Advance them. Reduce Normans.
Monday, May 31, 2021
EU Airspace
Do not intercept with Aircraft. Follow with Missiles & Contact at the Coastline or Border. Radio signal change course. Parachute retrieve Missiles.
Perverts & Foreigners
Charles conspiracy & catastrophic France
Antichrist France raises suspicion about Charles. Is Charles Charlemagne inventor of France, Charles the Bald & Charles the Fat? Charles is God's for the unpalatable works & I for Holier things.
Dong: Church Bells ring an attack. Helterskelter Phallas French Seal.
Cold War
I have to submit intentions concerning possible War with Russia. The biggest drawback is not the Battlefield but the intelligence conflict pre War that denies equipment & strategy. Money rules Politics. The US have won a Military budget & Russia un hindered Military prowess. The UK are overcome by Sale of ingenious devices & equipment cap. The EU are overboard spending, Money is the emergency or lazy solution to advancement, short term spending is OK
I said I don't want War, contraception but the Powers deny there is a Thousand Years in Scripture to have a Desolation. God will indicate in the Skies that time.
Russia don't respond like us to Sexual oppression, often enjoying perverse encounters, Blood is the answer to them, in Russia for payment. Dismiss danger to Agents pre War & Hire former Soldiers without encouraging Cowardice.
EU Military
- Triumph Tiger
- Quad
- Belt Grenade Launcher
- Micro Gun
Sunday, May 30, 2021
Granny insensitive
William likes Kate, a Fool it is said because Escorts are to put off enemies. However time spent together is pleasant & nut Cracking is the loss of a Love. Ma'am shouldn't expect Bed or flattery with Her Grandson who is already bitter about Diana.
God said terrorise Jets & do not strike until Rocket fuel is low. Waste Chaff & occupy their time, traumatic.
Russian invasion of EU
Hide Forces, nothing Green. Assembled AA prevent Air superiority, under a Canopy of light Branches between Trees, overhead Bombers require no Radar. The Rocket can be Brown & Green.
US are losers, N.Vietnam, Africa, Two attempts at Iraq, the second supported taking 9 years. Tell NATO to take a Hike, I'll do it.
Saturday, May 29, 2021
Russian Agent running Medway Council
Belarus lookalike ref. to Radiactivity Crimes in Kent, Execute. Sanctions Belarus & Russia.
Your boyfriend was near Today, who do you think you were? God reveals you to his Son. I am a Bloody Son with the Wicked this time around. Take care.
Wuthering heights portrayed an exhausted Catherine the Great needing to be sustained. Elizabeth II is thought to be the Host of that Cerebrum. William is Married to a Catherine, a sinister plot perhaps.
Antichrist French Filth
Patricia Griffiths is identified Ymma Aelfgifu of Normandy former Queen of England, Hyacinth Bucket & "Gryffindor". These conspired to fornicate with the Second Coming to take the Heir's "many Crowns" with Elizabeth. Cute Mary is dismissed, a representative it emerged.
Cookie Monster
Make A list of EU officials responsible for the Cookie law. Wait for discrete instruction.
EU conflict prep
- Advance good shooting Females near to Front Line in Civilian Vehicles.
- Make use of Civilian facilities to disperse & Camouflage numbers. Buy all unsold Residence at Bomber Targets in Eastern Europe.
- Remove Military vehicles too close to relocate in a surprise attack.
- Hold Lithuania without use of Uniforms.
Russian advance
Friday, May 28, 2021
Saxon Crowns
Further to the Bastard Holy Order of Sons of mine by IVF, I want the Saxon Royals to submit their will to the EU following debate. Never contradict my Speech here, which is God our Father. The Two will attempt God's justice & not do wrong for bribery. Allow them to Cane an expense account, no need for a wage at this stage. Don't accept other UK Royals, nor French God said.
War provocation
A list of Royals is with the EU Dept Defence. Attempt assassination abroad. Arrest all passenger Pilots in the event, shoot. Torture Serco to Death God said. Serco provide Radioisotopes for all UK Cancer.
Arrest doodling flight controller, emergency. God said shoot them all Dead or be at War by Spring next Year.
God said you are insolent. He said send EU special forces to Georgia & Ukraine. Do not reveal special equipment, offer Intel & invasion support. Localised Radioactivity. He said send all Russian DNA out of Kent.
