved with Jesus Soul.


The tree grows upward of a tree stump on White Horse stone. Looks like Charles on Venus with the slot left eye.