The Archangel Michael

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Heaven & Hell

As we walk together Archangel Michael often includes me in chit chat with the others with us. He says when the company is appalling he prefers to speak to me than the Angels nearby, if that's what they are he said. The quality of souls is end times poor & I hear him send some of them into turmoil that annoy & sometimes witness their hard luck. Heaven he mentions seldom, he is noticably relieved by some & declares to us he has made them good fortune. The easiest way to do that he said is the love & smile of a pretty aquaintance, who's spirit is of Michael type & orders the girl to love. 

All Michael partners are ordered to love their other, even other protocol has said a moment ago. Local pressure & the agreement of God he said.


There is the skull of a Bear in a pirate hat we think on one pole of Mars, & an opened mouthed Lion departed spirit on the other. There is a cooperation between myself & Uriel at this time & we find him very objectionable. Hold you tongues, I'll kill them as they earn it. It's the "We're queer & we're here so deal with it" offenders, to death. They amuse themselves by offence towards all they encounter.

Wing nut

People said Charles is Jesus because of jug ears on a Mars feature. Charles was made of Turin Shroud DNA & a Windsor egg. The young lady who will give birth is doubless a love child with some of the DNA. When all Windsors are dead he will be heir whoever he is


The Sun / Son

Jesus is referred to by suns on planets & in media. This is him listening to me. The Seymour ref is more Gov. nonsense like other names, this time meaning a Clairvoyant like Solitaire should partner me to produce.


Make something like this, bury materials & tools somewhere for better times. The production of fine fabric is mechanised & it will no longer be available in our life times.

Archangel Selaphiel

Fallen Selaphiel is the worst of all of the fallen, wanton in incest as is the entire family the males of which are all Satan, even beyond the 666 members, the 111 of the sixth. Who are 222 since Selaphiel & Lucifer are in the same bed.

It is the Windsors & the "Jesus" that is born again is not the Jesus you heard about, but hostile, unforgiving & in danger of being queered up at a very early start by the family.

It is said that there are so many pregnant by me because he is hidden among them. You shall not dress him as a Prince, but make him as he was so that he can prophesy like me. He must be hidden like all Archangels aside from me because I am well known, I'll play it down. He will take their Crown & the Papacy but not the UK throne. The Papacy is a good world position. Kill all of the others please.

The BRANCH will branch away from me with Jesus offspring & the Windsor Crown, the filth will not join him, & that's all of them. It's neccesary for the Seven Archangels to be Royal because they usually have a holy upbringing & right to rule without contest.

Ealing council

Go to hell to the war & die. The council broke my PC & kept posts to a minimum with maximun disorder. Almighty God said that from the day he made a miracle image over their park they have been judged for supporting the Queen against us. Posts here have been on a three day delay to get us clear.

We are uable to present small images with contrast adjustment to make them clear & no longer able to restore the hue of a poor photogragh at sunset because of the loss.

Friday, October 18, 2019

Ealing Council

Go to hell this weekend & all next week if you don't stop trying to return it. I am pulling M&S out of your shopping centre for forbiding use of the accessible toilet with serious organised crime & loss of property.

Daily Grass

Librals have sex with all including incest, where others fail they win a triumph for shite like Satan. The sex for speech, challenge & dominance is from the Queen & not Lucifer because she is submissive to him as are Selaphiel generally & the other 666. The heads fallen leave the others incapable & vice versa.

SIS: Employing bisexuals appears to be the way forward.

And backward, the spirits would be out of protocol & damned by God like the 666. However all non sexual business would be good. Incest & children queered up would be a more serious problem, wife swapping & stealing & rape.

There is no short term constitutional option other than to put Archangel Michael over all sexual policies, who is unfallen, Uriel unacceptable as a partner. We can concede all politics other than intelligence conflict & war: prep, general policy & strategy. It means allowing several Crowns a say that results in what he dictates to them as is normal, without external input.

Daily Dope

The new year brings a new Pope says Almighty God.

Thursday, October 17, 2019


This is actually an impact crater which helped to kill off Dinosaurs as scientists are aware. There were more impacts from an asteroid field sent our way by God to make man successfull. The Asteroid belt was unstable because of the addition of planet Ceres, which like other small planets found it's way to the source of the strongest gravitational pull eventually. The others are moons now, but were planets. Can you guess which planet will become a moon later?

This one looks too big they think, 450km across. It was one like the other. They showered the Earth over a period of about two days bashing every place until the air was unbreathable for non aquatic or burrowing animals. Most birds died & some flew high. Leaves helped to keep dust low. The same is true of fallout.

Far left.

Answer: Pluto will continue to move nearer to Neptune by it's occasional proximity & eventually find an orbit with the planet. Neptune will move nearer the sun by destabilisation & have aquatic life eventually. The dissimilar speeds & proximity are altered by interaction until a smooth pairing.

Archangel Michael

Reports that India is supporting both police & extinction agenda in the UK & abroad for the Queen. You will all be vapourised or executed in due course. Priti Patel representing in media.

Daily Grass

Venus is the birth place of all chief princes: Selaphiel, Gabriel & Michael I am made to confess. We are evolved by many more years in character & form. The other two are fallen, meaning they are ordinary in conduct yet able. I have not seen much in topography concerning anybody else aside from myself, Jegudiel, Raphael & Satan.


This means nuke Jegudiel if they approach my place. He is the Elephant Ganesh also.

The man in a circle is supposed to be Archangel Michael of Cydonia with me. Vetruvian man was a Prophetic likeness before telescopes could see, 1490 by the inventor of the helicopter. Apollyon is the latter times Saint Michael.