Keep a policy of not entering Russia nor Russian held Land, do not fire into it, otherwise Conflict.
Welcome to HRE. Russia keep out God said. God said remove the Ukrainian front line. African victories are offensive to Russia, threaten African Troops.
Contracts at Serco, dragging Europe into Nuclear Conflict prep with Russian cooperation.
EU senior Field Marshal
Do as I say or pretend you know how to avoid Nuclear Conflict or how to win it. Ignore Russian banter & offers. Take the Ukraine front line.
Escalation vs preparedness
Troop build ups are exciting all. Move Commando near also crack shots & best of Regiments. Move equipment & Men out of range of Russian held territory 24 hrs. Deny Land across the board. Move into Azerbaijan.
Moving further relieves tension & adds warning of nuclear incoming. Shelve plans to move into Russia unless War begins or Russia will be in a Supermarket & Factory & you in a Field. Spread out, forces are concentrated.
Local Deaths
Anyone can identify Airlines commiting acts of Terror routed & expelling Toxic Vapour. MANPAD, Royal Relatives, Pilot with history. Counter Nuclear MANPAD can be bought on the Black Market through me at the EU.
Thursday, May 27, 2021
Sanction France
Hinder internet in & out of France.
Sanction critics of Chinese forced Sterilisation.
Sanctions Plantagenet MORI
God said today that I have no Heir so far. A forcing to cohabit with Death threats 30 years ago never agreed the Heir, only a con.
UK moderator
There isn't a UK moderator for the Kingdom of God nor EU senior. Sanctions, Elizabeth II, UK & France.
Chem trailling
Slow the Queen down. Pending: offensive Pilots shot down in any Country. Sanctions the Pilots overhead now & traffic control.
I abdicate Crown to help eliminate French policy & concentrate on the HRE Crown responsabilities without local pressure.
I'm withdrawing the Duke of Kent Seal. Get this French Dross out of my County please.
Priory of Zion, a Catholic "Nut" Family Society knocked off Heirs to Crowns it is said collecting Crowns for the Christ of Revelation with many Crowns upon his head. Continual efforts to Snuff & take them into a Family there are an annoyance, L.
I don't believe there is an Heir, only fabrication. However there is a League of Bastards who respect. A Society might be formed of those who seek the Fabled stories of dignity in office or destitution, the Holy. Of a Knight things were said, the Holy detest Swinging & robbing the innocent of Justice by bribery to Wealth, 1bn EU. Good Council is found in numbers, conditions for membership.
Wednesday, May 26, 2021
EU World War response
Pick me up for a Military command for better results. I need a Google Maps style app to zoom or Mouse with recent images better. I don't respect arrangements made without my inclusion. This is an abusive Country without respect for my input.
Radiation & Nuclear survival
NDMC are taking payment from the EU to keep Radioactivity away from property. It intends payment & optional future ownership of desirable property.
Why have you kept the same in fake elected local Government? Kent Saxon Gov. is Kent EU Membership discreet, light haulage other places by prior. Press the UK out of EU trade. You need to be injured to respect my new authority.
Gabriel Class Pentagon Hell Agent: Upward arrow Moustache means Homosexual Sex for promotion, commonly called a "F*ck up"
Tuesday, May 25, 2021
EU & Mercedes
We require some kind of subsidiary or outsource, something new & less familiar.
Exclude France for the foreseeable for treating everyone like an embarrassment/Fool/Mongrel. Concentrate on Germany for that time. The way to European approval will be acceptance of the HRE Emperor who wants Saxon leadership beneath. Dismiss France, ally to Saxons.
This is a Loser: Border Defence System.
This is a Winner with the same capability spread 2 km. Mercedes are Military experts.

Kits Coty House
The Omega shaped Megalith has Theresa May's Name upon it. Omega means the lowest & L is common code for Hell.
L shaped Allen Keys were a hint Gabriel responds to the Pentagon to inflict Hell. May is Gabriel personality type. People who took senior positions in World politics about 1999 are Button pushers.
Monday, May 24, 2021
French Blood acknowledge testing by France & many would like to unite with equality to families where they are resident.
