The Archangel Michael

Sunday, July 14, 2024

Russia shooting at Crumpet

An investigation into a report that most Female Soldiers are dying revealed the standard of some was such that better placement would serve England where Crumpet doesn't grow on Trees if it's better than most Irish.

England have threatened Moscow & I've managed financial contributions so that a command can be made available. Something that aught to be a shame to field management.


Nobody is arguing that a Decoy to continue more Males is advisable, however Policies & independent finance are available at Royal Clans who have already caused more Females to survive, if that obliterated Men. England have discovered a test environment where illegal mechanisms are legal untested at diverse application & AI is taking a higher role. We say only cunts shell females & we intend to respond to Nuclear Shells with ferocity not allowed the UK. We accept Nuclear Cruise because they won't make a kill anyway. 

Not the wrong Flag Sweetheart, but you'll need Three Crowns too or Policies will go Tits up, Medieval Three Lions


Tell the Retard we've already got an Apocalypse of Limbo style Property overlaps. Still looking at me on a Drive by like a Farmer caught another off the Public Footpath. 

Emergency Balloon

A Small Helium Balloon with a Thimble sized mic. & Gas Cylinder for a call to Interpol.  Cannibals, Radio failure, breakdowns on lonely Roads, Mountains. NASA usually pick up ideas & the Bank of England owns Patent.

NASA made this awesome NEBO Tac Slyde for near & distant Light.

Hickory Dockery Dick

L Cocks, R louses, a Woodsman's Axe of Hickory & a Louse fallen down. An old Ryme laced with references to "Haydock". Kent CID are the 39 Steps "Spy Network" & Knights Templar. Wing Nut "Ian Learmonth" was the World's most wanted Criminal for Apocalypse procedures prior to my Residence at the Hill.

Saturday, July 13, 2024

Arthurian Garden

Mugwort, Horus says if you want part of the Coven tell what a Clock Face is. Self explanatory, Veronika was Wessex Crown or Mug blamed & Warted by the others responsible. The Clan are Animal dominated in the Sack, called "Free use".  Before Birds Apes were used to better War, unfortunate the Military also united to Govern.

Fat ugly Woman wanted

Investigation into Site corruption led to an Elizabeth II  Time Bubble where Women can do anything they want, fuzzing of the underwear scene in Alien, didn't narrow Suspects down.

Friday, July 12, 2024

Soris Bollock

According to an Image here Horus Eye is the Mouth of my intruder Right Hemisphere & Right Bollock intruder & the Left of another, both above David.

What's above

Between the Two Eyes is a stretch Neck Robin, the Roof or Umbrella can be something small but responsible & is found higher in Images, like a Crown of Thorns having little Pricks that together determine policy. In the next Image Michael Left & Gabriel Right, the Peoples flank Horus, above is the Cross & above that the Police Clock, given Wings by Skyfall. An exchange of Whim & fancy for Desolation, Avian.
The Clock becomes the Face of a Great Eagle with Wings & Legs that are Hypotenuse Crossed Welsh & Irish Quarter Assaults on England & Scotland.

The Clock keeps repeating & does not appear to know the date of Desolation. I expect to die the same age as my Father in 2039 because of Media interest in our Family. People say their days are numbered referring to an inevitable Clock occurance.

Administration denied

The UK Government are dismissive of World Government property & ownership of the Website. A post hacked & locked is scheduled for deletion. They have deleted "Wingnut" Police Chief Posts recently.

Court Order

Sanctions were brushed off earlier defying Global approval for Administration rights here.

Thursday, July 11, 2024

Rishi traced

The Downing Street embezzler has been traced to a South Indian Roman origin Royal Family living in Medway & Gravesend 
Krishna Temple: Krishna was Christ & I say their Royal Caste are Evil Mouthed & Antichrist.

Pearls before Swine

Jesus was talking about the Police who used a Boar for a Mascot & come from France & Germany. Police are recognisable pretending to be friendly to make a prosecution "turning".

