Saturday, March 19, 2022


The Bones & hollow Vessels here are filled with Flint as if turned to Stone. Medusa is that Ancient Serpent called Satan & Dana Bondoc US Agent of the Romanovs. The Griffiths are some recognisable as Romanov in Photos. 

Bondoc was among Chloroforming Succubus making unwelcome night visits to Christ sleeping & operates Anethetised killings for sex then identity theft at Orthodontists.

Language engineering

M seducer


Gorgon: Gore Gone. 

Punch & Judy: Jew D

Authority: Smaller Snakes represent Servants

"Goddess" Diana

The US are experiencing critical Security failure, causing CIA to employ SVR at Lunar based Holocaust Engineering. Americano Russian Gov. is linked to Romanovs in Moscow & FSB desiring a Westernised Russian Government, Russian Ownership of Internet firms is evidence.