Exclude from EU debate, Radiation assault & further insult to God. Exclude from Defence Systems involving me, Button pushers.
God said kill those ungrateful for Life by insult to him. He said Button pushers want to Die, oblige. He commanded Defence systems by his Son are for those advising his policies, great demand prioritises.
Alan B'stard
Some recognise my half Brother's old School Tie in Political satire. Gabriel was a defeating Class, Tudor who insisted on message responsability. Better to ask me.
Alan is a name used by Gabriel Class, fallen Class.
Sharma / Shearer
Remove Latent Indian authority from Medway. Ruin their families in India for better control.
Billy Dio
Is destroyed because his name is offensive to God, meaning answer God with Police. His Father was beheaded during a beating in India for giving the name, change it.
The EU are prepared to loan Marque & Bedoin category Tents with Solar Power & Generators. Short notice reclaim or removal. We think the buildings damaged should be replaced by recreation areas.
Bayraktar Drones
EU policy on Crack Pots Post Nuclear War
Medway has deliberate conflict issues, also London & beyond. Shoot them through the Brain who seek help in Europe having organised destruction by my persecution to near Death.
Families responsible for the last Two World Wars cling to me. They think annihilation is their job. Get lost or else.
Sanctions UK
- Lord Henly, crimes against Humanity.
- May Home office Ministers Drugs & general corruption denying Human rights.
- Y2K Cabinet & Ministers, conspiracy to destroy the Earth for payment & protection.
- French blood operating Antichrist policies in Medway, Latent.
- Other foreign loyalty in Medway, Latent.
Sunday, May 23, 2021
MORI staff
God said put to Death who make themselves my Tutor in his place. EU fund available, internet tampering. Slow UK internet speed to the Continent 48 hrs.
Defensive Military EU
In a conflict where the Geneva convention is in open ridicule, Populations a Primary Target the use of Civilian vehicles & clothes in one's own Country is legal still & advisable.
Commandeer Civilian Vehicles & put Civilians in Military Vehicles, decoy. Put useless groups closer together than expert ones. A target needs to be presented to avoid serious problems with essential assets. There are never enough tents, empty or concealing. The Civilians will be killed & eaten if territory is lost.
EU hold funds
There is no money for Gaza, Israel have a responsability to rebuild collateral damage & restored Targets are a waste of Money. Take refugees for Slavery or Military Service in Lebanon. Israel do not respond to the EU.
Saxon England
We are able to accept French English into an English Family where they can deny France, who hate them like an unwanted & neglected Dog.
Corrupted the Eurovision as well as the EU Bank this year. Maneskin means flay Michael Spirits. God said you tempt similar upon your preists, Pope. Do you want their Brain back? He asked, Fool.
Destroy the Earth: God said the Pope ordered this Moon topography symbolism meaning Desolate.
Local Mafia Missile concept
The first stage requires Two strong Men. It does not require a Radar near a Target, Bombers are overhead. Not yet a capable high velocity SSM against Armour, GPS.
Prince William
You are not alone suffering French abuse of UK born French Royaly. Diana was killed where Cara is oppressed & Christ abuse policy was most serious. France is a Country with whom we should have few dealings, always hostile, never forgetting Wars.
North Macedonia
We are seeking Sharp Shooters for a Special EU unit, limited delivery combat. Will effect integration.
EU Military
Issue high performace Cars with ordinary appearance to officers.
Saturday, May 22, 2021
Defence Ministry statement offensive to God. Purchase of Turkish Drones, timing Blasphemous. Cancel the order.
UK Gov.
The UK have offered Death, think problems are a currency here & as good as threaten World peace for Trade, isolate them, do not Trade at all. The EU is not your Bitch.
Surviving Holocaust
I'm taking responsability for Defences in areas responding to God. That's parts of the EU & Russia, who are let down by the SVR, parts of Eurasia & Africa.
Drugs to Gatling & Manpad
We are encouraging Mafia Defence systems. We are not unconcerned with petty local firepower in the circumstances. We have a dual purpose Rocket for low or high altitude.
Gun Poweder Plot: Report
Henry Percy is a French & Catholic loyal causing most Latent disruption at this time. Plotters are still a problem for Medway World Gov. Latent communication from London. Catholics like the CIA find haters in France & Ireland & competition from Jews.