Nonce Report

Ceop have been conducting "operations" including School Masters who overlook skirt shortening governed a unformed appearance, A serious case of Child abuse was unearthed at Fort Pit Chatham following a Sat. Image of a Blair Witch Project Symbol. The Witch was a Teacher who stood one child in a corner & killed another. An investigation involved Tony Blair & revealed some kind a poisons based sex ring.

Police blocked completion of this post & halted a Tunnel Dungeon Post also & have "played" with other content e.g. reducing the resolution Here . They suggested a Cole type burning photoshopping discrete flames on building woodwork, ruining Historic Photographs.

Police expansion

Larger Police Stations make more serious Crime not less, guise of Policing petty tiffs. CID follow me around all day slandering the most outrageous things to drone public as if i'm a Criminal.

Wednesday, July 10, 2024

Liam Fox

The Man in authority over the murdering Cup de sac, Tunneling under the road & presumptuous Installation under my Drive Way is a freind of Liam & looks like him, in fact Liam was chosen because he looks like the Stuart. Get his Bowrks out for Nuclear War concessions God says. 

Worst case of Fraud

Buckingham Palace Balcony is in a Private area with nobody but a Photographer beneath.

Roman Flora

Flowers were free on the Heath & Water unnecessary for abundance, Bunches of fresh flowers were an occupation & compulsion of Girls in their Season.

Germany & France

German & French Invaders are responsible for take break & steal policy here in petty detail, also the Well incidents & Crucifixion that established Apocalypse & provoke it Today with multiple assaults.

Eagle Horus / Atlas

The German & US Eagle are the same, Horus self appointed World Animal Kingdom representative at Moriah. Zombies of a type support Rat & Bird here having multiple Bird implants. Germany helped the US & UK get control of Europe, who reject the Eagle. The Eagle present always moves in the time taken to pick up & aim a Bow.


This time seek & destroy German & French Avian in the UK. Wanted for Questioning: Avian "Zeus" suspect ID "David" Suspect II "John".

Tuesday, July 9, 2024

Miraculous Image

Forefinger to Neck the Black & White 5 make Grey, empowerment with Life protection, Food irradiated &;Legs burned limit achievement by health. The Character has too much Hair to be me although the Scenario could fit.

Cara overcharged

The Clock turned out to be the work of Avians without Human desire. Media has been presented for feedback with adjustments. There was also a Clock in Jesus Time, where consequences were expected for problems here necessary for transplant control. 

Cara has been the "guest" of every sad or sick "pervert" encouraged to enjoy another's environment, usually Police Gangster crap like a Casino, outdoor Pool with Football Breast implants at a Beach Party reached on a Yaght, Bling & Shooters & a Restaurant in between an ass ramming by "some fag".

We agree with that statement, too many enjoying their own thing to charge her with everything.

Monday, July 8, 2024

Tree of Life

This Right Armed "Bow" Silver Birch indicates a Fence needs erecting at it's rear. Bow is a Biblical term for Sodomised & Right Arm aloft is Physical distress

It's bit disappointing because I've begun Topiary on Two Trees cut. We're moving the Garden to a plot further West in search of more Ancient Flora next Year.


Roman Britain

This is the ordinary appearance of Roman Flowers & Furnitiure.

This is a Roman Candle


The Child abusing Agency trafficks Children & political cases put together are normally the Criminal experience of prosecuting Officers. Almost all UK Child abuse is Ceop themselves under cover or otherwise.  

UK Police

Investigations here revealed that Security Services are worse than inadequate, actually counter productive for National Security including promoting ICBM assault on several occasions having recieved Red warnings. There should not be One Supervisor left carrying out the habitual norm. Close former training centres & replace staff.

Burns Scar

I have a Scar about 4'" by Two because I complained about Parafin taken off the shelves all Winter. Thar's not David, Zeus, Satan or Diana. God says Crucifixion injuries here are death to everyone. Crucify the Chief or you can all be cleansed from the Earth with.