The Archangel Michael

Friday, October 11, 2024

Stolen Files

Kent Police reckon I can authorise a payment to have images & video returned. I'm requesting a payment to kill all Supervisors & Management at Kent Police for multiple Global Crimes.

Thursday, October 10, 2024

Minority Government

Democracy is failing on Youtube where Gay Porn Surfers soar in Search Engine rankings.

Excalibur II

Jade has ownership pending advice from the Pope. Eva has been investigated on Moriah & discovered an Avian Witch of Witches, who's Hiers are cut off according to historic practice causing CID organised Crime to die with a Culprit, a trafficked messenger. The gift organised by God here is to put off accusations that Jesus didn't do enough to save Her Human Brain while being Crucified. God says a gift will preserve Her as long as I am alive.

Eye Image: Telling someone not to Bathe in the drinking Water.

Moriah also uncovered Duchy of Lancaster Crown control of attitudes & relationships. The Robotics were so severe that former "Eva" mutilation is discovered another's responsibility. 


Analysis of "Apocalypse Watch" revealed a Cross Party arrangement between Starmer & Johnson explaining why Tory Chiefs at Security cannot be replaced.

Jade is meant to be Adrian from Rocky, that is aid Avian. A fractal that has been wrecked on a Human level here, but represents interaction between Two World Quarters. Police cannot react to effective Paratensile surveillance here & have estranged.

Following the SVR problem here intended to alter World Politics I used connections to put 300 high speed missiles at the front line in Ukraine. I've been messaging tech. for high Velocity low payload incision. The funniest is an actual Cannon Ball in a Three Stage Missile capable of "Escape Velocity" & Space exploration.

Kappa 9M: Modification inc. timed low fuel tight impact.

Wednesday, October 9, 2024

Animal rejection of Humanity

The Savaging of fellow Man called "Party" is as a wandering or stalking Beast, those that are within untamed. Blame for Guinevere deserting Arthur, blame for Jesus concerning Veronika & blame for Lucifer, the truth is everyone died apart from the Animals & there blame sits.


His Apocalypse Watch likeness apparently serving Boris Johnson has made an Apocalypse Scandal. Further the Police Seniors hand picked by the Conservatives & responsible for ICBM attack warnings here are still in Senior & effective positions & not treated as a priority.

Wales a non Authority

The Family Tree is a Pit of Police activity, a label & face for Police Crimes. The PNC Nuclear Launch Computer at the Police not the MOD proves the Biblical Red Dragon is a task not an Authority,

Tom Tugendhat

The MI5 Director is discreetly called a Wanker by Conservatives, likeness & alias tugging hat. The number of Former Conservative Managers still in senior positions is surprising & makes change beneath impossible.

Tuesday, October 8, 2024


I had to invite Cara of Ireland here every day because the stupid Pig thinks he's knocking off Mrs. Cole while I'm out. The Cole Tree op was a non starter & I have banned Jade from the Hill only to prevent Bird Brained Officers pretending She has an Office here. 

Tim Smith: Stupid Pig

God is angry about the dismissal of the instructions & told me to burn the Axe marked IIV that identifies the Tree as a current operation. God said Conservative Party norms persist unhindered. He told me to threaten to hang the BBC Chiefs earlier for continued Conservative Policy saturating media with ethnic minorities.

Cara is not in Office here either & is studying the Arcane often.

West of England

The West has been acquired by Welsh Authority. Demolish Birmingham & build the other side of the Welsh Border.

Russian Bastard

An SVR hit the Children's Sweets then my purchases causing Health difficulties to progress Today. A Report stated the Agency suffered achieving massive firepower in Ukraine. 

What's incredible to me is the Police always have some Shitter or other for a payday & a private agenda.

CID busy themselves with us all each day attempting to Consume in the communities when the Money has been taxed. Wives & Children service conscripts & properties are ponced among a great list of consumables making Police Budgets private expenditure.

Conservative "Scum" plotting

A Residue of Conservatives in Management office is like a Bath cleaned by a Man, not an impressive Vessel in which to sit let alone float your Boat. Females are found to be vulnerable to French Connection & Secret Female Chief of Staff Theresa May & other Conservatives are waiting for an injury before altering their ordinary course. A Spokesperson for Women in Office said the Personal Hygiene of Men is primary consideration.

Monday, October 7, 2024

Kent Police caught organising Hill murder

They have been trafficking former Mrs.Cole & Veronika Avian Host Jade to the Hill for provocative practices with the George Hill Office imposter. They are believed to be excited about the Veronika form on an Axe Handle here.

Imposter hazards

Apocalypse Zombies that have worn my Crown of Thorns are Crucifixion ducking. The Brown Crown is reasoned poor by the London thieves but their own are studded with fake Stones. It went Brown from Green, Brown in international code indicates soiled & suits the wearers. They also used a venue I suggested for the trashed Mrs Cole op & paid £7 a Pint.

Conservative Police incompetent

Incompetent handling of the Cole Tree, one of only a limited number in the Cemetery wrote it off in Two Weeks, persistent Sex with George here following a leak the day before. The shops are an overt public disorder offence every day, multiple phones ultrasounding purchases at point blank & Three contact clothing smears in four days. It's obvious the Police are a conservative under a Labour Government shitting in the Arse of their trousers for frustration. Vote analysis necessary.

Believing Legends

The Cross position between Wales & England is blamed for "the Cross" but the fate of Arthur was Gore also, married to Ireland & Guinevere was disembowelled reported escaped. CID bring Wales as well as the other the Two because of my reputation for strength.

Sue Gray

The Chief of Staff was controlled by bullying by Theresa May, who formerly had secret control of Females under Elizabeth.

Sunday, October 6, 2024


The insolent declaration Prince George has my Title too Young to hold One: Crown of England is followed up by an Avian in the Youth at ALDI who looks like him. The Tit has been coming here for Sex with Avian of former Queens of Christ & running away like a little Girl to her mama before I get Home.

You Bubble Land protagonists should run a Pair of Knickers up a Flagpole if you can't work out who you are. Thieves & Liars & an Apocalypse in Service to Germanic Scottish, arrogant & French.

They act like I don't hear what happens here. They were in here Today while I was Shopping.  The ALDI George Avian looks a harmless Prat in the Painting, but closer inspection reveals he shed Blood in the place of the Irish Crown Graves, a sawing in half for Pervert Sex Games. Top halves of Cara's former incarnations only are buried here.

Judgement: Do to him as he's done.

Halved Person visible on Crown, Saw blade Cloak


The total "possession" of individuals having alternative & cooperative Neuro Implants is visible by staring stillness like a daydream. Inaudible communications take place that are not perceived by the Possessed, the "Host" of the implants.


State fund people in office up to a point before the Human Brain is put away to maintain Animal dominance of the Species. Brains are frozen, however they can be approached for a Body snatch which is the same thing but immediate. From about £20,000 Cry-O is a reference to Eye Spearing crying Blood, O meaning not.