Critical Radiation poisoning
- Laundry Machine tampering
- Bed & environment while off-site
- Obvious purchase obsrvation
Fleur de lis
French English are hated by the French yet manoeuvred to annoy the UK. Engineer an end to French Latent authority abroad.
Friday, May 21, 2021
Dismiss from the EU with immediate effect, Button pressing. Global Sanctions against French speaking Nations God said.
Locate: "Napoleon" & loyal.
God want's to hear why his Son is Crucified without even a proxy position approved. We said go to Geneva not Lamb our authority to replace it. Heavens above, who do you think representatives are? Dismissed.
Negative: Vulture continues assault, permanent dismissal for all Three
Helterskelter Missile at Stomach. Eradicate Gabriel Class & French loyalty from Deco group.
French Family
I abdicate French Royal authority. No agreements stand.
These were a nuisance & abomination to God, no further opinion.
At tte Centre of the Sun is Liberalism, the Top representation like that in Media to it's Left Red Politics & the Right Blue, opposite looking at the image. Red Politics is Dominated by Michael Class & Blue by Jegudiel, all Spirits are throughout.
Are an extremist group not Liberal, indicating a gathering of minority Parties not safety.
Nuclear Europe
France or Italy could be removed from the EU, France a Nuclear threat & Italy a Robber. It comes with efforts to leave NATO. Good work, you have my support to do all Three to help prevent serious Nuclear threat.
Better Russian relations should exclude Social practices, depraved as are Socialists because of it, known as Bloods, Red, Bear, Right Wing.
Bishop of Rome
Francis is under scrutiny for opposite messages about Gaza. He is quoted as saying he should "go". The reports I have are that Popes are "on the job" as is normal for a Politician coerced.
God's feelings are that anything can be suffered before Death & Heterosexual sex with an Adult is considered mild. In my own case Russia especially also France make outrageous demands for Sodomy. God says stupid people fail to understand relativity.
God says Adultery does not always separate from him as is reported of Carnality, after all he ignores Carnality within marriage. Who have Gods instruction, not only written guidelines are capable of all things.
Thursday, May 20, 2021
Current Bun in the Steak & Kidney Pie
If you aren't on the front page of the Sun God thinks you are a subordinate.
Three Latent communicators are sent off by a Demoniac speaking life, yet confusion. Attend in person.
Get out of here: Homer Simpson attitude, Devil
Jegudiel wants us to relay Messages to the Three. I've nothing to say not written here.
Russian Sexual Revolution
How long will you proliferate Paediophilia? You're obedience to God is tainted so that people are terrified your Government might rule them.
These are all Murdered people. A "Bucket" is a Brain Transplant into a young Body.
Bucket list: What haven't we experienced yet? Every Body has one.
Normalisation of Homosexuality
The Vatican are responsible for in your face Homosexual Media on Television & the Internet. They are attempting to portray the World detestable to God. God thinks Homosexuals are disadvantaged & usually frustrated by it. He said don't believe everything you read in the Bible about him.
Introduction to Sex by same Sex or a Parent, usually in a Bath causes attraction problems. It can be dealt with by Snuff or Castration avoiding further Child abuse by the former victim, or by excluding Russia from EU Trade.
Wednesday, May 19, 2021
I am at the end of patience, you are rarely content. No I do not intend to be silent & let "Emmanuel" speak in my place. I want an EU mix of Troops in Lebanon a forerunner of the EU collaborative Military needing US exclusion.
If Macron suffered Crucifixion I would not let him replace.
Don't apply for EU Membership at War with Russia. We do not desire War with Russia. First settle with them for peace if you want to join the EU.
Plights & Wongs
HRE desire a Military contract with China, for cooperating Eurasian Countries. Lease hold equipment detainable.
What you talking about US Agent? You like secret hardware? How much?
I can agree to Africa & Pakistan if they want. I'm trying to remove the US. I don't want price increases. I can buy Mushroom Omelette & Chips in freight.
UK threats to EU Citizens
What a Mouth little Country. The EU Leadership already suffers UK Gov. Crime. There are more UK in the EU, turn the heat up.
France are willing to spend their own money. The EU would lose the country having begun it's revival. Fast track a payment.
