The Archangel Michael

Tuesday, October 22, 2019


Snoopy was an instruction from God regarding a dog & near my territory, different from other topography, please don't get above yourselves. Tunnels can have trains packed with food & drink that may not be retrieved. Blackwater & lower SIS need to be aware.

This is a sitting open mouthed hound. Shhh the Prophet has spoken.

Monday, October 21, 2019


Engine oil also preserves leather. Vegetable oil rots.

Blue Bell Hill

This site is a military zone & has been for centuries. CIS military security changed from Naval base to my own protection that of my Father & some remaining barracks. My two "brothers" are subverts, bastard inserts for another country. I do not want to encounter anybody who has laid a woman dear to me, anybody at all, give their places to a tall trained female & forget your woes. I demand a holster.

Last minute changes make great survival by subverting NWO agreements with limited time & scope for lasting arguements. Work two Komatsu through the soft chalk. Pump out petrol stations.

Daily Grass

Twelve apostles Jesus took, one betrayed. Together they sought a solution to God's word & fibbing is still a part of Christian culture. A good story makes good behaviour & sins hidden maintains respect, Selaphiel tells me. Not my way. Judas did not want to keep the 30 pieces of silver, neither would the others accept it in the pot.

Many elaborations have made Christianity ludicrous, from walking on water to floating off on a cloud, it worked better back then, but was still ridiculed most of the time. Christians are flawed by fibs & denial of sin. Denial & fibbing helps pretence & happiness with poor circumstances.

Daily Dope

The German Empire (Frankish) stretched just far enough to take Rome & it was called the Holy Roman Empire. Jegudiel took senior offices from 800. It ended 1806, but most Popes have been pimps ever since.


We have not spoken very much about him, because it is unpopular mainly. He said almost continually listen to Moses, not bad. He has not produced my miraculous evidence or even got the death of the first born of Egypt accurate, however he is a Saint. Archangel Michael has Muslims in varous military groups where they do his will.

We think the Mahdi is the Pope, because he keeps trying to kill my mother who we called Ma, Jesus' new Grandmother. The Windsors are tragic & are in possesion of my beans by drugging, for a virgin birth into their evil family.

That said, fallen Archangel Jegudiel is over him, Jorg Friedrich, the descendent of Kaiser Wilhelm of WWI. Who was born in Doorn, which is like Doom.


Dogs live well on bones & bone marrow. Keep dogs for hunting & save ammunition.


Seven God made them, & the last Seven people on Earth would recieve their office. Men grew not with a parasite, but with greaters having greater control of functions, all men have more than their own soul & without them would be retarded.

God made good & evil, since they need to coexist like all opposites. To the Right he gave good duties & to the left evil duties. Only Selaphiel (when it was Jesus), Gabriel & Michael are called holy, & Michael has horrible work like war & intelligence unlike the other two usually, because the duties are undesirable.

Raphael, Barachiel, Uriel & Jegudiel are too evil to be in the Bible. A fallen state makes disobedient to God & evil as it pleases, not always for equilibrium. Also Selaphiel & Gabriel are disobedient fallen & do as the wicked bid them, especially lovers sent to route authority for another group. 


Propagate seeds for the dispersal of semi wild plants where they cannot be seen from the air. Find damp soil near water, as water flows in the spring time & summer & use a handful of peat compost. Potatoes cope well with poor watering.

I led a hilltop example of a hole dug with a tent in it, a time capsule, a trench of food items, pototoes planted & fruit samplings. Dig it up & teach. The local MP is fined for sabotage of the site. Also the site where I killed the trees above head height for greater pickable fruit & canopy trees wasting sunlight. Brighouse.


Leads genetic research with the Vatican & does not do enough to halt it. Germany began to destroy in WWI & again in WWII, that time racing to develop atomic weapons, achieved by German Einstein in the US.

The Queen has young clones, much younger & hopes for a brain transplant like some others. We say it is too late.

Kits Coty

This Neolithic chamber is at the site of Cit Coit where the Saxons fought the British King & won England. It was the first settlement of stone age man which created lasting things & the beginning of our doom, since Germany won that battle in this field. Man's end is like his beginning, a Neolithic stone age existance. Battle of Aegelesthrep (Aylesford).

This is not the centre of the Universe, although it is the centre of this Globe.

River Medway is shaped like the Thames nearby, can you associate locations? I lived in a house located at the comparative site of Dick Turpin's house in Blackheath, a relative. St. Leonards ave. We think the chamber is at Dulwich wood, where God spoke to me. Stone can be retrieved from an old victorian Garden if you look around properly.

This is Hoo Fort near Kits Koty, and the origin of Snoopy. The London, Chatham, Dover railway travels past to a tunnel at Victoria Gardens, which is shaped like Dulwich wood.

This is Victoria Gardens. It is almost useless pre Tsunami.

Dulwich Wood / Sydenham Hill Wood.

Sunday, October 20, 2019


Make people use another establishment in future, Global.


I am a majority owner of Starbucks & it's funny if I can't get a drink or table according to SIS. We've closed several & bought Pod to close several & you are still masturbating. Close all London Starbucks.

World Bank

Oil is over priced by pricing & not taxation very much. The World Bank is robbed by Selaphiel who agreed to share with the 666 if they supported the decision to make them buy her London leaseholds & build expensive apartments, hotels & shopping complexes, with a majority World Government agreement.

Apollyon forces

God says this to us.


This is about an arrangement God wants with Russia. The scottish, the three Lions & the Irish to repel so that Russia does not pass South, but turns NW.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Mountain peaks

It's a good thing I was made to read my bible thoroughly & denied other books. There was recently a discussion about Isaiah & clean streams on hill tops. There needed to be warheads in the valleys & not airburst.

Isaiah 3o
25 In the day of great slaughter, when the towers fall, streams of water will flow on every high mountain and every lofty hill. 

Tan leather

Everyone who ruined their leather jacket with baby oil is able to claim the cost with a receipt & evident new leather jacket. It makes mid brown dark brown & is unnoticable on dark brown or black.

I am using a leather officers trench coat, make them at cost of Burger King for commissioned Blackwater officers also leather jeans. We are thinking of the future & do not want to see you in rags.

Maxi Gun

Make an upscaled field shell minigun please. Have it load long & short 5kt shells at interval & move left to right & back again. Then halt the Chinese with it alone Blackwater. We'll have to make it illegal & do as we please because we are not a nation, a military hard case.

Daily Grass

Nuclear fission is not very effective if used in a vacuum like space or very high altitude.