The Archangel Michael

Thursday, January 9, 2025

Cara's "Brown" Crown

Dark Images were known by the Ancient as foreboding, Brown means Shitted. God says the Wrath of the "gods" Damns intruders so that there is no place among Men nor Birds to hide. Aphrodite (Avian):

Signals: 8 Mouth as the Mermaid Crown having a proceed strike with pointed Tongue. Spiritual contention with ICBM Left Eye. 'Ice' stop Strike Crown Browning. Skull cracking poor timing to contest.

Joey Deacon

A Blueprint for Biden has been found: Spastic Joey Deacon. Biden had an Avian that sat with John Paul gathering Intel for the coming Presidency.

Biden: Spastic


Moriah want the brand closed for references to killing Fashion Models.

Wednesday, January 8, 2025

Site tampering

This is a current concern & historical record. I need a Court Order to prevent content tampering. Police hacked this image & another on my Device photoshopping dirt on a New Shirt.

Hogan Howe was "Damned" by misrepresentation of the people here & Rachel Reeves who attempted at least One connected punishment Tax raid in his defence.

Solomon & Veronika

It was I God said that wrote of an Adulterous Woman that caused the Death of those that She tempted while Her Husband was away. I was Her Husband, the risen Life of Jesus, & the Woman was Veronika. She has a debt overload that passes to who cannot bear when they join to Her, so they send Her here to a Crown, having many lower in that Hierarchy that bears loads or does not. Loads at high level of Security Clearance destroy the low.

Charles & William 

Who can remember Uther & Igraine? A War for a squirt. Those Two can't. Charles shot a Man Dead for Trespass. Then he came here to an Enemy's Land looking like Jesus, walking straight through the Crucifixion Zone, he tempts people. Peasants were once bred & kept short of means near Pheasants to hunt them on purpose.

Why the hatred? Blood Sports are a Trespasser Hunt. William & his Men have broken in here, vandalised & raped.

Terminate Paedophile

God said Terminate the Badge holding Paedophile Officer that pulled in near the Bridge following Public outburst provocation. 

Kill Officer in charge: knife holding Negro that offended a Policewoman, that was him too. Another was at the Garden front recently. Stupid Pig thinks I'm here to Sweep up for him. There's always a reason to get near that Button.

Holding knives in Pocket, related to an East Bank Tree Raid Image supposed to preclude a Raid, not confuse timing. Paranormal Report: Orange Rape, White Elbow means hazardous no fatal Rape to get rid of some Bitch.

Hack evidence deletions

In addition to stolen & damaged Logs & deleted Galleries recent Photographs of the East Bank Tree of Life have been deleted from my Device before processing. Anyone tempted to think there is an Intelligent reason should consider Kent Police touch & taint everything.

Knock Raid: Cara is portrayed as the ill fated Liz Scott through the Keyhole in this image that had to be taken again this morning. March 2039.

Moriah Power Surge

A Surge forwarded Policy when a demand for compensation for destroyed Graves was made. That is our foremost drive at this time connected with support for existing Policies here.

Whitehall hate the UK

Today they attempted dismissal of Jade on Moriah with permanance, combating Hard Apocalypse warnings meant to reduce risk. Their name indicates money can be used for anything up to & including hatred of everyone together: white h all.

Get off my Hill

Jade is banned from the Property following detailing News reports of regular trafficked conduct in open media.

England Quarter Church

The Moriah Authority is a subdivision of the English Quarter Authority that is subject to God. The Titles are granted by God & approved by both Authorities for his will. There are no Irish or Welsh rights to Authority here beyond those invited to the English Quarter, they not in conflict with the English Crown Resident.


A Report stated Heirs gifted do not have a directive not to injure this position & there is a deliberate attempt to crucify individuals. Another stated Joes flapping mouth discredits his announcements that the Hill is a Republican concern. Crucifixion goes ahead for him.

Christian Cross

There are Two means by which One overcomes, One carrying a Cross each day & another having peace until the "Party". The Silver Birch recently shown provided instructions to avoid both gruesome ends, since both I & Cara carry Crosses.

