A plan to adorn Her was born of the numbers of Fashion Executives & Models at my disposal, to obtain the Pope's stolen Flamingo Seeds by Her Charms & deliver them in a drawstring Purse of the fabric of Her Dress. The man called the Pig who took them for the Palace from the mailing system refuses, so that more Seeds are being thrown over Cara's Fence Today. Cara has the Cleopatra Avian & She will count them & show Cathleen a professional Cat walk to present Herself wearing the Fashion based on Greek Costume.
Somebody stole my Pen during the night so that I cannot deliver the seeds today. It was thought valuable because it was used on various letters & a journal.
I spent the day visiting four shops across Medway that sell the wide nib pen I use, they were all removed. A "Minister" is Death sentenced for attempting to steal the written Word of God.