The Archangel Michael

Friday, February 28, 2025

Cathleen title removed

Instructions are not followed by those handling.

Princess of Moriah: Cathleen of Northamptonshire

A perfectly formed Aquaintence is meeting the Pope for me & is honoured for the purpose. Titles are job descriptions & ordinarily withdrawn following alienation having external operation.

A plan to adorn Her was born of the numbers of Fashion Executives & Models at my disposal, to obtain the Pope's stolen Flamingo Seeds by Her Charms & deliver them in a drawstring Purse of the fabric of Her Dress. The man called the Pig who took them for the Palace from the mailing system refuses, so that more Seeds are being thrown over Cara's Fence Today. Cara has the Cleopatra Avian & She will count them & show Cathleen a professional Cat walk to present Herself wearing the Fashion based on Greek Costume.


Somebody stole my Pen during the night so that I cannot deliver the seeds today. It was thought valuable because it was used on various letters & a journal.


I spent the day visiting four shops across Medway that sell the wide nib pen I use, they were all removed. A "Minister" is Death sentenced for attempting to steal the written Word of God.

Computer Saboteur

A little Brown man attended my tablet repair a year or two ago who was responsible for delay. He is also responsible for the crashing Tablet I'm strivng with. God said kill him.


This Sheet of Toilet Paper was a coincidental gag here the previous day. I asked for an Andrex note pad with a broad 3b Brown Pencil so that the Names of Starmer's supporters can be listed.

Thursday, February 27, 2025

Wales: Alternative World Government

The "Implant Clinic" has been threatening Horus & Molech given license to conduct their surgery along with hierarchal Hill visitors & myself with disfiguring night raids. They have their own alternative Data stream for the World Motorcades passing by.

The Dentist has been associated with the Marathon Man Movie having Mars "God of War" Diana at helm. Last known in Dana Bondoc Orthodontist.


He runs Bluebell Hill Village inc. the chamber under my Driveway. He Lamped me from the Property so he could kill the Queen here, Stole, & Vandalised a Fireplace Cherubim. Wales are a Scotch attack Dog.

Wednesday, February 26, 2025

Break in injury

Somebody burned my Lip last night. Destroy the Clan of the middle aged female about the entrance to the Car Park as I left yesterday. Avian of the Welsh Royal Family should be destroyed for threat to us all.

Trump & Francis with God

Building work has progressed here. I am reminded of the hard work travelling, sometimes more than twenty miles each day on foot, cold days & exhaustion that amounted to no pleasure or gain. I am moved to productive hard work supported by Trump & the Pope.

God calling Andrew

Prince Charles Willy is on the front Pages shaking Hands with a Chicken Fucker, TC lookalike

Tuesday, February 25, 2025

Beth Cutler & Lord of the Rings

Beth is seen in the Video being killed by a Husband taking seniority over Satellite Males. Suspect: Wayne Rooney lookalike inheritance targeting Bond. Of course there are reasons we all need intruder transfers when GCHQ predicts them.

Edward Scissor Hands means stupid cutting off helpers. The Scissor Hands Movie made references to Charles, a Senior at Wales Authority.

Lord Lees Grove

The Council are illegally renting my Land to who break in here chipping my teeth using knock out Gas at Night. They have drilled behind to make them break.

Second Woman crippled

The man at 258 Magpie Hall Rd has crippled Mrs Hocking who works at Home Bargains, in addition to my Mother. Under both Conservative & Labour Governments. God said he has to be tortured at length. for multiple crimes over the course of his Life including murders. Pursue the Avian migrating. God said use Women & include the Woman he lives with.

Taxing State Pension

Taxing increases hope of survival because it's less profitable to lamp pensioners to Cancer. If Pension was paid in before income Tax was deducted then it should be taxed.

Monday, February 24, 2025

Resident Evil

Residual Democrats are making Biblical Apocalypse problems in the UK, believing they have a Government by which to threaten so many, hype induced psychological disorder. Force them back to the States.

Trump suffering Mental illness

Donald has been suffering the Mental illness of Joe. God said kill Democrats illegally threatening Global peace.

Understanding Cellular God

Local, Regional, National & International Government, the latter the biggest influence is like Cellular God. A Local problem can be easy to solve traveling but an International One can curse in every place. The responses of the general Public indicate your position with God in the area good or bad.

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Prince of Wales

 God said it is Prince from Wales, Andrew would make better Monarchy.

Falkland Islands

God said Today they are Argentina.

Human Resources is Avian slavery

This is KCC Royal Mail Executive, refusing to accept Spiritual Government hand over, putting faith in material assets & connections. Animal possessed need a whack like Species or are too stupid to alter course. Deliver Mail properly to this Address.
SIS Hard Case: McLean Agent, has the same relationship with TC as Palace Security with Charles, Flocks of Fractals.

Saturday, February 22, 2025

Charles fucked a Chicken

The Avian called TC has been in Domestic Cats, Biblical David & Charles. David heirs are often called Davis. 


The Heirarchal Avian has been able to make a show Roof cutting here without contest. Often seen in the company of the Diana Avian at or near Homebase.

Suicidal Red Dragon

I recently needed to block a Nuclear outbreak giving Jade's Host transplant so that Life could be acceptable in the Avian Possession until then. The Wales Quarter are all Animal Possessed, appearing mad.

My experience of Wales who are French, is that Richard's Boar is Ancient symbolism because they turn & rend you like the Swine Jesus spoke of. They are also suicidal like the Pigs that the Demons (Avian) were transplanted into. Animal Possessions are called Demoniacs.

Richard's Brand on

We are suffering a French Government that is Demoniac & hates the English. Richard Branson has King Richard's Animal Reign & stole British Rail. The Dentist occupying my Land is French Canadian. The UK National Crime Agency is Canadian.

Up to something at the Serious Fraud Office

Friday, February 21, 2025

Keep Out

God drew a Picture in the Clouds Today, of a Dark Man having Two Joints, One bright the other darker. I was holding the Wood with the Two marked upon it, so I checked the darker & it was skew. There is a great God here who desires respect. Do not come up to the Hill uninvited.

I discovered why Old wooden buildings lean. Auger Pegs give way to a lean & need Glue or a Screw.

God said Today everyone who ascended to break or humiliate is cursed.