The Archangel Michael

Saturday, July 27, 2024

Boris Johnson & Global War

 It is vital that his internal Neuro systems are destroyed without delay.

Heaven Scent

God endorses this Perfume from Tac in Military Rd. Hogwarts Students: Homer Simpson in a Mirror Image without Eye Pupils means not Biblically "Blind" concerning Prophesy & not stupid.

Police Pervert

Kent Police qualified at DENSA today the localised Mirror of MENSA moving Child Sex introduction aids into the street opposite the last place they were caught.


God says buy Plants about to Flower & put them straight in the Wet Ground.


A Uniformed Officer spoken of in the Karma song by Swift has been identified 50 years managing assaults on the Holy Family & Son Man & Boy. The objectionable Man is a "Sado" because he thinks his own turn on Cara makes Her his Girlfriend. The expected full Scale war based upon the origional abuse of the Family is expected as severe as He could make it, & so he is named purest known form of Shit according to the Son of God & will be Atomised along with who are nearby.

Website blocking

It turned out reputations & information processes have been damaged the last Two days because of a Stay Puft Marshmallow Man image that looks like Staff at Kent Police. 


Departments having extra funds & staff for private jobs should be discrete.

Crossier at 258 Magpie Hall Road, God hates the Man drawing Marshmallow splats on his Picture. 

Friday, July 26, 2024

Kamala Harris President?

The US like the UK know plenty about leadership & nothing about representaton.  

Blood of Christ

God says I should offer my contempt for my witching. I didn't die for anyone or a people & I didn't die to wash people of their own filth for which they should repent & repay.

God with England against Russia

God says I will dominate in Ukraine because you scat when we're trying to minister here.

Ben's little Chopper

The versatile wee thing can be seen often in the area of Rochester Airport & is a military intelligence overlap discrete & ferocious based on little nellie. We asked him for a few thousand properly automated, not steered.

Foreign Secretary

The Department responsible for Foreign Mi6 Agents wrecked this website immediately they obtained office, a Doorstep downward following Hogan Howe's creeping & eratic Blockade. It was struggling delayed under the Conservative. Red Russia & China alliances worsen, pro Nuclear Conflict groups. 

Paris riots are connected again, this time losing content in addition to serious delay.

Zero Hour

Is Zero Hour 5AM GMT or 5AM BST? The Zero Hour is GMT meaning 6 am during March to October. My information is 5AM Gov. intention so using the phrase Zero Hour often they are expecting October to March.


Private payments are made to mi6 Directors & Chiefs for a Chinese outbreak via Russia, sex based outbreak bothering Children & Class @ World Gov in London & kent. Lamps are enforcing Sexual compliance, ingested & direct burns.

God says assassinate mi6 bosses blocking apocalypse related content, the foremost reason we are here is to explain & try to improve the damage of what has become inevitable. Stupid Pricks in authority, invaders aren't qualified & are bird brain dominated.

Thursday, July 25, 2024

World Order & Europe

Because there is a large gap between the US & Europe & not between the US & Russia, the US travelled & took control from Nazi Germany. We see more obvious Financial based Wars than then Today that do not care for the massacre. The US are dominated by Blue, Russia by Red & Europe are Liberals. Russia lied about their fatalities & conceded St. Petersburg, still a Tourist effort gaining a share of Germany with the US, half Blue & half Red.


The Eurostar Bomb meant to reduce Europe has greater negativity, expected to destroy East & West & is a mystery for losses if a contender as was. General Depopulation likely sustaining B.C. Avian control. Report: they think Trees are better than Population growth & haven't managed sterilization with Bird Brain implants & other secret Hospital activities because of a Damning to conflict failing an alternative that leaves them in power. The invader clans of France & Germany will not leave. They are no longer actually European France or Germany.

Wednesday, July 24, 2024


Cara has been invited by God to attend Temple each day alone for Prophesy training. Scenes with Yoda & Luke were supposed to indicate the time. Archangel Gabriel is the Avian formerly called St.Luke & is usually hidden. Temple associates & their surgery are the responsibility of the Pope.

