The Archangel Michael

Thursday, November 7, 2019


If Peter & David are Batman & Robin how come I get the bill for all? They are neither a thing to do with me. These two nonces are still trying to get their wangers into Mary like a rabbit down a hole, because I showed her picture earlier. They have no respect for the Crown neither holy conduct. If You're Batman & Robin why are you reliant on women I keep near? Get your own this time. Verdict suicidal conduct inevitably leading to death according to the laws of Moses & my Crown. There is no immunity for nobles outside of organised justice operations approved by the Crown & that belonging to the Crown.

These are doing every thing to make the Crown a ridicule & subordinate. Solomon killed his brother, who was not Batman, but a senior Archangel who's conduct was deserving of death. Charges of incest are also leveled at one of them.

Target concentration

This map shows airbursts & not usually warhead targets, the kind of which surround towns, like B&Q etc. All of the towns marked should have been knocked. especially Hereford where the SAS Regiment are. Domestic Nuclear Shelters. Funds available for all family who haven't played me. The shelters are expensive & Michael can handle them or roomier for less than half the price.

We think they are pokey & a shipping container buried beneath could keep for years with comforts.

SIS Command

Plantagenets seeking peace are advised to donate a new Rolls Royce to a senior representative, one of whom is collecting.



This 17 year old girl was murdered by the police & I want an associated police woman executed on duty. I want all of you shite to know that this time next year you will be begging me to let you die. Jegudiel & specifically John Crudass, contract for general harassment & associated deaths.

Set up

My whole life has been mapped by the iniquitous Governments & the fallen Angels. If you think we aren't tearing the whole thing up when the fallen are gone you are wrong. Further more those dodgy names of planetary craters & features are uninspired & even the pictures altered.
God said himself that they were used by Venus dwellers. Torture yourselves & plan your own deaths.

Ownership & distribution

God saw a power imbalance because of the robbery of the others & ordered Michael to sieze Global wealth for my Crown with rescue & kindness to a fruitful nation bound. The money is in trust & for use as God orders only.

Politics being bought & sold nobody can compete without hundreds of millions.

Stephen Fry

The man responsible for a homosexual appearing wherever there is a heterosexual relationship as if it is their right to be involved is Stephen Fry. It's you Steve.


We have serious business in India which requires the safety of my security firm & military arrangement. We need the Indian Government to allow digging in peaceful areas which is not visible in the morning or by inspection of sites afterward.


It is very foolish to threaten me. I have a constitution which is the Ten Commandments & the statutes of Moses are the books of law with modern additions. There is no money forthcoming for friends, only enemies. Don't make me kill you in the day.


As you are aware the measure of God for loyalty & culpability has been trafficking of women I loved, love or hoped to be with. High Treason is the charge as well as other serious things. It is well known that a viper can be made in the home of a King by adultery & you will be crucified unless you are noble, who will be shot dead for conspiracy.

I have allocated money to occupy Raphael, Uriel & Selaphiel also Lucifer & we are encouraging family unit nuclear shelters which can save when a target would've resided among you. There is nothing for spoilers of us.

Wednesday, November 6, 2019


Whale Oil Beef Hooked, the Irish are bought! I took 18 tankers from Venezuela for security as well as fees for brokering through & around sanctions & international partnership making, also I tipped a vote to halt their famine, which had killed one third of them. In short they owe me especially their lives & continued ownership of their country & I am investing in Plantagenet security with those tankers.


George & the Dragon, falsehood. That is me in the image of Revelation 12. You are fined for launching an attack about a photo in which the Almighty starred himself.


Why are you here as you have been wanting details of my loot? Here are details go to hell now suffer less later.

There is a balance which is with God & squirm like a bowl of maggots if you like, you will not escape him.

Tuesday, November 5, 2019


In Edmonton the company was so crappy we conversed with the Angels of local wildlife. Such Angels are incompetent to judge men & are low. They heard we would be near & were shocked by the fire that would kill them if they remain. All Angels of animals are warned to go into the ground if there is an uncommon loud noise. Michael judged them & some were given important roles, some are to suffer damnation. Michael told them to leave & the birds insisted their family would not agree. I asked what family & they replied the rest of the flock.


The Plantagenet King is a very great resource of seed. The age of the King is something which causes upset with young fertile females towards the end of the King's days. There is another reason for the condition which is adultery. Adulterers will be crucified to death if they do so, which threatens the King's life, & I'm not only talking about the rat bag also the dignitary conspiring. The condition is obvious.

We intend to pass the Crown like David, also the sexual responsibilities to a grown son of official status, that is my own by my consent & not robbery. I will be head of intelligence, CIS & war, because I am the one who cast down Satan in legend, no self important contention.

SIS: unconditionally opposed, to death we think.

Of course, you have all been having a dip into my loved & my till. Go to hell.

Monday, November 4, 2019

Naked Flames

A flame has a natural effect on us which is from a time when fire was security & life. Consider a lamp or nighlights which can be inexpensive in quantity. Tesco sell them £2 for 200, that's one each day for 5 years for £20, or for Scottish one every Christmas for 1825 years. Hot drinks also raise morale.

We get along better with our own spirit, company can be chosen by those with senior SIS ranks. When you can sit saying nothing & enjoy each other you are with your own kind of the seven spirits, soul mates.