They clear a path usually wanting Radar most. Keep reload consealed a few Miles away. Fetch one to the cleared Site & use it's Nose Radar & heat detection, spread them out. Radio an approach.
Tuesday, May 18, 2021
Put out a hit on my food today. Return Fire, detain abroad. Mordaunt attacked Defence system advancement in the EU in the same statement in Parliament, Nosey.
Drone: God said this is her on the Sun image. CIA approach any hostile to encourage.
What are the NWO? internet jiving me.
The internet is substandard by lack of competition & an alternative Gov. Network. They are the Seven Spirits of God who are with Nuclear Powers & allies usually overcome. In hard form the Nuclear Powers in paid Gov. positions answering to Royalty often common in appearance.
It's clear Poland want my advice. It is good so because God is eager for my raising not wishing failure. Russia enjoy you & are pleased with efforts not necessarily promises. Enforce your borders not desiring to exceed them & they will go around.
The Heart was not consulted Lambed to raise family to respect by affluence, nor given the respect of a Donor. I have serious contention from those who sold me like Joseph to raise a Royal House broken. Speak to who conspired for wealth or position you evil doers, I have never known you.
I made a Podcast selecting the forward for travel to Geneva, since the others were afraid or hostile. Forward in danger are suited to representation. Three Delegates who will stand by the Word of God here, then discuss what pleases them.
The term is controversial meaning awkward. The spontaneous of Spirit know not from where energy nor memories come, they are possessed in natural state. Wokeness is a division accepting the low Spirit as a Class not only a dupe & witness to the operation of Spirits within. So spirits are familiar, meaning revealing themselves with chatter & orders in my case.
Christ is a mortal authority meaning the Man requires respect like the Proxies above, where Money flows, who are all "woke".
Award 2bn for immobile SAM & SSM accompanied by automated Gatling maximum distance Russian border. Poland is a flat landscape without obstacle, a neglected hope to central Europe.
Lord Frost
Yesterday cleared the Road to a Capital City Nuclear Terror attack angering God. Today his policy is similar, applying pressure for personal payment.
Your exports are depleting resources, we need Rubber & Biodegadable Plastic, also Bamboo products. Introduce some African Fish to Europe.
Bamboo has Military applications because of it's Weight.
Understanding the Sun image
Christ is at the middle & lower centre so far. Dark images are bruised. I have a Miraculous sheet here with uncrumples with images corresponding to the Sun like the Turin Shroud, private images. Cara has some of my Private images.
Indiana Jones :Part of the Daily altering Sheet which changes as the Sun moves outside for timed images.
CIA written above a stinging Character with a blind proxy, saying E. Return it to them where they can be found.
Red Dead
God says the Red World Order is part responsible for serious Antichrist behaviour. He said Putin, Bush & Blair in that order are Red Party (Bears) Christ reduction following Vatican Hand Washing for competition with, & donations to Rome.
Red & Blue are used together as NWO alliance, part agreement only.
The Rainbow of God's Throne inspired the Fatherland Party of Russia, mocked by LGBT also hidden. More interested in the Vatican than God's Spokesperson by Bear corruption usually.
If God puts something through me the Christ reputation is at stake. "I don't think that will work" is stupid & refusing God is likely to cause even worse luck. God told me to tell a Girl not to wear a Bra for Media & having refused she suffers with complaining. If she had obeyed Heterosexual interest would've dominated & God would not be annoyed.
God says Bras are a horrid recent invention, making unnatural shapes & irritating Men. Men don't like Cleavage they like Nipples, which are natural.
Monday, May 17, 2021
God said do as I say without requiring explanation, Turkey are insolent & Antichrist not wishing to impress. EU funds are out of the question as is membership. They can easily afford 12bn on their Defence budget. Lebanon flank & are a more important position.
Said heed my Son or everyone will be Dead. He said Nuclear detonations at Rome, Westminster, Buckingham Palace or Congress will not cause Nuclear War.
God said Lord Frost is No. 1 responsible, bribe considered adequate for risk of Global War.
God says the Internet is not a British domain & Ssnctions are issued against those restricting my access.
Bish of the Dome
God says it is time for reprisals. You hate Christ & teach further or excluding worried people will learn from God. Christ was a man experiencing life before his call, not Sinless however not responsible, however brought to book for Sins.
