I once worked for a firm who painted the shop area black, they went bust. The spirit is sometimes suicidal & that is why certain places are coded with a black square or circle, also red for dangerous work. It finds it dislikes life or cannot succeed, so it is drawn to those signs.
Rejecting life
Christianity encourages people to abstain. That settled they can be bodysnatched by important folk aging. The odd thing is that church leaders who take their bodies also abstain, or do they? Catholic Priest houses are greater than most & they are called the cloth for elaborate linen. Church leaders sweep shortcomings under the carpet & deny sin.
Secret Society exists where there are important folk at church & there is safety for nobility by strict social constraining. The church is a mystery & dangerous to ordinary people who die first "repenting" to seek help from God. God is here with me & he says Spirits condemn the innocent often, by leading them knowing the destination.
I repeat do as you want knowing that judgement returns your way upon you good or bad. The matter of sex which results in estrangement from God for people like me is about distraction. God said I will not proceed if somebody is distracted by hormones & love rivalry, it becomes their only concern.
Bloody hands
I see Mormons are using G men, Hoover's ideal man. Strong, handsome, young, polite. Head hunting for a look is usually murder, however proper Government office kills. Iazer pointers could slip from bloody hands teaching their Christianity, yet it is like sending conscripts to war & acceptable. Always make killing somebody else's participation in authority, only issue orders or be damned by God.
Only the troubled
Only the troubled seek God & that is seeking escape. Polite & repetitious society for the noble, death for the common.
Predatory or pure
I want churches to be as they appear & leaders to pay Government for bodies, not embrace & back stab, nor involve the congregation. Keep out of selection & judgement. Do not encounter an intended victim voluntarily.