Stewarts Stewards of the Pope

Attention is drawn to the T & D of the Words. The Sterwart Torture Chamber was an attempt to take "T" underground, out of Hay Dock because of the Civilisation of modern Society.

The Vatican are Avian control & hate the "Face" of the Hill, competitive with the Wealth of the Taxed Peoples & Wars. The Stewarts vandalised the Biblical Cherubim & performed negative plastic surgery on the reborn Christ taking Facial Symmetry. They also removed Muscle Tissue from One Leg. God says make the Palaces & "Holy City" waste & every competition the same.

So Pilate is Pilot & the Stewarts Cabin Stewards lifted up on Wings of Destruction,,the Starry display of ICBM above the Mantle here.

A Jones Bee stings the Play, their lives are dictated, where Jesus, Mary & Joseph were born again.

Birds prefer lots of Woodland to Man & supremacist Scripture states they will eat the flesh of Kings, Men ate their flesh. 

Behind the Clock "Face" is a big Screw direction SE otherwise called Purple, both associated with MI6. So the World is "Fucked" according to the Paranormal evidence & Fucked up risen upon Wings. That sounds like humour but it is actually the common use of the language. It means seriously reduced in value by Sexual activities.


The Clock appears to be a countdown or indication of "the hour" biblical. It is actually a repetition indicator, each hour has a numerical standard for help tracking events. The Alfred Hitchcock 39 Steps had events for me & my Father before me based upon the timing of scenes age & year.

Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Apocalypse Policy

Analyse the Water in the Silvered Bowl for Urine DNA, find the Apocalypse provocateur & his Police management. Body remains from Jesus Grave in sewage.

Monday, July 22, 2024


God says do not fire on positions within Russia with NATO equipment unless fire has injured from that position. Ukrainian qualification with their own invasion is not ours & need not become a Global War.


Ground within Russia has been captured beyond the Ukraine border.

MI6 are perverts Report

DOS preventing War Office communication is of a former Government operation overrunning, God says kill the little Prick. MI6 have their hand up a School Girls Skirt often conceding Political damage to Russia. Police supported Paedophile activities are serious & we also recieve threats from MI6 for reports. The Agency are usually foreign exchange Agents shitting & the UK have Shitters in Russia. God says nobody cares if British Paedos are killed in Russia because we killed Agents here. I have been excluded from local operatiions where I was able to direct positive influences & protect vulnerables better. The Foreign Embassy said English opinion & Jesus were negative aspects.

Global War

Post was deleted. We have been striving for internet access with recent evidence for imminent Global War.

Creepy Home Office Shite

There is no reason for internet denial on the hill aside from standard ratcheted demands for more, creeping shut down.

World War

The Letters are accompanied by images of a knife approach from the West here & 13 for Death. Horus has taken the Head of Soldiers in the V of IV & most worrying next to the 3 of 13 is a plan of the Hill in recent arrangement.

Sunday, July 21, 2024

Females in Ukraine

The new Defence Secretary is pleased that Females are better for the attention here & is active intending to visit Ukraine. NASA have a Tank I'm pleated to announce, because we're hoping for an overhaul of Military encampment from Clothing through food to AI in a test environment not regulated. The Females are ideal for investment because John like me is personally concerned about the Death Toll & the Mechanisms are supposed to replace Human input.


I was measuring today & God told me a size 12 Shoe is One foot. He also says Grout meant get out, crumbly Concrete.

New Government no change

Interent access is still denied along with my own photographs, deletions & forbidding of retrieval if formerly online. Get that stupid crap on the Dole & something will change with new Monarchy & an opposition Party.

I want the former administraton's deleted & altered images restored. I needed to compare a Sythe image with "World War" written with a similar one today & was unable. Kent CID deleted the Images without understanding or spotting the World War lettering.