Was Archangel Selaphiel & refused to speak of all other Archangels because he wanted the loyalty of the poor to Christianity. He wrote Revelation by his spirit to John, he hated the Vatican with venom, as you read in Revelation 17 & Revelation 18

Revelation 1 Revised Standard Version Catholic Edition (RSVCE)

Introduction and Salutation

1 The revelation of Jesus Christ, which God gave him to show to his servants what must soon take place; and he made it known by sending his angel to his servant John

The name Babylon is a mystery it says in Rev 17, it means spiritually like the former place which was destroyed. They are punished double because of their pretence of holiness & pomp in false representation. Ordinary folk are punished more than their deeds also when they afflict nobles, because God has set his Archangels among them  & they cannot exist if the multitudes are not afraid.

In order to have Christian rule only Selaphiel personality type can reach hierarchy. All can be low, but the other six types are allowed certain things forbidden to Christians & are poor leaders of Christians, wealth for example or intelligence solutions or even war or sex. When they dress in the finest cloth & make great ceremony to be worshipped as the Lord of Christians they are usually hiding unchristian conduct.


Blessed are those who keep their clothing so that they do not walk naked. Needle & thread & ideally leather. Soak the leather in baby oil, which rarely needs redoing. It is like Dubbin & Vaseline which do not saturate properly, melt them. Rev 16:15

Wednesday, October 16, 2019


We are dominant with your Queen & deny involvement with the youths sent to stab you. It must have been somebody else.

It was you, there were also dozens of SIS nearby eating & drinking at various outlets, all refused to call police, who were present. It was a Queen's operation by Selaphiel order. How does an airliner trying to land in St Peter's square sound? You are very arrogant, we are impatient for the destruction of the Vatican & very resourceful. Michael can give the order while I sleep or a hundred miles from the nearest man or electronic device.

Almighty God says you are the worst of all of the fallen.

This runway has a UK flag shape because it was by Lucifer with Selaphiel & the British throne that Freemasonry & Queens took hold on the Empire, Europe & Russia. Whenever the (fallen) Queen pomps through a door Lucifer is close behind, & whenever the Pope speaks a Satan is near. One generates the opposite. In creation every action has an equal & opposite. That is Newton's third law of Physics & also Spiritual conflict & equilibrium.

At the centre of the authority is an Egyptian Obelysc, the referrence to modern Pharaoh in IsaIah 30 & also Illuminati Egyptian symbolism. Also fallen Raphael's Fitzgerald cross is empowered at the centre, Nancy Pelosi. The Vatican say they accept those Archangels in the Bible plus Raphael & not the others. A bible search reveals she is not there.


Thank God you ruined those blasphemous lies about the son of God. How can we keep from destruction Michael?

Repent your sins, Isaiah 30 said that you should rest somewhere, it is too late & if you want the truth there was never a chance this time, it has been delayed by depopulation to get things ready as was written.

Rest & especially sleep as most people who fast are aware means you need less food & water. Live out your days & remember God is creating everywhere in similar forms as you have seen. Try to get the holy out of town please.


In many churches there is a side chapel called Saint Michael's chapel. Sometimes there are just references to St. George & dragon to indicate it. Prayer there reaches the ear of the local Archangel representing & if very important or local Archangel Michael with me.

Do not put money in a box, I will never recieve it. Drink San Miguel lager (St. Michael). The profits go towards Michael's armies who are the armies of God.

The flaming swords of Archangel Michael are remarkable because nobody knew about missiles. Michael has sworn to kill the 666 & there is no hiding place for them. The US & Russia are agreed to kill them all during conflict, hitting their bunkers very hard, being led in battle by subordinate Michael authorities in their country. It disappoints us, because we wanted them dead sooner, however they have a purpose which is to destroy. We cannot say what is the victory of Michael but that in heaven, where authority is changed.


Is competing with my authority deceased by unlikely reps dressed as Kings & not Prophets. Jesus is coming to destroy you & things at the second coming & you should learn what side your bread is buttered. My coming is glorious in Revelation with greater & more numerous prophesy than that predicting Jesus. I do not want to hear about Christian opposition anywhere.

King David was a man after God's own heart & was Archangel Michael. How is Jesus God?  He is nothing like David. You listen to me you poorly bible read mugs, Jesus has nothing to do with Government & his story was first manipulative & then embelished. When he returns to kill you all & the Earth he will be in Government.

Only the Lamb as if slain was found worthy to open the seals to destroy the Earth & he returns with clouds having great power & glory. Archangel Selaphiel my brother, who is not because he is of Venus. All Archangels are of the line of David, Judah. "Son of David" a woman called him.

"He will send his Angels to gather his elect" just like Michael & the other five I see. I've been robbed of recognition by fibbing of ommision. He was taken off the cross alive by the loving Centurian, hid from his disciples in clouds upon a mountain & went off to get married while Peter was crucified to death upside down. Get him to open the seals.

Oh yeah,  & he said this generation will not pass away before it, 2000 years ago.
Oh yeah, he said now is the time for Satan to be cast down 2000 years ago & Michael does it next year.

The Last Temptation of Christ was an accurate account on Government records from various corroborating Angelic sources. It needed to be accurate like the first film about his life as told in scripture, because of senior opposition to falsification in Government.

The people, the four beasts that are at the end (Kingdoms) & the elders worship the Lamb & give honour & riches & praise & power. Revelation 5.

God just now gave me this, a man kneeling with a nose like pinocchio right, a star ICBM with a scorpion waiting & an Eagle swooping. They say Michael is a desolator the Lion, knowing Jesus is of Judah & called the Lamb of God slain.

Oh yeah, Mary inseminated herself having been naughty with Joseph again as Gabriel instructed her.