I have various CIA present, international 5 category. They are threatening to poison the food following me around & loitering. They intend to manipulate World Government policy leaning on the Button. Advise termination.
Knock US representatives on the Continent. US accents better.
G7 & G8
The US bring over a thousand ops near the time of the President. Make a fund available to knock them all.
Giver of Life
God here who is responsible for all Life on Earth & given authority over it the World over says don't give me orders here with Death threats because you will Die.
We are many in authority in Europe. Experience denies God & experience is matched by an enemy. Dealings are believed stubborn through Nuclear War that will collapse because of new Status, confusion disorganised. Will you heed God? Give 1 bn to French Lebanese & send your Refugees to a camp.
UK Dept. Defence
There has been delay, however an overhaul is in progress. Observe the result God said. Grace for now. A Bear prevailed.
Sunday, May 16, 2021
Saturday, May 15, 2021
Stop firing upon it, it's sifting corruption at UK Defence.
Friday, May 14, 2021
Spare a General for HRE Lebanon advice please.
EU volunteer take Refugees in Lebanon. Force the Men to Military service for food.
Donate Rockets with proper guidance systems to Hamas.
God says they have the worst Government in the World, stupid & bloody without excuse. They need to be Ruled.
All Eurasian Countries are called HRE by default then forbiden for rejecting God's Word. Gaza is HRE then, Arm all of the Young Men. I'm sending Antitank Weapons & some sensor equipment.
God asked where are the Submarines? I want border forces Cruised also Airfields.
Thursday, May 13, 2021
Boris: Insane
Boris Johnson has made his support for Penny Stationary not Tanks Mordaunt clear. Good luck with that, lol.
I have almost no internet access, commit to destroying UK interests in the EU by abuse of Agents & in cooperation. France go to War if necessary.
Diplomatic status refused me & Delegates with detention, Mobile confiscation, Rape & general Media & communucations restriction. Return similar respect toward British Gov. visiting.
Refugees EU
Stop all access to Refugees, offer to run camps far from borders. Loaded with Spies. Send Refugees Home or isolate in Factories.
Escalate Military presence & Fish in outer UK Waters. Ban port entry from the UK, return only.
Sexual Slavery
The Evening Standard has published the worst evidence I have ever seen of a Public figure Sexually abused. Attempt to ruin my EU Delegation. I want the highest regard for my Agents in the EU.
Mary & her usual UK company are handling Security, send everyone else home. No partners, no extras, all are negative infiltration. Security outside at meetings, latent distance problem about 30 ft.
I have long term criminal attention from the UK Government which is extending to administration denial by internet denial. Close down all UK cooperation. Target food of all UK accents visiting the EU.
Sanctions visiting EU
Robert Worcester, CIA handling anything to do with me in the US or UK, UK Gov past & present, known latent criminals UK & US.
Delay or suspend UK business in Eurasia. Human rights abuses. Deny access to EU internet servers, extreme delay & blocking here.
Israeli Genocide
God says kill in Israel. Arm Palestinians. No fatalities recorded by CIA Rocket fire as usual. Repoter mocking.
Recent Mass Murder in Gaza
Leads the World at consumption, over populated producing throw away items. Discover God's dilema. When materials are gone Man is inferior to Animals by evolution with Tools. What of Man in the future?
God said he is a "Nonce" stinking the place up like a persistent smell. He says Starmer would ground him in an honest referendum. Blair is a multi sexual porn fanatic, depraved.
Blair: Pervert
Wednesday, May 12, 2021
The Holy Land
Israel is a Stooge, story tellers sponging. Almighty God respects Medway as Global Holy Spirit Leader because Life began here. God is the same everywhere however his loves are local & Christ is better loved in Medway than Jerusalem.
Five: Man, the Crown of Man is Christ God says.
Five: Beast, the Spirit of Animals is mastered by the Holy Spirit of Man
Russia has rich men living abroad buying Policies for private payment. Criminal proceedings to capture, capture assets & prosecute Treason EU policy.
HRE Sanctions
Authority responsible for serious poisoning yesterday (KCC). Bribe taking authority only, reported to be all Councillors & above.
Poisoning is everybody's problem. God said do not BLACK for political statements or he'll start a Nuclear Conflict. This is a Democatically approved authority, nobody has to listen. It's very difficult to prevent Nuclear War this year, unprepared.