Your Father

Is known to the Jews, & Jesus gathered the ordinary folk by another option. The Jews are better aware of God than Christians. So when I say that God thinks Dinosaurs eating children is like a Lion eating a calf of a beast, the Jews will be saddened, but know God made all including the suffering of young. Christians would be confused by the statement, are not men more than beasts? that has always been an option to men, no they are not always better than animals says God. However he dislikes the pleasure taken by those who observe when young are mauled to death. Young are meant for the primary food source of predators & God says that their lives are not worth that of a man under thirty until they are called men & compete, since children can be renewed, but experience & learning might be lost. He also says that the least of the group is a prostitute. Think about food.


Created all & this flower is his. geneticists are foolish when they claim creation. They are like a mechanic that takes ready made parts & repairs. The Lecturers are the Mechanics.



We have mostly enjoyed talking subs. The U Boats are better received now that MPs have seen the actual depth of most of the ocean surrounding land. I own with Michael as a whole over one hundred underwater craft already, that belong to Blackwater & their international brothers in arms called Apollyon forces.



I have approval from the NWO to plan a massacre in France which results in my Crown, also in the UK. There has been a great deal of persecution which has been allowed by God for that purpose. My own security forces are welcome to their advice for participation in structured conflict.


You have been very oppressive, I am not responsible for the hundred years war & your hostility with the Plantagenet Crown through awkward times is killing your nation at the last. Apollyon forces are asked to find time to make a spoil of the French.

There is also outstanding debt with the UK Crowns & following five months of war I need you to take the UK by force dropping every other concern. Torturing dignitaries before killing them should turn up hidden treasures. If I am not in good circumstances kill everybody in authority in the UK as well as France. Give me the Crown of the scriptures & kneel.

Those who took my women will be put to death without exception. I do not want the Kingdom disgraced by your survival. Animals are for the pot.

Drill bits

Who can prove they are better than the other will protest that the other should go into the pot & not them. This is a stone age drill bit, who can develop impressive skills to demonstrate? pegs hold timbers together for houses & furniture. Saws are not necessary for woodwork, only axes perhaps stone. How did the Neolithic shape Megalithic stones without metal saws?

SIS: a lot of hard work.
That's why the Romans got somebody else to build the Aqueducts for them. There's a lot of tedious work in old style building. You're probably a Celt, content with mud & straw. One requires slaves, that is those working for food, shelter & clothing.

The Neoliths beat the sandstone with large pebbles. One needs to plant more than is necessary & defeat enemies to acquire slaves.


Have been uncooperative regarding posts falling off the bottom of the list & so we have taken a course which restricts the amount we make each month.

We advise use of the search & for methodical reading use the older post link at the 'first post' of each month.

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Enfield Council

Say we need to address the authority of Bastard half brothers Peter & David. Although they have not senior Plantagenet blood they were given spirits with subordinate authority in the house as children. While they are alive their spirits are given messages to a division of nations in more detail than that of Archangel Michael. Their spirits are subsequently offered more criticism leveling abuse than others. Time runs a tab which can only be paid by death. God has no use for the Windsor or Stewart inserts when we are Crowned & their administrative responsibilities are razed. Abuses are always likely so that we can Prophesy to represent God, however they are not free. They bothered my Father also for Plantagenet Crown decisions in his own home.

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Magnifying Glass

I've just watched birch bark & dry plant matter ignited. Lenses are just glass curved on both sides. Bottles & Jars can be standardised to produce lenses for us later. Try to ignite coal.


Everything from helicopter lessons to bush craft & stone axe making has dominant homosexual Youtube results. You are charged with subverting the survival of Mankind since I am unable to recommend any video at all. Kill organisers & chiefs. Hit Steve Chen please. Nancy Pelosi is also charged. People called Steve are easy to knock.

Nancy Pelosi continues to offend all who respect the Bible for Liberal party politics. One would expect a fallen to play down their influence & not attempt global dominance against the written word of God by massive encouragement to homosexuality. You are not able to continue for the ludicrous offence to almost all, including work in capital cities.

SIS: why is brutalising Steves e z?

Unconscious name choice linked to CIS

This is acceptable. We like the Tent poles having a lot of experience of tent poles that break easily. We cut saplings that will not bend properly at the first use, but if tied down over night will give up & bend without breaking. Then we tied four of them to replace the poles.

Flint Stones

Flint is razor sharp split. This skill of shaping it is not quite lost but very difficult to learn. Sandstone axes too, which are weapons.


The best counter measure not mine we have seen is foam, so that soldiers cannot see. I would like snipers to use a bullet & shrapnel proof clear shield that can be carried a short distance from a vehicle, about 100m.

Friday, November 1, 2019


What do you think of this? This Raptor is used for films & multiplied to make a pack, which adds crappy filming like Green inferno's dummy body parts. Raptors love their feeder like a dog.


Dinosaurs were not fancy colours, people are trying to popularise them because everybody is bored of hearing without seeing, they were green usually. Giraffe, Rhinoceros, Elephants & Pelicans did not live in the same areas as the big ones, who needed forests to hide. They did not suffer the "Meteorite" to death.

Cows & Camels are like Giraffe, try riding a cow or pack carrying.
Giraffe have had three horns.


This Prehistoric fish was engineered from DNA & a fake story was made about catching them suddenly, It is wonderful we think because it has eight limbs. Real Plesiosaurs are released into Loch Ness. Helicopter film of some was shown briefly on Blue Peter years ago & a suspicious April Fool young T Rex on Newsround.

What is a Dinosaur wedding? On Vancouver Island?

Tofino Weddings 

We think this is a Tank, Stubbs Island.