Tuesday, March 29, 2022

Crucifixion report: Kent

 Peter struck Jesus Christ though his Right abdomen with a Sword during a Family gathering of Bodysnatched. He is called Peter because of the many Dead of his Kin, one who buries in Peat, betrayed & ambushed following Wine.

Valley of Death: Stealth & Homosexual assault, Gethsemane was here, a Hill Fortress is visible. Olive Grove revered to many Eyes pierced.

The Tree of Judah ended then, all new Royals were executed because Old Testament figures felt less important. Defending one said Thousands of Family Members felt redundant & voted. 

The place where Jesus fell is near the miracle of his face on the Silver Birch, at the foot of which are dappled Leaves like Blood Spatters. The Scar is on the other Cheek in God's image than the image below, which is of the Stolen Christ of Revelation 13.
Prince Charles: Hiding the other side, One of the Satan trio of Medusa, Mark of Cain orig. & identification.

Actual piercing at the Site of Jesus betrayal