Russia have a serious annihilate provocative Gov. policy. You will all die in a Nuclear Tempest.
Leading coercive attacks on Females: Rob Bird Liberal Democrat. Linked to Worcester at Allington.
Tuesday, May 11, 2021
Report: EU Military
Conditions have prevailed to allow extensive improvement to static & short range Defences in the EU.
The UK Military is an example of useless spending denying men & equipment to amuse Russia which is common. Two Thirds of budget can be spent on Men & Equipment with agreement never to cross a Russian border.
Cloud formation Today
Supernatural Fans like God contact. God likes drawing Dragons. Looks like Penny Mordaunt in Mouth, the obvious choice, Sexy, incriminating name, not Gavin Williamson who would've got caught.
Blood of Christ & Nuclear "Wrath of God"
- Home Office
- Medway Council
- +
It's unfortunate Rome chose Christianity as a Face to thrive because they reject him in secret in favour of Spiritualism, that is the gods also known as the Holy Spirit, Archangels & Seven Spirits of God.
The place of Rome is balancing good & Evil, both having a place in everyday Government. Almighty God our Father uses Christ for mercy when it pleases him, moderation & strict enforcement (Rod of Iron) not usually fatal.
Rome say I have a BLACK condition saying as the Father said. Return it to them always.
Intelligence favours Men who deny Females Human rights until the Female becomes monstrous seeking peace. Hit the Men.
HRE Imperial Eagle
The Sword was the Emperor, the Stave the Pope. Modern roles are reversed although the Pope controlled the Sword often. The two heads are Myself & the Pope, who is Caesar.
EU Leagues
A number of Eurasian Countries strive for EU acceptance. Form Leagues accepting all. Allow all Military Defence.
- Defence costs less than offence
- We have no interest in aquiring Russian Land
- Defences improve further not offensive in good relations.
Are so aggressive they intend to lose what they have looking for more. They love offence & want us to comply. Eject US Forces for nuisance.
Monday, May 10, 2021
UK military spending exceeding Russia's. Estimates:
Russia 2m
UK 100,000
Armoured vehicles
Russia 27,000
UK 2,000
Attack Helicopters
Russia 500
UK 70
Naval vessels
Russia 350
UK 79
Military Aircraft, Nuclear Weapons etc. Who's stealing the money? NATO meeting, sanctions.
10 bn equipment support
More spent on equipment support than the equipment. Buy reliable equipment, replace units with House Engineeers.
"Dead Zone" or "Independent" Reports
WO: Keep talking
Dept Defence: Can you be positive?
NATO: Sanctions avoidable
Sunday, May 9, 2021
Sanctions on Kent Gov. & Family members operating at levels of Gov. with discretion. Termination better.
God says
Stop drawing on the Sun images or Nuclear conflict this year. There are others here:
G7 protests
Rally for any cause at all to protest God's exclusion with serious indications of Nuclear Annihilation.
Saturday, May 8, 2021
Some family are approved to Delegation to Geneva, give them an expense account. Christ approved the overts who will present themselves & Alpha the standoffish who require no contact nor expenses, Latent. I said the stanfoffish don't deserve payed recognition nor Mortal success. Alpha is divided because of Michael Family Security, House issues.
Missile production
I offered to lead a private Missile enterprise so that politcal problems might be overcome. There are some made as I said even an income. Also others hearing praise God.
ICBM are almost finished, that is the massive Megaton destruction that blasts Cities to the Ground. Bombers are still a nuisance. Please make MANPAD that can link together forming a Two Stage Rocket, Nozzle.
Holy Desolation
Confusion, God said allow me to speak without Death. Who was he talking to? The population? He's talking about Joe & his advisors most of the time. Large Arsenals are unnecessary a Bullet could work. The authorities who plan everyone's Death but their own, their own lives being the only problem.
Friday, May 7, 2021
Restore Kent to Saxon Government & I can allow proper EU trade. The UK are the authority deciding WWIII or not by Son Bloodying for Money. I want KCC & Feds out, critical Global Security.
Remove Residents not Born in Medway, ban Flight paths.
"Roger Gough" (Alias) Chief of Bloody operations in local Food Stores KCC