Wednesday, November 4, 2020

Nuclear Holocaust

 Biblical Desolation

God said the morning after the post to Scotland & Ireland here to destroy Stewart authority that we need not be concerned for the foreseeable future.

Armenian Tanks destroyed during Battle

Trump says Military are Suckers, evidence. These are conscripts.


 A lot of people are more important than me on our side. I'm not your scam, puppet, mug or Catalyst for the "real cause". Destroy careers. 

Tuesday, November 3, 2020

Gov. hints at shafted economy

 Quantum economy, smallest in the World has to be an exaduration. Any news on those Stewarts?


 Scotland are in denial that the Stewart's are lost. They treat Scotland like the bit of the Garden where junk gets thrown. Petty industry, Nuclear targets, SVR hostility. They don't like you. 

Scottish as the Queen of England's smile. 

Owing for a Century of nonsense, don't try to make them Scottish again while we have them. Annihilate.

Why Stewarts are crap

  •  I could remove ICBM from the UK only by messaging God's approved President at election time & get peace & safety for the Wives & Children of SIS from Russia. 
  • The UK would be Seven Trilion better off according to God if only Plantagenet, Scottish & Irish rule.
  • Stewarts help the Vatican arrange Biblical Holocaust for personal petty money.

Monday, November 2, 2020

Stewarts responsible

Scotland & Ireland 

Stewarts are the dominant Royal clan in the UK, so they are responsible for serious failure at Government. Coronavirus problems have a direct link to God & Michael & God has promised to deny Seven Trillion for failure to restore. They came to my place Today & ruined my electricity supply as well as general pestering while I was out. There is no care for the state & forthcoming state that will stop them. We need to kill them or the UK is screwed.

God says kill them, & unite agencies of the Globe to save your lives from serious Nuclear threat. Put my Son at the head of UK Government.

England, France & Germany

 God has set me a Crown in these places & US influence. The UK Stewarts are making my presence small. Kill them God said. 

If the Plantagenet Crown is where God's word is the time for Stewart dominance is past. Life on Earth to ridicule the destruction of it by man is with me, & prosperity.


The Council of men is no longer required, in the face of God, disgusting. Send money instead to Plantagenet UK, French & German personal funds that will influence politics.

US Government

 God said stop giving Catholics money, listen.

Jo Johnson, PM & Co.

 Why are you still a pest & where is my compensation. Can I ask you to distinguish between Me, Michael & God before we hurt each other.

Global Security

Make certain this group do not get any peace abroad please. We need control. Pay security services to do what they've been doing here. Russia shoots down passenger aircraft regularly.

Germany & France

 God says advance all the day's business with his blessing.


 A cease-fire broken by local Armenians caused Azerbijan to take several territories held by napping Armenian forces.


 Bayraktar Drones contain Western tech. Armenia whines, more Airstrikes. Lease Reaper.

Sunday, November 1, 2020


 Need to fall into line with the authority of God. He says most of you still think you are my Superior because I've been sleeping. Bordering defunct.

Priest shot

 Good work, God confirms the man is his enemy. It is normal for God to have enemies in the Priesthood. In the main fornication, then desire for materiel things separate them even from the rubbish they are preaching.


Elders have made up stories to piece together Wisdom of life they thought. Also is Satanic material like Jesus teaching to ignore all of God's means of speaking to men & Green material in proportion to the number of ungodly contributors present, alterations to events, faked events & non events & speech & Spiritual prediction based on historical accounts in other places, like Isaiah's orbit change.


 God said France & Germany offer loyalty for Royal connections & to God for his blessing. I want to test that. Give Sunak to mortality.

Sunak & Jo Johnson

 Are Satanic so that they believe it's best to enjoy all & suffer Hell after. Age three I was offered as a Victim for their group. That is the meaning of the apologetic group on the left of this album cover, rebalance. I did not consent & God speaks not I. These men are destroying the economy by bribe taking without concern for danger.

Sean Connery

Sean was shoved of course because of his age, normal. 90 means combatant under authority.

In Parliament Partys make policies for the Public concerning infrastructure. Deeper are the Royal Clans strewn throughout the benches on all sides so that it made no difference to me when Labour was in Government. Trouble was the same, Mafia style SIS operations for illicit payments.

Stewarts dominate British Government, peculiar Scotland is a place for Sheep shearing & Nuclear targets. Stewarts have made themselves English. They often annoy the Plantagenets for insisting without respect, having a cooperation usually.

Elizabeth II Sax Coburg & Gotha instead uses this representation of UK Government. Stewart Arms with Secondary Plantagenets, third Scotland & Ireland.

God says he approves a Nuclear Power Station in Scotland. 

US election

 God said rig it for Trump.


 Says Russian Vaccine is better. It is better unless an individual is looking for bunce, because it makes up the total intended for Russian economy reducing COVID19 death.