Nigel Farage invented by Women

Nigel going everywhere holding a Pint was a Femake concept supposed to ridicule Man's Men. That said the Freemasons also worked for the Queen & I & my Mother were made to as well.

Tuesday, January 7, 2025

Welsh Abominations insanity

Wales Quarter perverts accompanying Jade here breached regulations: No Males on the Hill, do not sit on the English Quarter Throne uninvited, do not put the Crown of thorns on, do not touch the One God said is for his Son. Terminal. God said people who put the Crown on will be Crucified. Find out who gave them the breif on conduct.

258 Report

The House of Lord's Baronesses have been making use of the Old Lady at 256. They have told Her to maintain Elizabeth II policies & keep control of Global Wealth as if there is no alteration to circumstances. They are about the same Age & are asking for trouble. God said remove every One of them over night.

The design at 258 bears hallmarks of Kent Police policy making, looks like the usual determination to alter instructions. The main agenda is too coincidentaly Crucifixion category injuries on Resurrected Mary: West destroying China loyalty. 

KCC Death threat

I told them they owe hundreds of millions to who's Graves were destroyed from Taddington Roundabout to Lord Lees Roundabout & Rent on the Properties there since my 2013 Crown, also repair to the damaged Environment. They replied they'd instead Crucify me. God Said drag them to the River & kill them. Do not bury Council Shit in my Riverbed.

Nigel Farage: Brassen Sun

Nigel was caught in a Sting attempting to negotiate a Messianic bang. Women on the Intelligence Circuit who I have been fond of over the Years were gathered together at a Hotel. My Old Water Bed & Brass Sun were located.

Cute Mary: Signaller

Welsh Table Leg

The Quarter Leg having Jade's image & the connecting piece, which were not purchased only delivered to Cara are to be sent to Jade @ ALDI God said.

Jade raids, Veronika "Cherry Bomb"

Rome still sucks everything from Veronika then sends Her to me, like throwing Anti-Matter enriched by Global Criminal practices put through Her Postbag. I've purchased Her Eyes, how do I purchase each Orifice? How do I purchase my Land? having a Dental Practice & Bus Service that don't pay Rent. How do I obtain the Keys to the Car Park? Tonbridge & Malling Council have locked me out & so far refused to re-wild the Concrete mess they left. Cherry Bombs are Two Pierced Hemisphere suicide missions by deprivation & introduction to resource.

The WHO want to write a Cheque for the above or offer Cash.

Monday, January 6, 2025


If the Niger hadn't taken the Seat people would've bothered to contest Farage. Hopeless MP formerly rejected by the Door Staff. If I could make myself obeyed Nu Agent would sit on his Lap in a Drink up & it would all be fixed in the morning.

A Niger is a Niger is a Niger

Niger originally had One g not Two God said, because Nigerians were thought to be troublesome. Two were added when others wanted to insult everyone of the Continent.

Sunday, January 5, 2025


I visited my Mother Today who had punch bruises on both Cheeks 85 yrs old. God says you will die by flame & crushing at the highest level of Government who are responsible.


CIA Wales hire. U.S. design on Global Wealth. Attacks on Four Quarters Leadership are Apocalypse.

.45: tactical nuke beyond relevant security perimeters in the U.S. + Republican targets.

Bod Log

A Bod Log & a Crucifixion Tree are under Analysis. Bod has Gran, 3ook, March, 3ood in One 'morphing' Word. The Art is recognisable by Hill references to the person. The 3 B is believed to mean protest at policy detail: 'Eye' loss & Scribing.
Bod: Instrumental in preventing a Crucifixion raid against myself & Cara by acceptance as a Moriah Princess & Preraphelite figure. Biblical relevance is proving awkward & is a National Security essential.

East Bank Tree: Mermaid, River Gate & Grey Silt Pool.

International Security

There is a Jade raid Abomination on the Hill Today. Biden has expressed disinterest in the "9" area. Trump approves according to report. Fine the UK Government for Abominations with proxy inconsistency.