Monday, February 6, 2023

Messiah cut off (Daniel)

My cutting off from this place is a false authority problem, having an abomination here,  probably a faked Alter. There will not be an authority by my forced removal, nor one that intends to oppose or apposes my will within 2000 yrs.

Daniel: Scheming Liar

God says Daniel is an Ancient who wrote in more modern times in another Lifetime. He said people were Drawing not writing here even in the time of Jesus. Apocalypse by a Liar? No thank you.

"Then shall the end come" is a favouite with anybody having a critical dislike. I'll prove it Rubbish, the Son of Perdition is my Heir expected to fall into line with the Council if I am removed.

Cloud 9

An unofficial Cam records at a distance, Gabriel & myself will include a local wide Angle for official international use.


My Kingdom is in Heaven Jesus said, & yours is your own Home. The Rubbish we hear is not overwhelming, the Truth is remarkable.

Apocalypse Engineering

Those few who were near here are about to ignite Global War. They tried multiple times & have yet to make Scripture match a scenario, or the Moon. They are those who killed the Prophets & some other of Egypt. Control is their intention, Destroy & escape with wealth & authority.