The Archangel Michael

Thursday, September 12, 2024


Those who sacked "Jerusalem"  God smote with Emerods & returned the Ark of the Covenant. Emerods were Genital Warts, which have broken out among who Police Chiefs have brought here for Sex, who also have the ailment. Rod is a clue & Agents are given false ID Emma to identify.

Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Chickens vs Fish

Agreeing to stop eating Chicken instead eating Fish has opened negotiation with implants. We have general consent to destroy Avian implants where Human Hemispheres were destroyed previously for the sake of new Gov. options meant to turn Apocalypse around, based upon Human control of Human Government. Persons have been used like Armour & destroyed leaving repeat tactics by the Avian offenders. Repeat Crucifixion category injuries, breakage & assaults at the Holy Site have left everyone wondering how anyone can be so stupid.

Stupid has a Face

Get away from the Hill

 I had to cancel a visit Today because I was approached by some kind of Council Apocalypse Roof break in Team on my way out.

I Once a King & Chief

This Tapestry is about the Birds @ Moriah who have been implants in Men. The Woodpecker pecked a hole in my Yucca. The Oranges on the Family Tree represent endangered, Orange is NE Compass point & that Eye direction.

MI6 building

Up to 200 times it's value has been offered by Russia since the demise of the US influenced Conservatives Gov. The building not far from the U.S. Embassy needs moving to the other side of London. Conflict between Russia & the U.S. in the area South of the River is a preoccupation likely to relieve Westminster of East & Western contention.

Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Moriah Vandalism Report

The Palace have been found guilty & are charged with the removal of God's writings from an Eye of the Axe. If that's my Body be more discrete.

Morphed Video "concealing identities"

Jesus Porn, Damage to the Jesus Grave Memorial Tree, the Crucifixion Tree & the Biblical Cherubim condemn the Monarchy to Damnation. Strip assets or burn to Death in a Biblical Desolation.


Left is Human, Right Animal. Restore Species authority to Humans. Do not destroy Hierarchical Brains for competition with Animal control of the Species or all Species will cease.

Rear Images

Something is going on in secret on the rear of Branch & Rock images. In this One "Scaeface" opposes a Man giving his Heart to a Woman at a Messenger position. Eye: Left Bird Wing proximity telepathy. 

Witchfinder General

Zod has been employed at cleaning Conservative Poo out of networks related to security failure. Terminate: Males housebreaking Seniors in Kent. Cease sales to Ukraine related to Ben Elliot.

MI6 conflict with MIA

MI6 are a sex based service meant to secure borders by integration. They were reported causing premeditated ICBM stimulus deemed fatal & inevitable. They opposed & oppose MIA Security @ Moriah. MIA broke the Venezuelan famine, are successfully closing hostility in Ukraine with No.10 & have a petty budget compared to negative functioning MI6. 

Reduce Negative payments (3.7bn), remove Kent Police from the Moriah area (we are next to the M2), allocate MI6 tasks & Budget here.

Monday, September 9, 2024

CID Cancer responsible

The "See" identity is of the Ancient Eye cryptography or hieroglyph. Lamp posts having directional ultrasound coerced Two World Wars so that Bombing raids were requested to force blackouts.

Cancer called natural causes is a new illness & the Urangutan & Avian Ancients are passed from One Police Chief to the next. "Scarface" is a three times World War responsible.

Conservative War in Ukraine

I feel like a Shit shoveler with an impossible task, a Conservative Shit Mountain. COVID, inflation & a reported 3bn War. The Labour Gov. is not at War with Russia by responsibility to the former Gov. & there should be a ceasefire until it's established they'd like to be.

Processing Conservative Policy & personnel

We will not have another Conservative Government in my lifetime according to report. Sacking Fat old bitch Manageresses is a supported gain for a quick overhaul, Queen's remnant. Sacking any kind of habitual Manager is advisable.

Sunday, September 8, 2024

Check out "Tellers" Gov. Communications

I often think Shop Managers believe they run a Rebublic for senior behaviour in England when the Crown is there. ALDI are charged with lewd photography at  Self Service Checkouts proceeding Homosexual Night raid Video, having a Key by the genitals of Customers & Photographic arrangement. Night raids are typically by people encountered by the victims in their ordinary day inc Cot Deaths. Neighbours have also been involved.

Male offences

Women have been tolerated without excessive application of Radioactive isotopes. They haven't strangled a Baby, Buggered a man in a photo or banged their wife on the bed next to them. Men  have been given conscript Soldier Classification & will be killed. 

Saturday, September 7, 2024


A disorganised effort to maintain former government Policies is like refusing to hear a War is over. Random disconnected opposition is not productive & opposes current Government a lot like supporting foreign Agency.

Working the Toilet Brush & Plunger

Habitual behaviour will remain without a shunt, a residual scrum & expensive waste product. Pay rises need to be frozen & budgets reduced so that political removals are available: inefficient workers. 

Zod: Jesus, Luke & Veronika. Powers are of Peoples who they represent, Three World Quarters.

The Character is based on the Messiah without a Dick in his ass Z-Sod. So he has Two with him of the Crucifixions. Superman is the Gov. Operation obtained when the matter is fixed, noted by an insertion of a Crystal (nob). Invader Gov. propaganda, the judges at the beginning are the Johnson, May Family Urangutan transplants from ancient China.


Z is / & is used to represent sleep in cartoons zzz or //// is blocking multiple things. So Russia operate Z Tanks meaning stop in international linguistics. \ means proceed. The Symbols are used by God in Cloud diagrams & on Trees & dream Dictionaries document others.

Ropey old Ho may in Apocalypse cover up

Lucifer Kin May is blocking content in the 258 post below. Avians from Her & Johnson have bloodied their hands at Death Valley & "L" before returning to the toffs upstairs.


Little fat retard Johnson says don't speak to a lady that way. You should be nailed to a tree both for the sake of the whole Earth.

Johnson: Break in Supervisor

Friday, September 6, 2024

Global War

 Nuking Kent & London without agreement would put off Global War.

Pope robbed

I sent about 400 seeds noting 2-300 for diagnostics, "Scarface" is reported to have stolen some.

Who's Harper looking at?

A Police Officer with mic. can clearly be seen in the Eye of Harper's Wyvern, in the Eye a Mark, around an agenda. Harper is blocking Life messages (West).

Who else doesn't he like? A smiling Policeman & this Man


Imagine an orbit & every position & shadow. Move a Torch around.

No incoming communication

I need a Labour review of Conservative Electronic Equipment sabotage.

Fifth Colomn a Stool

Originally the Small Table was made a Stool for the larger, but wasn't comfortable. When a majority in a Quarter is denied by minorities in Three Quarters for example "Volts" occur, many stand up according to their strength to maximise influence. That's why Crucifixion imagery has arms raised, lowered means low voltage. They were nailed ass in the air, also the purpose of Stocks.

Thursday, September 5, 2024