They make war with the Lamb for UK dominance. Earls or Dukes are usually called Crowns able to take the title of Monarch in a conflict.
Wednesday, April 29, 2020
Monday, April 27, 2020
George at Asda
Wall Mart paid homage to Satan to open stores in the UK, George VI (Charles). They have a Sun side also.
Sunday, April 26, 2020
We suspect the "people of the Prince" that "set up the abomination that makes desolate", for the "overspreading of abominstions" are Welsh military, Welsh or in Liverpool.
Saturday, April 25, 2020
China Town
China were interested in the area between Chatham & Rochester however have declined, while Russia are expressing interest. I hoped for preened chinese gardens in the park & investment in oriental culture, like a holiday with Chinese currency. I got a Russian slum with aluminium suitcases floating up the River Medway. We have a slum already & aren't inviting scum.
Who are these foriegn looking Bums? They look like agents out of college without a mentor. Wrong dress code.
Who are these foriegn looking Bums? They look like agents out of college without a mentor. Wrong dress code.
Head with wound
I apologise for slow progress at establishing biblical characters, it is very dangerous to make sudden progress Michael has said. We think Charles is the head wounded that lived in Rev 13 & also the eigth of Rev 17 because one must join the seven a short time, that is Christ moving Charles Eigth I believe, from the seven of Rev 13.
Friday, April 24, 2020
I cannot even speak to Russia for their determination not to get along, very offensive & domineering. I want instead to offer China a China Town pedestrianising the A2 between Chatham & Rochester high st for their own use, also the closed Hospital, houses on New rd, gardens opposite & the river side. I want them to keep their own Government within for the duration of war & then consider the illegality of organised crime in Christ's Kingdom. We are trying to stop Russia destroying my authority because it was the Queen's. They are aware of the facts & futility.
Get your Russians out of here, they are trying to help with targets & you are giving us nothing but fear in the area. I'll arrest & torture all of them. Paedophilia & other serious crimes as well as destruction.
Get your Russians out of here, they are trying to help with targets & you are giving us nothing but fear in the area. I'll arrest & torture all of them. Paedophilia & other serious crimes as well as destruction.
King of Kent & Counties of England
I need you to accept Christ the King or we will gore you for the death of the men taking the land. Soldiers suffer serious injuries.
This is from the recent holy site photographs & shows Homer, who is also in Venus topography representing Charles. Green mouth to tears & a dead branch. There is Archangel Michael hands held up to declare time no longer, green. This is as Almighty God said, there is no war this year.
Homer Venus
This was about him speaking nonsense about prophetic scripture, mr. been, meaning has been.
Tree of Life
God dispises the Tree of Life, which is used to kidnap & infiltrate families as well as fake deaths in hospices following induced cancer or other murder, to use their unhappiness to coerce even senior Government.
This was about a Woman failing conversation, having somebody else within to harm.
"The Skeleton Key" was about swapping brains to stay young & capture the owner of a stolen body.
This was about a Woman failing conversation, having somebody else within to harm.
The possibilites include incest, homosexuals & beating of loved ones. We are considering the crucifixion of Charles, who's end is not clear, for making Christ dispicable by use of the DNA of the Turin Shroud.
"The Skeleton Key" was about swapping brains to stay young & capture the owner of a stolen body.
Thursday, April 23, 2020
As some are aware I am not here to repeat stories to poor folk. I am here to reign with a rod of Iron. Efforts to make me misery in excess of that of Christ & then crucify are your own crucifixion God has said.
It has always been the Queens way to snuff other Royals & death in my family is now crucifixion for all Germanic Royals when I am given the Crown of the White Horse of Kent to go forth & conquer.
Nail up effort to crucify the second coming including life of brian commisioners & writers, passion of christ, last temptation of christ & others commenting in private or publishing. Sell them to me.
It has always been the Queens way to snuff other Royals & death in my family is now crucifixion for all Germanic Royals when I am given the Crown of the White Horse of Kent to go forth & conquer.
Nail up effort to crucify the second coming including life of brian commisioners & writers, passion of christ, last temptation of christ & others commenting in private or publishing. Sell them to me.
Behold! The White Horse of Revelation
Wednesday, April 22, 2020
Royal family
When will you understand? You've killed our families with the NHS & supported your organised crime with the Police. Do you want me to crucify you when Civil War breaks out in the UK?
BAE Systems Rochester
If a ground striking conical Warhead is neutralised another missile will follow if another three targets can be made out nearby. Else a bomber will try within a week for this Aerospace centre.
Is everywhete, he even has spirits in plants. God is responsible for everything, love, hate, pleasure, pain etc. God likes you, even if you are a devil or Jegudiel & cruel. God has work for those without a prayer & those who have burdened themselves that have a prayer. God restores to the sufferer & removes peace from the rich. God balances all by measure of happiness & life passes away. God kept souls & wakes them because Mediums are Angels that assure families their loved ones are alive.
Why are so few jumping the queue with uniform? They are not trying to get to work at all, too many Chiefs & not enough Indians.
Tuesday, April 21, 2020
Security chief responsible for nibbling at sites until things are destestable. Listen you arrogant prick, my defences were refered to in UK newspapers recently & nobody gives a damn about your opinion of recent tests. Hang him.
St. Michael's Cross
Russia over the line
I need SVR executed here & other allied countrues where they are sexually oppressive toward my administration.
Russia are trying to exclude me from all Government decisions, dismiss them all.
Monday, April 20, 2020
Whatever Michael has said to you I was speaking to China, who we expect in Euripe. Your behaviour & speech are as the arrogant before God, I am King of Kings & God is not desperate for friends to allow you course superiority.
One Billion contract
Medway hospital problems past & present. Management & staff inc West Kent Health authority.
I am unhappy with the plan to destroy Medway. I want to process people for crimes here for food who are criminal, about 30%. I also need the newspaper printing to teach everyone about the old Royals & the new, damning.
Local authority
The easiest way to prevent destruction of allied facilities is to restore the former Crown in Kent that is resident here. Local councils are making separate authorities & that seems a very simple thing to do, especially by surprise.
There aren't many of you here, appearance denies. I would like a small military presence using local vehicles. I want preservation to work for you as well as us.
Local authority
The easiest way to prevent destruction of allied facilities is to restore the former Crown in Kent that is resident here. Local councils are making separate authorities & that seems a very simple thing to do, especially by surprise.
There aren't many of you here, appearance denies. I would like a small military presence using local vehicles. I want preservation to work for you as well as us.
Medway Radiation perimeter
This marker at Rochester Airport refers to the German Bomb at the town centre. 1987 was the year I was made to leave Medway to relieve the area the plate explains. I went to Northampton where we hoped old family ties could suffice.
Saturday, April 18, 2020
Excaliber conspiracy
It is hoped that I will be King in France & Belgium, I am descended of "Arthur" of Kent Sword in stone secret fame at Government.
Ireland expressed their detestation for English Monarchs of any kind following this post. All Irish here are intelligence network, like other ethnic groups. Terminate them at my Coronation.
Medusa touch
I believe the Queen is applying pressure to war pre Lunar Eclipse due to the final scene of the Medusa touch which I thought was about my father until a moment ago. A hospitalised Richard Burto writes " Windscale" which meant a related nuclear disaster. A lot of faked media exists demonising my family including representations Sid James in carry ons & Darth Vadar & Han Solo together. We hope to trash stupid fake media some day. We know him as St. Michael a gentle man.
Nuclear conflict
Red alert, we are expecting sudden conflict by the attempted execution of our mother, needed alive for Revelation 12.
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