The Archangel Michael

Friday, November 8, 2024

King Charles

Charles Shagged Jade & broke the Pope's Axe a Report stated yesterday.

Conflicts Outside

Opening a Beer when you arrive Home is like being greeted by a loving Wife or a Dog. Sometimes that's the same thing.

Thursday, November 7, 2024

Elliot Factory engulfing Local Security

BAE Systems is maintaining the expectation of ICBM based on night raids here with a Security blanket that entitles them to Government in this Area & Region also. The Factory estimated value 4-500m needs to be bought & closed immediately. Elliots Head estimated roughly the same figure.

No.10 ungrateful

I withdraw support for local Missiles reported to have saved Walderslade, Investment in Patrol Boat tech & missiles in Ukraine following debauchery in the Temple with Jade by Scotts excited about ruining pre raphelite legends. They invade almost every time I am out of the buildng & no.10 refuse to cooperate with security here. I want the palaces ruined.

Claims by Starmer that I write his policies are lunatic. They pay me less than a Roadsweeper for occasional contribution & maintain Conservative Party Security under Elliot here & in the local area. He needs to face up to his paid responsibility. Johnson sent my Mother a letter that said dear Prime Minister, we both wondered at the imbecile, then the 80 yr old was raped & beaten by a man he sent while he escaped Covid19, war with Russia & rigging benches for Truss, taking over 3bn personal finance. 

Crucifixion notice

God has drawn a Crucifixion nailed Right Leg on the ripped Roofing recently damaged. It is the Second Reported Crucifixion, the other Stalked.

Bronze Age Nail & Masked Man shaped a bit like a Pound Sign.

Too many connections

This is a One Man outfit & there are too many visitors, raiders & ponces. Emma's Brother is a third & caustic when I already indulge Cara & Emma on my own. Cara has leaches including historical Crucifiers sniffing around personal support here. I might as well have given Jade a Fire Axe as the recent "Excalibur" because half Her Kin as good as smashed the Door as if given a License.

It's been said past here that if Family of Wives & Cousins had access restricted they wouldn't have shed the blood here that they have.

Trump up

The Presidential win is making it easier to vanquish Blue Party tendency. We came in Third behind Charles & The Conservative Gov. at sudden & discomforting reform in the UK.  On a personal level the Roof went straight from over my Head once & the other put me in a Food Queue for Months

Dismiss U.S. Blues with bad & insulting references. That's probably honest anyhow.

Wednesday, November 6, 2024

Merlin: Falco

The wizard, Son of Lady of the Lake had the Falco Oid now with Cara, called our Second Sun & referred to on Tatooine with St. Luke. Star Wars is unfortunately way out of line with purchased Propaganda, far from accurate.

Lady of the Lake

The Riverbed is filled with the Bodies of Cara's Avian Host, Bones sink in the Silt. Guinevere was Merlin's sibling & is buried at the end of the Front Garden here.

Arthur: You don't mind if I have that Sword do you? I'll ask Merlin

Queen of Thieves

If I've been connecting to Cara & Jade I don't expect to hear about raid union with Beth the next morning. People should respect Human consent & not Band during the night if they expect position.


As part of efforts to reduce Apocalypse risk I am charging Welsh individuals with long term raiding Band damage.

National Security

The critical state & sale of Security, Communications failure here for example are an overdrawing by Conservative habituals into a Labour Term for private income. Seize Assets: inheritance & the ordinary whoredom of their Household, recover the Private Payments.


I organised the making of the Pre Raphelite costume for Cara, who fortunately is already a clothes horse, well connected & more difficult to keep out of the fabric & metal work. There has been inordinate interest in Sex. Obtain permission from me, formerly Arthur & Her.

The Temple Curtain "Oracle" is historical I discoverd Yesterday. God moves it with a blast or wave.

Tuesday, November 5, 2024

Elliot is Johnson in Kent

The ALDI  (All Die) group are a Flagship of heirs of Elliot's intruder. He has been accused of supplying the Belgium Nuke through BAE Systems as well as managing problems on the Hill & @ Rochester Airport Shopping for Johnson. 

The Motorcades having Presidents & Celebrities inc the Queen, Kate, Bill Gates, Biden & Russian Gov. are in Communication every day driving by. The area controlled by Elliot appears to be New Rd, up Maidstone Rd then to the Hill & Taddington Roundabout, also past the Bridgewood Hotel. "Ben Page" of Councillor option to visit Homes: MORI (Death) is his servant.


Lack Robe at, Lack Row Bat (Oar (Whore (traitors escape))). Le Fay has an unfamiliar intruder to who recognise Her, not unlike Miren's portrayal without, an implant or implants twisting. The multi personality Lacrobat is not their favourite mug, but rotating persons in the mug flagship at Roadside communications. ACTION: keep their clothes on.

Third Temple: Criticism of progress Four Years on

Senior Conservatives hate the Royal Property because they moved Roman Money to the Thames. They are the Animal Intruders blamed for the massacres from Christ through Arthur to Lady Grey at the Hill, where the UK Crowns lived together. Crowns are not in Command in the UK, they are a Flag that draws the Battle away from potential.

The Conservative Party was thick with Ancient aggression toward God's International Hideout, still centre of World Communication. The Labour Government are more inclined to agree so there are plans beginning next Year.

The building will become the Barn area again & the Temple will be built on it's former site Hill Centre the same size as this. Everyone loves the Pre Raphelites, that draw on memories so they will be the model, images here.

Arthur's Wife

Arthur was also called Mark Anthony in historical accounts like those of the Bible, talking about the same Characters & events according to various writers. This is recognisable as Cara in a mood, Avian of Ophelia & St. Luke.


Human resurrections by birth don't remember, but here there are many stories told about the past. Cleo arrived with carts of spices & linen & the last had Shit on it, that turned out to be the gang of poop scoopers that followed the mules. At the confrontation of his death Arthur declared that's what that shit cart was about.

Monday, November 4, 2024


5am Cutler once said Boris Johnson is responsible for historical "Eva" disfiguring.

Suicide Pig

Is walking Miles for Four Litres of Water each Day harsh? Apocalypse Pigs @ Kent Police think an argument or fight should be picked because it's a bit like the Well, where Apocalypse had flash point. Other delays made time for more activities at the Hill called Kent Police managed Abominations & Apocalypse provocative.

Juliet, Eva, Jill, Jane etc.

The Jade Avian has been identified as Morgan Le Fay or Morgana, Arthur's half Sister.
Morgana: Mysterious reference to the Arc. References to the Temple Cherubim Pillars & Floor

Cleaner sacked

A Cleaner was in shock yesterday accused of spraying the Conservative Party Leader with Bleach & assaulting Her with a Broom. She was taken to an Optician having said She "thought that was a giant Shit"

Sunday, November 3, 2024

Carnality: Living Dead

Biblical Carnality, called Death is Possession of the Person by Demons, that is outnumbering & insistent Bird Brains attached within.

Wales were called the living Dead on Moriah by God Today. He said their Red Dragon Flag began a Menstruous Cloth. Wales are banned from the Hill but One, the Woman called Jill, all others will be cursed.

Communication breakdown

Stubborn Conservatives have taken AM/FM Two Way Radio out here, forbidding common messages from Gov. Seniors inward. The Microphones are not getting past Surveillance often inc. Pope, PM & MOD.